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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief-Articles and VideosIran News in Brief – October 8, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 8, 2022

Iranians demonstrate



Latest Updates on Iran Uprising on Saturday

Demonstrators in Tehran and across Iran once again showed the regime’s suppressive forces that they are not going to back down. The regime deployed extensive security forces and extreme violence with plainclothes forces, the Basij militia, the SSF, and the IRGC in many regions.

A driver in Sanandaj who was simply honking in support of demonstrators was shot in the face by security forces and killed. In Mashhad, a young woman was brutally shot and killed. In Tehran, women stood up to the suppressive forces and were beaten.  In the Khayyam shopping mall in Tehran, security forces opened fire on unarmed protesters.  In the Saadatabad area of Tehran plainclothes Basij severely beat several protesters.

As events unfolded, the protesters fought back. In a video report from Iran, a group of protesters beats up an IRGC member and Basij forces. In Mashhad, young protesters threw Molotov Cocktails at security forces attacking them. In Baharestan, near the Iranian regime’s parliament (Majles), the Basij plainclothes militia was beaten by protesters defending themselves. Another video report shows a Basij militia member chased from the street. In Tehran’s Grand Bazaar, angry protesters fought back against the security forces and chased them out of the Bazaar, setting their station on fire. Young protesters chased away state security forces near City Park in Tehran.

Brig. Gen. Hossein Ashtari, the head of the regime’s State Security Force (the regime’s national police force), said about 1,800 of his forces had been injured. State newspapers reported that about 20 security forces have been killed.

Various areas of Tehran have been roadblocked by protesters tonight.

The Al-Zahra University, a female-only institution known to be a campus for the regime’s families, roared in protest today against a visit by Ebrahim Raisi. Girl students shouted “Raisi Get Lost”, and tellingly chanted, “Hossein, Hossein, where are you, IRGC has become Yazidi” in reference to the third leader of the Shi’ite faith who was killed in a historic battle in Karbala in 669 CE with the Umayyad Khalif named Yazid. The religious tainting of the IRGC by the children of regime beneficiaries as opposed to Hossein shows the extent of the regime’s predicament and isolation.

Regime officials are expressing growing alarm about the leading role of MEK-affiliated Resistance Units in the uprising. Esmail Mousavi said in a Friday prayer sermon in Mahmudabad: “What we were witnessing inside the country is incitement by … activists of the Hypocrites (Iranian regime’s derogatory term for the MEK).” Khamenei’s representative in Qom, Alireza Erafi said: “Thanks to the sedition of the MEK and the enemies, we have seen many damaging incidents during the past weeks.” He warned, “The series of recent events has been the work of MEK operatives…”

Amnesty International has issued a video report on the Iranian regime’s deadly crackdown as protests continue.

  • Shiraz – Protesters in the streets have lit bonfires to fend off regime security forces.
  • Tehran – A large crowd is shouting “Death to Dictator” in the working-class district of Nazi-Abad in southern Tehran.
  • Tehran – Protesters at Azari intersection chanting “Death to Dictator”
  • Tehran – Protests ongoing in Shariati Street.
  • Tehran – Tehran’s suburbs, including Qala Hassan Khan, are sites of nightly demonstrations tonight.
  • Fardis, Karaj – Nightly demonstration is ongoing.
  • Sanandaj – The city has been the site of extensive protests today. Regime symbols are being torched in the city tonight.
  • Hamadan – Bonfires and barricades on the streets of this major northwestern city.
  • Mashhad – A video showing an IRGC based being targeted by defiant youth on October 5 has appeared on social media.


Latest Updates on Iran Uprising on Saturday

With universities shut down, whole parts of the country on a general strike, and protesters occupying the streets first at night, and now during the day, Iran is a country up in arms. The world is beginning to realize that something fundamental has changed in Iran.

Calls for widespread street occupations and demonstrations today have led to flash protests all across Tehran and all of Iran’s major cities, with protesters chanting the now prevalent refrain of “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Dictator”. No compromise with the religious fascism that has ruined their lives in their tone, the people are out in the streets of Mashhad, Tehran, Qazvin, Shiraz, Kerman, Isfahan, Gohardasht, Sanandaj, Rasht, and many other cities.

Bold female students welcomed the regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi to the Al-Zahra University in Tehran with the forefinger, chanting, “Raisi Get Lost”, and “Death to the Oppressor, Be it the Shah or the Leader [Khamenei]”.

In Tehran, demonstrators are clashing with Basij militiamen and security forces who are trying to suppress the protests. The brutal beating of unarmed protesters can be seen in this instance posted on social media. Videos are emerging of people beating the Basij militia who attacked the protesters. A police station in the capital Tehran is burning. Protesters have put up barricades on Jey Street.

Protesters in Tehran’s traditional Bazaar forced security forces to flee and attacked their station. The Grand Bazaar went on strike today as did the north Tehran bazaar of Tajrish as a general strike is spreading.


Iran’s Uprising Inflames on Saturday

Today, October 8, marking the 23rd day of the national uprising and based on previous calls, people in many cities across the country took to the streets to call for regime change. Footage posted on social media as well as reports sent to the Iranian Opposition indicates a large movement that is demonstrating the people’s will to do whatever it takes and use all means to bring down the dictator.

October 8, 2022

  • Gohardasht – Protesters got out on the streets of this city near Tehran demonstrating against the regime.
  • Isfahan – Protesters have started demonstrations on the streets of this central Iranian city.
  • Saqqez – Female high school students, who have shamed and rejected the brutality of the regime, have started demonstrating with chants of “Death to Dictator” before noon.
  • Sanandaj – Protesters are out on the streets chanting “Death to Dictator”.
  • Strikes are continuing in much of Kurdistan province as seen here in Baneh, Mahabad, Saqqez, Bukan, Marivan, and Divandareh, among others

More from October 7

  • Video reports from Iran from last night show continued protests and resistance as below in Tehran, where a large propaganda banner of IRGC terrorist chieftain, Qassem Soleimani, was torched on a highway in the capital. Soleimani’s images have been a favorite target of the protester’s ire as seen at another location from a video on October 7 also.
  • Tehran – A protester calmly walks atop a highway billboard scaffold and rewrites a sign to read “The police are KILLERS (servants) of the people.”
  • Tehran – Resistance units of the MEK are writing graffiti in this clip as they explain their teamwork on the Satari highway in the capital. “Khamenei’s rule is void.”
  • Karaj – The Shahin Villa neighborhood heard collective shouts of “Death to Dictator” last night from balconies and rooftops.
  • Zanjan – Protesters torched a symbolic tank at the Army Square in the city.
  • Lahijan – Protesters marched in the city against the regime.
  • Isfahan – Large crowds mingled with traffic that honked in protest to the regime.


Live Report: Protests in Iran Continue With Chants of “Death to Khamenei!”

Protests in Tehran | October 6, 2022 | Iran protests

Numerous cities throughout Iran were scenes of people continuing the anti-regime uprising on Thursday marking the 21st day of protests against the mullahs’ dictatorship. Iran’s protests have up to now expanded to 172 cities in all 31 provinces across the country. According to reports gathered by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the regime has so far killed 400 civilians and arrested 20,000 others.

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Day 22 – Despite Harsh Repression Iran’s Nationwide Uprising Continues


The protests in Iran prompted calls for international solidarity. Look at the protests that have swept across the country since the death of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini. She died on September 16 due to the misogyny of an Islamist regime whose institutional fear of women is so great that it only knows how to help itself with tyranny and torture against emancipatory forces. The protesters, led by women and the younger generation, united by slogans like “death to the dictator” channeled the anger about the death of Amini and the grief for many more dead in militant resistance. For example, 16-year-old Nika Shakarami disappeared during the protests and was found dead ten days later, with clear signs of trauma to her body.

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Demonstrations of Iranian Resistance Supporters in Turin, Vienna, Brussels, and Hanover in Support of the Iran Protests

MEK Supporters, Held Rallies in Support of the Iran Protests in Turin, Vienna, Brussels, & Hanover.

3 and 4 October 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Turin, Vienna, Brussels, and Hanover held rallies and expressed solidarity and support for the nationwide protests in the country. Iranian Resistance supporters in Turin, Vienna, Brussels, and Hanover protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran.

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Australia, Canberra – October 4, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

October 4, 2022: MEK Supporters Demonstration in Australia, Supporting the Nationwide Iran Protests.

Australia, – October 4, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest gathering in Canberra in front of the mullahs’ regime embassy to express solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests. They protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 7, 2022