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As the First Victim of Terrorism, Executions, and Massacre, Iranian Resistance Will Undertake All Legal and Political Measures


Belgium-Iran regime treaty

NCRI logoThe Bill supporting terrorism and betraying democracy and human rights was ratified by the Belgian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee with 10 votes in favor by the government coalition, one abstention, and five votes against.

It paved the way for its referral to the Parliament’s plenary session for final approval and enactment.

 As the first victim of terrorism, executions, and massacre, the Iranian Resistance will undertake all legal and political measures

After two tense sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 5 and 6, and after hours of debate, the Foreign Relations Committee of the Belgian Parliament ratified the treaty for the “Transfer of Sentenced Persons” between the clerical regime and the Belgian government with 10 votes in favor and one abstention from the government coalition, and five votes against, referring it to the plenary session of the parliament for voting and final determination.

Due to the sensitivity of the debates in the Committee, at the request of the opposition, all the texts and discussions during the debate must be verified and submitted to the parliament in writing. As a result, the Parliament plenary, scheduled for Thursday, July 7, was postponed to Thursday, July 14.

During the debate, the majority of the deputies criticized the deal with the Iranian regime and described it as shameful for paving way for more terrorism in Belgium and Europe by the mullahs’ regime. However, the Minister of Justice, under the pretext of “national security” imperatives, urged members of the government coalition to support the Bill.

The Belgian government tried to proceed with this shameful deal in a low-profile manner and secretly, and presented it to the parliament by sandwiching it between several other treaties. However, the revelations and the widespread global campaign, gatherings, sit-ins, and demonstrations by freedom-loving Iranians in 16 countries in a very short period of time, discredited the deal, rendering it completely invalid and illegitimate. Freedom-loving Iranians protested in force in Belgium, Austria, France, Sweden, the United States, Germany, Norway, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Denmark, the U.K., Australia, Romania, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.

In the meantime, due to the relentless efforts of the Iranian Resistance, many legislators, and political figures in 24 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and European countries, joined the global campaign against this dirty deal with decisive, clear, and unambiguous letters. In their statements and letters to the President and members of the Belgian Parliament, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice, many dignitaries around the world strongly condemned handing over the murderers and perpetrators of a major terrorist plot against the Iranian Resistance annual gathering to their commanders in Iran and demanded that it be scuttled. They included members of the US Senate and the House of Representatives, the European Parliament and European Assemblies, parliamentary groups of Friends of a Free Iran in 14 countries, a number of the most prominent lawyers, as well as hundreds of political, religious, and scientific figures, including Professor John Mather, a Nobel Laureate and the director of the James Webb project.

The global campaign by the Iranian Resistance, aided and supported by international jurists, opposition parties and Belgian Parliament deputies, political figures, and legislators in Europe and the United States, will continue more vigorously to block the shameful deal.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), underscored that the global campaign will persist, and again expressed her gratitude to all Iranians, parliamentarians, lawyers, personalities, and political parties taking part in this campaign. She praised their persistence against the auctioneering of values and described it as a testament to the awakened conscience of humankind.

Mrs. Rajavi again emphasized that the MEK and the NCRI consider it their duty to continue their campaign in confronting the religious fascism ruling and will explore all political and legal avenues, doing their utmost no matter what the cost.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 6, 2022