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Iran: As Second Month of Nationwide Uprising Starts, Students Stage Protests in Universities


Iran Protest-No. 57

NCRI logoToday, Sunday, October 16, as the nationwide uprising enters its second month, university students in Tehran and other cities staged demonstrations and clashed with the repressive forces in solidarity with the prisoners in Evin prison. These demonstrations took place in the universities of Tehran, Khaje Nasir, Allameh, Shariati, Amirabad Technical, Ardebil Medical Sciences, Gilan Medical Sciences, Babol Medical Sciences, Ferdowsi in Mashhad, Tabriz, Nabi Akram in Tabriz, Mazandaran Science and Technology, Kharazmi in Karaj, Farabi in Qom, and Azad in Najafabad. Also, the students of Isfahan Physical Education Academy and students of several schools in various cities, including Sanandaj staged demonstrations and protests.

The students were chanting “Tehran has become a detention center, Evin prison has become a slaughterhouse,” “They shot and killed and set fire to Evin,” “Time to rise up,” “Azerbaijan is awake, it supports Kurdistan,” “They took away our Nika and returned her corps,” and “Basij agents, this is the end of you”.

The youth in Shahriar set fire to a Basij paramilitary base, and in Lowshan in Gilan province attacked the suppressive forces with Molotov Cocktails. A group of retirees in Isfahan protested with the slogan “Shame, shame on the State Radio and Television”.

Today, the youth of Ardabil once again protested in the streets and clashed with the suppressive forces. Yesterday, the people in the city, enraged by the brutal attack of plainclothes agents on Shahed girls’ high school, staged demonstrations and chanted “Death to the dictator,” “Death to Khamenei,” “Mullahs must get lost,” and “No to child killers”. Protesters clashed with a massive number of SSF, plainclothes, Special Unit, and Basij paramilitary forces and in some areas forced them to flee. A Basij base was set on fire by the youth who held control of some streets of Ardabil. Women played an active role in confronting the suppressive forces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 16, 2022