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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – May 2, 2022

Iran News in Brief – May 2, 2022

A street in Eslamshahr, Tehran Province, Iran



Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Security Council Blamed Tehran-backed Militants for Attacks on Erbil Oil Refinery


Iraqi media reported on May 2 that the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Security Council has blamed two militant groups affiliated with the Iranian regime, Asaeb Ahl al-Haq and the 30th Brigade of the Hashad al-Shaabi militia group, for the missile attack on the Erbil refinery. Reports suggest that the rockets have been launched from the Iraqi province of Nineveh. As a result of six missiles fired at the refinery, the main tank of the installation was hit and caught fire.

The Kurdistan Regional Security Council has identified Asaeb Ahl al-Haq militias and the 30th Brigade, affiliated with the Iranian regime, as “terrorist groups” and said they would pay the price for their actions.

Slogans of Regime Change in Northern Iran


Honoring International Workers ‘Day on May 1, at 8:30 PM local time, loudspeakers in Sabzeh Meydan Park in the city of Rasht, Gilan province, started airing chants of regime change and excerpts of speeches of the Iranian Resistance leaders.

Footage shows the entrance of the park where surprised passersby exchange the news with each other. Some slogans were as follows:

“Oh toilers and workers, the MEK are with you and bear the torch of your struggle”,

“Down with the tyrant, whether the Shah or the Leader”,

“Raisi, you’re the butcher of 1988”!

رشت- سبزه میدان - پخش شعارهای سرنگونی، زحمتکشان کارگران مجاهدین یارتان مشعل پیکارتان


Subsidence Is Endangering Historical Sites in Iran


The state-run Eqtesad 24 website wrote today: “As time goes by, land subsidence becomes more visible (in the country). From residential buildings to plains, now the effects of land subsidence are even evident in historical sites: from Khajoo Bridge in Isfahan to Persepolis in Shiraz. Damage done by land subsidence in historical locations is not very compensable. Structures that have survived centuries of war, avalanches, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc., but now landslides are sounding the alarm. With cracks that become visible at corners of these structures from time to time, the situation in Isfahan, however, is worse than in other provinces.”


Iranian Teachers Hold May Day Protest Rallies Despite Repressive Measures


Teachers in dozens of cities across Iran held protest rallies on May 1 to raise their longstanding demands for better wages and working conditions, education reform, and the release of arrested teachers.

Protests were reported in Tehran, Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan, Rasht, Kermanshah, Khorramabad, Arak, Saqqez, Bushehr, Ardabil, among others. Participants included working as well as retired teachers.

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Iran Excluded From Export Routes of China and India


With a crumbling economy, and with several US sanctions stacked against them in regard to their nuclear program, human rights violations, and their support of global terrorism, the Iranian regime is desperate to find a way out of their current situation, without any success so far.

One of the most affected areas, after its oil industry, is the regime’s exports and imports. Both of these fell sharply after the sanctions were imposed, and besides oil, most of Iran’s mines and natural resources are hit by the sanctions too. Even one of the regime’s large sources of export revenue, industrial metals, has been lost.

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International Trade Union Confederation Supported Iranian Teachers and Workers on May 1

پیام همبستگی دبیرکل کنفدراسیون اتحادیهٔ جهانی بازرگانی «آی.تی.یو. سی» با کارگران و معلمان ایران

Expressing solidarity with the Iranian workers and teachers, Sharon Burrow, Secretary-General of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), sent a video message on International Workers’ Day, in which she greeted the unparalleled courage of Iranian workers and teachers and supported their calls to claim their rights.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has offices in 163 countries and has over 200 million members.

Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 1, 2022