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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – August 30, 2022

Iran News in Brief – August 30, 2022




Iran Has Removed Monitoring Devices, Tehran’s Nuclear Agency Spox Says


During a radio interview today, the Iranian regime’s spokesperson of the Atomic Energy Agency Behrooz Kamalvandi said: “Iran has removed 27 cameras and a series of equipment, including online enrichment measurement devices. If the other JCPOA signatories return to their commitments, it is possible that these devices and cameras will start working again.”

Responding to IAEA’s remaining questions, Kamalvandi said: “These demands are considered excessive because these demands are not impliable due to sanctions. According to the parliamentary law for the ‘Cancellation of Sanctions and Protection of the Interests of the Iranian Nation’, which was approved by the Islamic Council, the IAEA is supposed to have minimum supervision and safeguards. Of course, if the West withdraws the sanctions and returns to its commitments, Iran will also return to the commitments it accepted under the JCPOA.”

Pushing for Concessions, Tehran Plays with the Nuke Card Again


While world powers are waiting to learn about the Iranian regime’s response to Washington’s terms on the nuclear deal, the Iranian regime’s former nuclear chief resorted to belligerent rhetoric to scare off the world with uranium enrichment above 90% and possessing plutonium to force the International Atomic Energy Agency to close the regime’s PMD case.

Today, Fereydoun Abbasi, former head of the Atomic Energy Agency and a current member of the parliament’s Energy Commission told the state-run Daneshjoo news agency: “The negotiating team must stand firm until the sanctions are lifted. Also, not only safeguard issues must be concluded, but in general, Iran’s case in the IAEA should be completely closed. We have to be considered an ordinary member and must be excluded from accusatory inspections. The opposing parties should be afraid of plutonium in Iran, but we want plutonium for energy production, not weapons. Enriched uranium should not be at the level of 60%, we should enrich it above 90%, both for scientific research and for making fuel for nuclear propellants for submarines. We should do these publicly and under the agency’s supervision.”


Last Year, Air Pollution Killed 21,000 people in Iran- Official


At a press conference on August 29, Dariush Golalizadeh, the head of the regime’s Air and Climate Change Center of the Environmental Protection Organization, said: “According to the report of the Ministry of Health, last year, in 27 polluted cities of the country, about 21,000 deaths were attributed to air pollution. These were caused by suspended particles of two and a half microns and they caused 11 billion dollars in damage to the country. About 6,000 deaths have been reported in Tehran.”

State-run Newspaper Sounds the Alarm About Iranian Doctors Fleeing the Country

iran-sharq-daily-physicians-crisisIn an article that was published today, the state-run newspaper Sharq wrote: “According to the statistics given by the Directorate of the Medical Council, no one has registered for the Department of cardiac surgery this year, which actually required 18 people. For a very important field such as pediatric surgery, we only had two graduates. You should add this to the high volume of doctors who leave Iran and the very low quality of students who enter this field with the help of multiple rations. The result will be nothing but a huge disaster in the treatment system of this country. When doctors and medical staff are insulted day and night, when their rights are violated, their earnings are small and very late, when a large group of them have problems in their daily livelihood, when the country’s tax organization is only looking for which doctor does not have a POS machine, and when you hear the news about the assault of a doctor every day, the consequences are not surprising. When a person’s dignity is violated, why should he or she stay in this country? It is quite obvious that they abandon Iran.”


Why Iran’s Regime Is Installing Mullahs in Key Positions

iran-mullahsThe regime ruling Iran has launched an initiative aimed at installing thousands of mullahs in various entities across the country as a new means to impose even further control over the Iranian people, the country’s economy, and everyday life. State TV claims this plan began two years ago and has been gaining momentum recently. There are different objectives that regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is pursuing with this initiative, and economic incentives is only one aspect of a bigger picture.

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Political Prisoner Samaneh Saeedi Deprived of Medical Leave


Political prisoner Samaneh Saeedi is detained and deprived of medical care in Evin Prison. Her physical condition has been reported to be dreadful.

Political prisoner Samaneh Saeedi, 39, has been sentenced to 5 years in prison since 2020. Unable to endure prison conditions, Ms. Saeedi has been held under a torturous situation. The Revolutionary Guards Corps Intelligence prevents Samaneh’s release and medical leave.

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Foulad Scandal, Latest Instance of Systematic Corruption in Iran


As the majority of Iran’s population is failing to afford its essential expenses, the stellar Foulad Mobarakeh scandal in the country has shocked society. The company is the country’s largest steel company, with its headquarters being based in Isfahan’s central province.

At the peak of the economic crisis, state-backed employers embezzled more than 900 trillion rials. The revelation has profoundly stunned ordinary Iranians, particularly millions of low-income families who have had to rummage waste bins to make ends meet and survive.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstrated in Different Countries of the World Against Iran’s Regime – August 27, 2022

Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstrated in Different Countries of the World Against Iran's Regime

August 27, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Amsterdam, Washington DC, Oslo, Gothenburg, Bucharest, Brussels, Hamburg, Munich, and Stuttgart demonstrated against the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 29, 2022