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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 25, 2022

Iran News in Brief – September 25, 2022




Sunday: The Uprising Goes On In Iran

Today, September 25, the national uprising marked the tenth consecutive day. So far, nationwide marches and protests have been registered in more than 146 cities in 31 provinces.

Tehran- As soon as it got dark, the people in Ekbatan Town took to the streets and called “Death to Basiji” and “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, we are all together in this!”

– In the Sattarkhan neighborhood people chanted: “I will kill whoever killed my sister” and “Death to the dictator!”

– Demonstrations in Nabovvat Square (Haft Howz) took place with youth calling on their fellow citizens to join the protests.

– Tehran University students gathered on the campus and chanted: “We will fight, we will die, we will take Iran back” and “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”

– On Shariati Street, a big billboard showcasing state propaganda was torched by the young rebels. According to locals, skirmishes are taking place in the district, with state forces throwing tear gas at the protesters.

– On the highway between Sadeghieh and Punak districts, people poured into the streets and called for other citizens to join their ranks.

– Demonstrators in the Narmak neighborhood clashed with security forces and destroyed two motorcycles and a police vehicle.

Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchistan province, Southeast Iran- Locals have taken arms and are fighting against security forces. There have been no reports of casualties at the moment of this writing.

In Shirabad village near Zahedan, rebellious youths have set fire and blocked the road to prevent new transportation of deployment of the regime’s mercenaries.

Shiraz – The youth have taken to the streets with the slogan of “Death to the dictator!”

– In the Afif Abad district, brave youth clashed with security forces. Anti-riot police responded with tear gas but remained unable to push back the protesters.

Rasht – Reports tell about demonstrations and clashes between people and the criminal police forces on Lakani and Moalem streets.

Isfahan – Demonstrations and clashes between people and security forces have been reported at the  Thrity-three-Bridge, Ferdowsi, Enghelab, and Chaharbagh districts.

Sanandaj – People poured into the streets shouting ” Death to Khamenei!”

Karaj – People have joined the uprising, calling for the end of Khamenei’s rule


Wary of Uprising, State Officials Call for More Suppression


As nationwide uprisings continued for the tenth consecutive day, some state officials are selecting an assertive tone to scare off protesters and boost the low morale of the regime’s security apparatus.

Mohammad Javad Hajali Akbari, head of the Policy Council of the Friday prayer Imams said during a state-staged rally: “We know your infantry as well as those mercenaries that the Iranian nation no longer considers Iranians. From the hypocrites (the regime’s term for smearing the MEK) to the known and unknown counter-revolutionaries gangs, we will deliver them to the blade of revenge and hope that they will be severely punished with the power of our security, military, and law enforcement as well as the determination of the judicial system.”

Mohammad Ali Qazi Dezfuli, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Dezful said: “If his excellency (the Supreme Leader) allows, we will wrap up all the rioters in a scroll and in one hour and teach them a lesson that will be remembered in history.”

Calling on the regime to restrict the internet, Reza Sadr Hosseini, another state official said: “Unfortunately, most of these events we are observing in our own country is because the internet is totally loose. Many people have been really worried about this issue for some time now.”


Local Official Blames MEK for Uprising


In an interview with the state-run Tasnim news agency, Hasan Rezania, the political and security deputy of Hamedan Governorate said: “After the death of Ms. Mehsa Amini, the anti-establishment movement and the hypocrites (regime’s term for the MEK) found an opportunity and excuse to carry out their predetermined plan against the state, against this land and nation.”

“Among the other active groups in the riots of the past few days, there were thugs and hooligans who accompanied the hypocritical movements and destroyed public property that belongs to the nation.”


Iranian Americans Support Uprising Back Home

On September 24, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in the United States held rallies in Washington DC and Los Angeles to express their support for the uprising in Iran and call on the US administration to stop engagement with the murderous regime and stand with the people of Iran instead.

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده و یاران شورشگر در واشنگتن

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده و یاران شورشگر در، واشنگتن


Live Report: Iran Protests Spread to 133 Cities in All 31 Provinces Despite Deadly Crackdown


Anti-regime protests continued in many Iranian cities on Saturday, September 24. These protests have continued despite heavy security measures, internet shutdowns, and the brutal repressions of demonstrations. According to reports, protests have spread to at least 139 cities and all 31 provinces across Iran.

Over 140 people have been killed by the mullahs’ security forces. Sources also report over 5,000 arrested protesters. These protests have continued for nine days despite a massive crackdown launched by the mullahs’ regime during which security forces and continuous internet connection disruptions to silence the Iranian people’s protests and cloak their quelling under complete impunity.

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Over 140 Women and Youths Killed; 5,000 Arrested in 8 Days of Iran Protests


Over 140 women and youths were slain during eight days of protests across Iran. They were shot by the clerical regime’s security forces and anti-riot units. The National Council of Resistance of Iran also announced that at least 5,000 have been arrested.

On September 24, 2022, the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced the names of 19 of those who laid down their lives for the Iranian people’s freedom, including two women. They were Minoo Majidi killed in Kermanshah on September 20, and Ghazaleh Chalavi killed in Amol on September 21.

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Iran: World Must Take Meaningful Action Against Bloody Crackdown as Death Toll Rises


The bravery of protesters facing a spiraling deadly response by the Iranian security forces over the past days after the death of Mahsa Amini reveals the extent of outrage in Iran over abusive compulsory veiling laws, unlawful killings, and widespread repression, Amnesty International said today. Evidence gathered by the organization from the past two nights of fresh violence in 20 cities and 10 provinces across Iran points to a harrowing pattern of Iranian security forces deliberately and unlawfully firing live ammunition at protesters.

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New York: MEK Supporters Protested the Presence of Ebrahim Raisi Mass Murderer, Supporting Iran Protests


New York, September 23, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continued their protest rally on Friday, September 23, in front of the Hotel of the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi.

Iranian Resistance supporters expressed their solidarity and support for the uprising of the Iranian people, which is ongoing throughout the country.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstrated in Berlin and Munich in Support of the Iran Protests and Condemning the Murder of Mahsa Amini

MEK Supporters Demonstrated in Berlin and Munich in Support of the Iran Protests—Sep 23, 2022

September 22, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Germany (Berlin and Munich) held rallies and protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran. Iranian Resistance supporters in Berlin and Munich expressed their solidarity and support for the nationwide protests in the country.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 24, 2022