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GCC Reaffirms Cohesion Faced With Iran Regime’s Threat

GCC Reaffirms Cohesion Faced With Iran Regime's Threat

By Amir Taghati

Following the emergency summits organised by Saudi Arabia in the holy city of Mecca, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) issued a nine-point statement. The report documented what was discussed in the lead-up to and during the summit.

Saudi Arabia decided to call the summit after Iran’s attacks on a Saudi oil pipeline and on tankers located off the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) coastline a few weeks ago.

The attacks organised by Iran were unprovoked and somewhat unexpected. They could have had a devastating effect on peace and security in the region and a major impact on the world economy and oil markets. Furthermore, it is presumed that the Iranian regime sees military conflict as a last resort considering that it would in effect be suicide. Iran cannot afford a war with anyone, much less the United States and its powerful allies in the region.

The GCC reaffirmed that it stands with the UAE and Saudi Arabia and called for all necessary measures to protect their “security, stability and territorial integrity”.

Furthermore, it looked outside the region, calling on the international community to engage its responsibility in preventing any further attacks, mentioning also that international maritime organisations must also act.

The GCC countries said that they would be moving forward together in the aftermath of the attacks and emphasised that cohesion between all members was essential when faced with such threats. They said that aggression against any one member was considered as aggression against all members. At the summit, the members also discussed the issue of self-defense as detailed in the UN charter (Article 51) – member states must help other member states in case of attacks and they must “take all necessary measures, including military force, to reverse the aggression”.

Iran’s isolation is growing and it is finding itself in an impasse. The domestic pressure on the Iranian regime will continue to rise, especially now that the annual FreeIran gathering in Europe has been planned for Saturday 15th June. It will be followed by a number of mass gatherings across the world, including in Brussels (where the Free Iran rally will take place), Washington D.C., Berlin and London.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran’s (NCRI) gatherings will be attended by thousands of people and there will be calls for the leaders of European countries to take more action faced with the Iran threat that extends to Europe and beyond.

The Resistance acts as the voice for the people who have been silenced for decades and it will ensure that Iran is freed of the rule of the mullahs and its despotic rule. Every year, politicians, dignitaries, human rights activists, MPs and MEPs participate in the gathering to remind the people of Iran and the Resistance that they have widespread support around the world and that they too care about the plight of the people of Iran.

The regime’s rule is nearing an end and it is essential for the international community to realise that the regime must be held accountable for its actions.