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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 11, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 11, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 26

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Social Headquarters in Iran

Internet chatter indicates protesters gearing up for another big day of protests on Wednesday and Thursday.

The new conciliatory tone of the regime’s officials, including Raisi and Eje’i, has been replicated in the universities with some faculty benefiting from regime connections calling on students to stop protests and engage in “dialogue” in a ploy to blunt the force of the protests. Video reports show students chanting “Liar, liar, we have nothing to discuss.”

The IRGC’s top commander, Hossein Salami, has complained that his forces and the Basij are coming under attack during the protests. Addressing the youth out on the streets targeting Khamenei and his regime, he said, “Why are you attacking them in the street and your honor has become like the honor of the enemy? Can you answer to history?”

Reuters reported that a 17-year-old protester in a central Iranian city, whose name and location could not be revealed by Reuters due to security concerns, said, “Hey world, hear me: I want a revolution. I want to live freely, and I am ready to die for it. Instead of dying every minute under this regime’s repression, I prefer to die with their (security forces) bullets in protests for freedom.”

  • Tehran – Students of Tarbiat Modares University continued the nationwide protests against the regime on the 26th day of the uprising.
  • Rasht – Students of Gilan University marched and chanted against the regime.
  • Bandar Abbas – Video shows defiant youth setting fire to an IRGC-affiliated Basij center.
  • Sanandaj – Interesting footage showing how locals force a large unit of the regime’s security forces to flee.
  • Saqqez – Protesters marching and chanting “Death to the dictator”.
  • Fuladshahr, Isfahan – Protesters torched the office of the regime’s Friday prayer leader in this city in the early hours of Tuesday local time.


Iran Regime’s Top Military Commander Expresses Fear of Organized Resistance


On October 10, the IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of Staff for the regime’s Armed Forces, expressed the regime’s utter fear of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organization, adding himself to the long list of officials acknowledging the MEK’s leading role in the recent uprising.

“The very few scenes of chaos in some parts of the country, and the enemy’s focus on the ethnic and religious minority, all indicate the enemy has waged a full-fledged war on [the regime]. In this war, the evil [MEK] and other terrorist grouplets act as the enemy’s pawns,” Bagheri was quoted as saying by the state-run Entekhab website.


Live Report: Protests Continue on 25th Day as Workers of Oil Sector Go On Strike


Various cities across Iran saw people take to the streets on Sunday marking the 24th day of protests against the mullahs’ regime. On Monday morning, reports from the city of Asaluyeh in southern Iran showed petrochemical site workers going on strike and chanting slogans against the regime.

On Sunday, Youths, college students, and high school students in Tehran and other cities including Sanandaj, Saqqez, Karaj, Mashhad, Marivan, Mahabad, Salas Babajani, Fardis in Alborz Province, Shahr-e Rey, Qazvin, Kermanshah, Arak, Bandar Abbas and others took to the streets in confrontations with the regime’s oppressive security forces.

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Statement To Support the Iranian Women’s Struggle for Freedom and Equality


The uprising in Iran sparked on September 16 by the death of an innocent young woman at the hands of the so-called “morality police” has spread to more than 170 cities in all 31 provinces across Iran. The protesters have been chanting, “Death to the dictator,” and “death to Khamenei.”

As of October 1, at least 400 demonstrators have been killed, countless others have been injured, and over 20,000 arrested. However, no amount of brutality has contained people’s protests and cries.

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Iran’s Regime Is the World’s Record Holder of the Executions of Women


The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of the executions of women. The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled the names of these women in a list called, “List of Women Executed Under Rouhani and Raisi.”

The Iranian Resistance collects the data on the executions of women in Iran from material published by the Iranian state-run press. It also compiles information from human rights activists and from private sources in touch with the Iranian Resistance.

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Iran’s Petrochemical Workers Join Nationwide Protests on Day 25th

FesT2MdXEAADhhH-e1665435079674The people of Iran continue the nationwide protests against the religious dictatorship for day 25th. The protests were ignited by the so-called morality police’s tragic murder of Mahsa Amini, 22.

Authorities tried to quell public fury with violence and propaganda campaigns. Instead, the mullahs’ bloody crackdowns on Zahedan’s worshippers, Tehran’s Sharif University students, and other Universities galvanized citizens’ determination and solidarity against the dictatorship.

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Sweden, Stockholm– October 8, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

Stockholm, Sweden - October 8, 2022: MEK supporters demonstration, in support of the Iran Protests.

Sweden, Stockholm– October 8, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest gathering in front of Sweden’s Parliament to express solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests. They protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 10, 2022