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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran Regime's Use of 2000 Repressive Groups in One Province Against Unrest

Iran Regime’s Use of 2000 Repressive Groups in One Province Against Unrest

Iran Regime's Use of 2000 Repressive Groups in One Province Against Unrest

By Mansoureh Galestan

In Gilan Province, northern Iran, Iran’s regime is intensifying its crackdown measures to confront social unrest. 2,000 groups have been established across the province to issue “verbal and physical” warnings to the locals.

Senior IRGC member Mohammad Abdullah-poor on Tuesday at a gathering of IRGC, Basij and other oppressive forces, said, “The Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) in Gilan Province, alongside the Basij and other forces, will be involved in measures aimed at “Promotion of virtue and prevention of vice.” He added, “The issue of ‘chastity and hijab’ (attire rules) are no ordinary matters. In fact, they are considered political and security dossiers for the country… The enemy is focusing on encouraging our people into a Western lifestyle.”

The commander of the IRGC branch in Gilan Province claimed mal-veiling warnings have been issued in more than 28,000 cases across the province. He also said the IRGC Basij have dispatched “around 22,000 people in Gilan’s neighborhoods” in their weekly patrols.

The scope of crackdown imposed on the Iranian people is highlighted by these remarks. This also indicates how the ruling regime is deeply concerned with daily protests evolving into a new nationwide uprising across the country.

The turn of the year to 2018 saw a nationwide uprising that lasted more than two weeks and encompassed all 31 provinces of Iran, spreading to more than 142 cities.
This uprising was a turning point in the 40-year struggle against the tyrannical rule of the mullahs in Iran. The clerical regime tried to prevent the spread of popular uprisings through suppression.

A year later, we are witnessing its continuation all across the country. Popular protests have spread to all segments of Iranian society. The extension of the uprisings is a testament to the regime’s inability to solve the problems of Iran’s society. To extend its rule, the regime relies on suppression, killing, and execution.

In addition to January 2018 uprising, Iran has witnessed four other series of uprisings:

1. The popular uprising in Kazerun in May 2018,

2. The popular uprising of Tehran in June 2018,

3. The popular uprising in Khuzestan in June and July of 2018

4. And the popular uprising of Karaj, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad and other cities in August 2018.

The number of protests and uprisings in Iran in 2018 has doubled, and all segments of society have joined in — students, teachers, truckers, workers, farmers, defrauded customers of financial institutes affiliated with the regime and etc. These protests and uprisings will eventually overthrow the regime.

The activities of the Resistance Units have been a determining factor in the continuation of the protests and uprisings. They rose from society and have a history of struggle behind them. So they cannot be eliminated and destroyed.

In 2018, the Resistance Units have been active across the country. Their activities include leading and supporting popular protests and uprisings and setting fire to the icons of suppression such as banners of regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini and regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, as well as the headquarters of the suppressive forces of the regime.

In his speech in January, Khamenei referred to the uprisings, saying, “These were organized events. A triangle was active in this: the US and Zionists (planned it), a wealthy Persian Gulf country, and the (PMOI/MEK) that was ready from months before.”

On August 5, 2018: Fars news agency, affiliated with IRGC, wrote , “During the unrest of January 2018, Mojahedin seized the opportunities and recognized the capacities. Through Resistance Units, they ordered the operations to begin. These units consisted of two to five members of Mojahedin.”

In political analysis, the state-run Baharestaneh website wrote, “Today, MEK has infiltrated all associations: the truckers, bazaar merchants, defrauded customers of financial institutes, teachers, workers,…They work as leaders. They have organized Resistance Units which can both multiply and replace leaders in the scene.”

Ghaboos Nameh database, affiliated with the regime, wrote on September 19, 2018: “The enemy uses your negligence and organizes the youths. As they put it, they form ‘Resistance Units.’”

Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ezhe’ee, a spokesperson for the regime’s judiciary, said: “These days some people chant against the judiciary, government and the officials. Be careful! God forbid and beware of the presence of a MEK member among the crowd. The people will follow their lead.”