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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 9, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 9, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 23

Partially based on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Social Headquarters in Iran

Sunday, October 9, 2022 – 10 PM CET

The Count:

  • Days: 24th day
  • Protests: 177 cities
  • Fatalities: 400+ estimated deaths, 191 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 20,000+

The brutality of the regime’s security forces yesterday has been recorded in several videos appearing on social media.

  • The beating of a child protester by SSF
  • Damaging a commuter vehicle just for honking in support of demonstrators
  • Rasht – Prisoners in the Rasht Lakan Prison have taken over parts of the prison in protest of the regime. There are reports of gunfire and a possible massacre of prisoners occurring in the prison.
  • Kermanshah – Bonfires and protests in the city’s streets.
  • Mahabad – Protesters have taken over some neighborhoods and sounds of gunfire can be heard.
  • Ahvaz – Torching of Qassem Soleimani’s image.
  • Sanandaj – Protesters blocking streets to prevent SSF entry.
  • Tehran – A new video from Saturday night shows protesters torching an IRGC center in Tehran.
  • Isfahan – A huge image of Maryam Rajavi, with her remark that “We can, and we must overthrow the dictatorship” was projected on the side of an apartment building in the Samadiyeh neighborhood.


Latest Updates on Iran Uprising on Sunday

Partially based on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Social Headquarters in Iran

Sunday, October 9, 2022 – 1 PM CET

Iran woke on Sunday to a momentous and watershed moment in its recent history. Calls for demonstrations and protests on Saturday were made well in advance via “night letters” left on doorsteps, graffiti were written on walls, social media apps, and word of mouth in schools and universities. The regime knew of the chatter and mobilized its suppressive apparatus and its most brutal plainclothes Basij thugs, spread disinformation and rumors, made advance mass arrests, and issued harsh warnings. Its president also made a bid to show support by showing up at a university mostly for children of regime officials. They unequivocally told him “Raisi Get Lost”.

On Saturday morning, the security presence in all major urban centers was palpable. The Iranian people and the security forces met on the streets, and the uprising’s flash protests and demonstrations erupted all over Tehran and many other cities. By nightfall, a huge demonstration had taken form in the working-class districts of southern Tehran with people chanting, “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to the Oppressor, Be it the Shah or the Leader [Khamenei]”, “This is the year of blood, Khamenei is going to fall”.

Young protesters torched dozens of security and police motorcycles, cars, and stations. The sheer onslaught of angry people overwhelmed the regime’s brutal and yet bewildered forces.

Demonstrators kept saying “Don’t call this a protest anymore, this is a Revolution.” Their slogans, their uncompromising rejection of the entirety of the regime, their torching of all that the regime stands for in its statues and symbols, and even Raisi’s disastrous visit to what should have been home turf, showed the world and anyone still wondering, that this is not a single-issue struggle for economics, or a little more freedom, or a looser hijab standard, but a resounding call for the downfall of the regime and a new Democratic Revolution in Iran. Iranian youth and women and the general populace showed on Saturday that they will accept no less.

At noon in Tehran on Sunday, protests have already begun in universities in Tehran, Qazvin, Arak, and other cities. Students at Khajeh Nasir University are protesting and chanting “Iran has become a prison, Evin prison has become a university”. A strike by the Tehran transportation workers is ongoing. Tehran’s shops are mostly closed and on strike.


Live Report: Protests Spread to More Cities Across Iran

Strikes in Kurdish cities | Iran protests | October 8, 2022

Saturday marked the 23rd day of Iran’s nationwide uprising despite the regime’s escalating crackdown across the country, coupled with internet disruptions aimed at preventing news of protests from leaking to the outside world and cloaking the regime’s crimes

Saturday’s protests began with strikes in Kurdish cities in Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan provinces. Strikes were reported in Sanandaj, Marivan, Bukan, Saqqez, Mahabad, and Baneh among others.

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23rd Day of Iran Protests Sees Women’s Role and Sacrifice


All-woman Al-Zahra University students lash out at Raisi upon his visit. Iran protests continued for the 23rd consecutive day on Saturday, October 8, 2022. Despite ruthless crackdowns and widespread arrests, the protests have spread to 175 cities across the country.

Security forces have killed an estimated 400 and another 20,000 rounded up and detained in jails under inhuman conditions.

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Sarina Esmailzadeh Killed Under a Vicious Beating

Sarina Esmailzadeh, killed by security forces during Iran protests

Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, was also among those slain by the repressive forces of the clerical regime. The regime’s security forces caught Sarina Esmailzadeh during the protests in Karaj, Alborz Province, on September 23, 2022, viciously hitting her in the head with batons. Their savagery led to Sarina’s death.

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Day 23 – Iranian People Continue Their Demonstrations and Confrontations


Now for three weeks, people in Iran are dying on the streets because they have decided to revolt against the dictator and take it down. In the city of Zahedan, there is already talk of ‘massacre-like attacks’. Some disappear without a trace, such as 16-year-old Nika Shakarami in Tehran.

Her body was handed over to her family days later and was then kidnapped again by the authorities so that her burial would not fuel the protests any further. The fears of the authorities were justified. The violent actions of the regime troops only seem to fuel the anger of the population even more.

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Monthly Report September 2022, Iran Human Rights Monitor


In the month of September, Iran witnessed anti-regime protests following the death of Mahsa Amini in morality police custody. These protests are still active with the passing of 21 days.

Mahsa Amini was from Saqqez in Kurdistan, who accompanied her family on a trip to Tehran. The morality police arrested her on September 13, 2022, when she was beaten in the head which caused a fracture to her skull. Mahsa went into a coma with a brain hemorrhage. She died after three days in a hospital.

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Security Forces Intensify Crackdown as Protests Sweep Across Iran


Security forces intensify crackdown as protests sweep across Iran. Saturday, October 8, 2022, as anti-government protests swept across the country, the Iranian security forces used brute force to crush the protests.

There have been verified reports of young men and women deliberately shot and killed at close range by security forces and plainclothes agents. At the same time, security forces brutalized women on the streets.

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England, London – October 7, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

England, London – October 7, 2022: MEK Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests.

England, London– October 7, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest gathering in London to express solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests. They protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran.

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Sweden, Stockholm– October 6, 2022: Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests, Solidarity With Iranian Students

October 6, 2022: Demonstration in Stockholm, Supporting the Nationwide Iran Protests.

Sweden, Stockholm– October 6, 2022: Freedom-seeking Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK), accompanied by a group of students and citizens of Sweden, held a rally supporting Iran’s nationwide protests at Stockholm University.

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Norway, Oslo– October 6, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

Norway, Oslo– October 6, 2022: MEK Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

Norway, Oslo– October 6, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest gathering in Oslo in front of the mullahs’ regime embassy to express solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests. They protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 8, 2022