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Iran Uprising, Clashes with Suppressive Forces Spread to Large Parts of Tehran, Most Provinces


Iran Protest-No. 41

NCRI logoOn Saturday afternoon, October 8, protests and demonstrations spread to large parts of Tehran and most provinces in the country. In some areas of Tehran, such as Azadi Street, Vali-e Asr Square, and Jannat Abad, repressive agents opened fire on the demonstrators and fired tear gas in the Shahr Theater subway and Galubandak. Protesters clashed with regime agents on Azadi Street and forced them to flee. One of the agents was severely beaten in Baharestan Square.

A number of shopkeepers of Tehran’s main Bazaar closed their shops and gathered in the street and chanted “death to the dictator” in Pamenar of Tehran. A police cabin near Bazaar was set on fire. Locals in Tehran’s Ghal’eh Hassan Khan area also staged a demonstration.

In Sanandaj, some areas including Jam-e Jam Street and Junction and its surroundings were completely occupied by the people and the repressive forces had to flee. The young people overturned one of the regime vehicles and several demonstrators suffered gunshot wounds. Sanandaj students staged a protest chanting, “death to the dictator“.

Demonstrations in Isfahan continued from Upper Chaharbagh Street to Darvazeh Shiraz and in the Nazar district.  The suppressive forces opened fire at the protesters in the Isfahan Park Complex.

In Mashhad, young people set fire to the motorbike of two plainclothes agents who were filming the demonstrators.

Students of Shandiz and Emamieh Universities of Mashhad, Qom University, Qa’emshahr Azad University, Zanjan University, Yazd University, and the Shiraz University of Pharmacy joined today’s nationwide university protests.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 8, 2022