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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestUprising of the People of Golpayegan, Central Iran

Uprising of the People of Golpayegan, Central Iran


The Uprising of the People of Golpayegan With the Slogan “Khamenei Is a Murderer, His Rule Is Illegitimate”, “Raisi, Have Some Shame, Let Go of the Country! ”

Iran protest against soaring prices – No. 6

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On the evening of Tuesday, May 17, in the second week of the uprising against high prices, despite the readiness of the repressive forces, the people of Golpayegan demonstrated in the streets of the city, including outside the headquarters of the paramilitary Basij, chanting slogans such as “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate”, “Guns Tanks Fireworks, mullahs must get lost,” and “Death to Raisi,” “Death to the dictator”, “Neither surrender nor humiliation, cry out your right,” “Liar Raisi, what happened to your empty promises,” “No to the rule of IRGC”, ” Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, I sacrifice my life for Iran”.

On Tuesday morning, despite the regime’s repressive measures and threats, the body of Behrouz Eslami, one of the martyrs of the recent uprising in Babaheydar, was buried amidst the anger of large groups of people of this city.

The uprising of the people of Shahrekord continued on Monday and Tuesday, and the repressive forces attacked and opened fire at a large group of people of Shahrekord who chanted ‌ “Guns, cannons, and tanks, mullahs must get lost,” “Raisi, have some shame, let go of the country.” Drivers honked their horns to cheer on protesters. Special forces even entered the alleys, beating and arresting people.

On Monday night, the people of Ardal in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province also took to the streets and demonstrated while chanting “Death to Khamenei”.

Fearing the spread of protests to other provinces, the mullahs’ regime has intensified its security measures and increased the presence of repressive forces in various cities, including Tehran, Mashhad, Zanjan, Urmia, Kermanshah, Ilam, and Shiraz. In yet another terrifying move, the Tehran governor’s office announced the closure of all offices, schools, and universities in Tehran on Tuesday under the pretext of air pollution.

Brigadier General Akbari, the commander of the Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari IRGC, said on May 16, “The Basij centers have been attacked and a number of our Basij loved ones faced incidents in various scenes, which are under investigation. The enemies are trying to strike in any way.” (state-run TV, May 16). Ali Mohammadi, the regime’s criminal prosecutor in Shahrekord, said, “The protests are guided to attacks on some government organizations and buildings, which is not right and will definitely be confronted.” (state-run TV, May 16)

 Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

May 17, 2022