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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – May 12, 2022

Iran News in Brief – May 12, 2022

A street in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province, Southern Iran



Uprising in Iran Continues to Inflame

Footage posted on social media indicates that the people from Joonegan, Southwestern Iran, have raided and set fire to a local Basij office.


Reports of Unrest and Protests in Iran Tonight

Today, protests against soaring prices of basic food items spread over from Khuzestan Province and sparked in Shahrekord, the capital city of Chaharmahal, and Bakhtiari Province, Southwestern Iran.

The people of Shahrekord, Izeh, and Andimeshk rallied and marched through the streets and cried out slogans like “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Raisi!”

طنین شعارهای مرگ بر خامنه‌ی فضای اندیمشک را پر کرده است

Slogans of “Death to Khamenei” has filled the streets of Andimeshk, Khuzestan Province, Southern Iran
اندیمشک ، شلیک مستقیم به مردم پنجشنبه ۲۲ اردیبهشت

Footage from Andimeshk: the cameraman says that security forces are shooting and aiming directly at protestors.

- ایذه هم اکنون، الان، شروع تجمع مردم.مرگ بر خامنه‌ای و صدای شلیک به گوش میرسد

Youths from the city of Izeh, Khuzestan Province, Southern Iran, chant and are calling for the death of Khamenei


شهرکرد مرگ بر دیکتاتور۱۴۰۱۰۲۲۲

Shahrekord, people are chanting “Death to the dictator!”

شهر کرد شلیک  نیروی سرکوبگر انتظامی به سمت مردم

Shahrekord: voices are warning that the security forces are targeting people


شهر کرد اعتراض به گرانی -«‌رئیسی دروغگو، حاصل وعده‌هات کو»

Shahrekord: people are chanting “Raisi, you liar! What happened to your promises?”

تلاش سرکرده انتظامی به متفرق کردن مردم و به خشونت کشیدن تظاهرات شهرکرد

Shahrekord: police is trying to disperse the crowd

شهرکرد - توپ تانک فشفشه  آخوند باید گم بشه

Shahrekord: people are calling for the mullahs to get lost.

خروش جوانان شهر کرد در اعتراض به گرانی - «‌رئیسی دروغگو، حاصل وعده‌هات کو»

Shahrekord: people are asking Raisi to step down and leave the country alone.

خروش جوانان شهر کرد در اعتراض به گرانی - «‌رئیسی دروغگو، حاصل وعده‌هات کو»

Shahrekord: people are chanting and calling on the mullahs to get lost.


50% of Iranian Freight Carriers Possess MS or BS Degrees, Official Admits


Ghobad Karampour, an MP representing the Iranian regime from Kermanshah province told the state-run ILNA news agency: “Ten percent of women in Paveh, Oraman and Marivan are working as kulbars (poor people who carry heavy loads over the border to make ends meet). Most of them are now heads of households. This job is exhausting even for men, let alone women. More than 50% of these people have bachelor’s and master’s degrees.”

Khamenei’s Paper Pushes for More Internet Restriction


In a column on May 11, Kayhan newspaper whose editorial guidelines are dictated by the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader asked Ebrahim Raisi’s government and the parliament to restrict the internet and block the free flow of information under the disguise of fighting cultural and moral discourse.

“Unfortunately, the management of the internet in this country has been severely neglected. This space has overshadowed the lives of families and the lifestyles of children, adolescents, and various individuals, almost without proper regulation and control,” Kayhan wrote. “This abandonment of cyberspace has given the best opportunity to the enemies to safely design and implement all kinds of intellectual projects, promote anti-cultural and immoral topics, change the Iranian-Islamic lifestyle, execute deceptive plots, spread rumors and target young people, adolescents, and even Iranian children.”

The daily concluded: “The popular government, the Revolutionary parliament, the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and other officials are expected to act swiftly and seriously to protect the country from cultural attacks and to protect Iran’s future creators from the traps of the enemy. They should do this by approving or implementing any plan with any name and title.”


Facing Uprisings in Khuzestan Province, Iranian Regime Shuts Down Internet

Following the widespread protests in the cities of Shushtar and Mahshahr in the southern Khuzestan province last night, Netblocks, which monitors the state of Internet communication in various countries reported a major disruption on mobile and fixed-line providers in Iran.

Young Man from Kermanshah Died Under Torture


A young man from Kermanshah who was arrested in Karaj and severely tortured by security forces died in Buin Prison from severe injuries.

One of the latest victims of systemic human rights violations inside Iran, he was identified as Mohsen Abbasi. Mohsen was arrested by the Anti-Narcotics Unit in early April on drug-related charges. Following a month of torture for forced confession and a day after he was transferred to the quarantine ward of Buin Zahra Prison on May 5, Mohsen lost his life.

A relative of the Abbasi family said: “Mohsen’s corpse, which showed signs of torture and bruising on his body, underwent autopsy and his family is now waiting for a forensic doctor’s opinion.”

Police Beat and Arrested Young Man For Protesting Publicly

اعتراض جوان مازندرانی با شعار مرگ بر خمینی

A video posted on the Internet on May 11 shows a young man from a city in Mazandaran province chanting “Death to Khomeini” and protesting against the clerical regime. Consequently, he is beaten and arrested by the repressive agents of the Iranian regime.

Iran’s Recent Protests Over Skyrocketing Prices Are Concerning Regime Officials


Activists in cities checkered across Iran are reporting tense atmospheres. Regime authorities are disrupting and/or completely shutting down the internet in a number of provinces to prevent reports of anti-regime protests from leaking to the outside world.

Despite these measures, people are finding methods to send their reports and footage indicating widespread protests and clashes between angry locals and the regime’s forces in many cities, especially in the southwest province of Khuzestan.

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4 Women Documentary Filmmakers and Photographers Arrested Arbitrarily

Shilan-Saadi_Mina-Keshavarz_Firouzeh-Khosravani_Reyhaneh-TaravatiIranian intelligence services arbitrarily arrested four women documentary filmmakers and photographers in Tehran on May 9 and 10, 2022. Firoozeh Khosravani, a documentary filmmaker and director, living in Tehran, was arrested by intelligence agents in Tehran on Monday, May 9, 2022. During a telephone call with her family, Ms. Khosravani told them that she was in the Ministry of Intelligence Detention Center, Ward 209 of Evin Prison.

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Analysis: Iran Regime’s Reaction to Hamid Noury’s Trial and Its Consequences


Following the request for life in prison for Hamid Noury by the Swedish court prosecutor Christina Lindoff Carlson, the court went through a qualitative stage which included a series of undeniable testimonies exposing the horrific dimensions of the 1988 massacre to the world.

Following this, the Iranian regime changed its behavior unexpectedly. They sent a group of their paramilitary Basij forces, led by the infamous hoodlum Hossein Allahkaram, in front of the Swedish embassy in Tehran in a bid to threaten the Swedish government. They then summoned the Swedish ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be put under pressure, in the hope that they could change the court’s direction and decision.

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The Antwerp Court Ruling Is a Landmark Victory for the Iranian People


The Antwerp appeals court in Belgium issued its final verdict on May 10 for three accomplices of Iranian regime diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi for their role in a foiled bomb plot targeting a massive Iranian Resistance gathering in June 2018 in Villepinte, north of Paris.

Nasimeh Naami, 37, Amir Saadouni, 41, and Mehrdad Arefani, 58, were all sentenced to 18, 18, and 17 years in prison, respectively, their Belgian citizenship and passports were revoked indefinitely, and each was fined 60,000 euros in cash.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 11, 2022