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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – April 30, 2022

Iran News in Brief – April 30, 2022

Systemic dumping in the woods of Saravan, Gilan Province, Northern Iran



Five Deprived Freight-carriers Wounded and One Killed in Western Iran


Today, five ‘kulbars’ (poor locals who carry heavy loads over the border to feed their families) were wounded and one lost his life as a result of direct fire by the Iranian regime’s Border Regiment forces in the border areas of Noswud, Kermanshah Province.

According to a local source, the young ‘kulbar’ who lost his life was identified as Safar Sobhani, the son of Haidar from Dorisan village and one of the injured ‘kulbars’ is Mobin Hamedi from Dasheh village.


Following Nationwide Outrage Against Systemic Hypocripsy, Regime’s Parliament Calls for Shutting Down Criticism

Majlis, the parliament of the Iranian regime

Following a lavish trip by the Iranian regime parliament speaker’s family to Turkey that unleashed a nationwide stir and highlighted the huge class gap in Iran, the regime’s parliament decided to take action and shut down any criticism against itself and its speaker.

Today, after a meeting behind closed doors, 233 members of the regime’s parliament issued a supportive statement on behalf of their speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, calling on the Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC Intelligence Unit to “take action by identifying anyone and any attempt that aims to criticize the parliament.

“We, the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, while thanking all those involved in maintaining national security, request the Minister of Intelligence and the head of the IRGC Intelligence Organization to identify the designers and executors of these demolition projects and undertake the necessary measures,” the official news agency IRNA reported on the parliamentary statement.


BVI Premier Andrew Fahie ‘Caught in Hezbollah-linked Drugs Sting’


The leader of the British Virgin Islands has been arrested in an undercover sting operation after accepting cash to help a major drugs shipment organised with the aid of a group from Hezbollah, according to US court documents.

Premier Andrew Fahie, 51, and his chief port official were arrested in Miami for allegedly accepting $700,000 from an informant posing as a member of Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel.

The informant had asked for help from a group of “self-proclaimed Lebanese Hezbollah operatives” with a safe berth in the BVI for a cocaine shipment from Colombia to the United States, according to court documents.

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State Police Lies About Crackdown in Saravan, Gilan Province


While images of the crackdown on protesters in Saravan in Gilan province went viral, the police announced that the 22 people who have been arrested at the protest were “opportunists”.

According to the state-run Fars News Agency, an official at the Gilan police department claimed the detained protestors were seeking to “disrupt security” and “making use of the rightful demands of the people of Saravan.”

For days, the residents of Saravan were peacefully protesting against systemic dumping in their neighborhood that had created a large waste landfill and is destroying the environment. Following the dispatch of security forces, the protest turned violent on Thursday, April 28, when the state used tear gas and pellet guns to disperse the crowd.


Slogans of Regime Change in Shiraz, Central Iran

On April 29, at 9:00 pm local time, to the surprise of people gathered on a sidewalk in Shiraz, loudspeakers started airing slogans against the clerical regime and excerpts of speeches of the Iranian Resistance leaders.

Security Forces Suppress Peaceful Protests Against Landfill Site in Saravan, North Iran – Video Report

Iran security forces attack peaceful locals protesting landfill site

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Why Do Iranian Physicians Emigrate?


On January 9, 2021, the Iranian regime’s Medical Council declared, “During ten months since the outbreak of the coronavirus, more than 200 physicians became martyrs. It’s painful; however, more painful is that perhaps more than 3,000 physicians emigrated in these ten months.

Many experts have realized that the regime does not care about the Iranian people’s dire living conditions and deteriorating economic situation. Iranian physicians are therefore willing to travel and live where they are able to work freely and make a better life for themselves and their families. In this respect, it is worth reviewing the cost of training for one physician in Iran.

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Pregnant Political Prisoner Saada Khadirzadeh on Hunger Strike

political-prisoners-Saada-KhadirzadehPolitical prisoner Saada Khadirzadeh has been on a hunger strike since April 26, 2022, in the Central Prison of Urmia. She is on hunger strike to protest seven months of temporary detention under uncertain status. Ms. Khadirzadeh has resorted to hunger strike while pregnant. The hunger strike will put her health and the health of her 8-month fetus at serious risk. Political prisoner Saada Khadirzadeh has been on a hunger strike since April 26, 2022, in the Central Prison of Urmia. She is on hunger strike to protest seven months of temporary detention under uncertain status. Ms. Khadirzadeh has resorted to hunger strike while pregnant. The hunger strike will put her health and the health of her 8-month fetus at serious risk.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 29, 2022