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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – April 29, 2022

Iran News in Brief – April 29, 2022




Stop the Hop II: The Ghost Armada Grows


In November 2020, UANI identified 70 foreign vessels suspected of involvement in the illicit transfer of Iranian crude oil and/or petroleum products. Just over one year later, the list has grown to 196. This suspected rogue armada, distinct from but complementing Iran’s own NITC tanker fleet, has skirted U.S. sanctions and exploited regulatory loopholes to ship millions of barrels of Iranian oil.

One of the most frequently deployed tactics in evading oil sanctions is “flag hopping.” This involves the repeated switching of a ship’s “flag” – which permits legitimate global travel and docking rights – to different national registries. Often accompanied by the formation of new shell and front companies, ownership and name changes, and even alterations to ships’ physical markings, flag-hopping is a blight on legitimate maritime commerce.

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Biden Admin Trying To Get Oil From Venezuela, Iran Is an Economic, National Security Crisis: Marc Short

FoxNews-logoDuring an interview on “Mornings with Maria,” Thursday, Marc Short slammed the Biden administration for turning to regimes like Venezuela and Iran for oil, instead of domestic production, saying it is a cause for economic and national security concern.

MARCH SHORT: “What Alessandra explains in this commercial is that her family fled the Chavez regime, which preceded the Maduro regime, socialist regimes in Venezuela that persecute individuals there. And she fled here to America and has made a life for her family here. But she’s saying, you know, yeah, there’s an economic problem that we face that could be fixed. But there’s also a national security component to this, Maria. And it’s not just looking to try to get oil from Venezuela and dictators there. This administration is also trying to get oil from the mullahs in Iran.”

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Vienna Talks Are Over, Says Tehran’s Nuclear Chief

mohammad-eslami-quds-rally-CopyOn the sidelines of the alleged Quds Day rally, the Iranian regime’s head of the Atomic Energy Organization calls the nuclear talks as being over and doubled down on the regime’s maximum extortion policy.

When asked how he assessed the future of the Vienna talks, head of the AEOI Mohammad Eslami said: “The negotiations are over. The technical aspects of the talks and core issues are over. The negotiations were within the framework of the JCPOA, and the problems created by the United States and it must solve these problems itself because their behavior was against the agreement. They left the deal and tore their signatures themselves. Today, if they want to return to the agreement, they must return all the cases that they violated.”

Rally in Stockholm Demands Justice in Iran

Today, Iranians and supporters of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI) held a rally in front of the court of Stockholm where Hamid Noury, a former prison guard and a perpetrator of the 1988 massacre is facing justice. The rally came a day after the Swedish prosecutor called for a life imprisonment sentence for the defendant.

Citing clear evidence and testimonies of many eyewitnesses to the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, the prosecutor rejected Hamid Nouri’s claims denying the crimes committed in Gohardasht prison and his active role in the mass executions and demanded the harshest punishment for this defendant.

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در استکهلم یکروز پس از درخواست حکم حبس ابد برای دژخیم حمید نوری

Clashes Erupt in Northern Iran

On Thursday, April 28, residents of Saravan village in Gilan province reportedly gathered at the entrance of a large waste landfill the state is using to pile garbage. On the twentieth day of their protest, locals blocked the entrance to prevent garbage trucks from dumping more rubbish into the area.

According to footage posted on social media, the peaceful demonstration turned violent when security forces were dispatched to disperse the crowd. Security forces used tear gas and air shots, arresting 22 protestors and wounding several others by direct shooting.

رویترز - تظاهرات در سراوان در استان گیلان در اعتراض به تخلیه زباله در این منطقه

EU Extends Sanctions Against Iranian Regime


According to the European Union website, the Council of the European Union (EU) has extended sanctions against 43 individuals and entities of the clerical regime until 2023. The report states:
On 11 April 2022, the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2022/5961 amending Council Decision 2011/235/CFSP. The Council Decision renews the existing restrictive measures for a further twelve months, until 13 April 2023, and amends the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures as set out in the Annex to Decision 2011/235/CFSP.

Risky Business: Leaked Documents Suggest German Firm Indirectly Supports Iran’s Mahan Air


(New York, N.Y.) – As the U.S. increases its reliance upon economic tools to compel authoritarians and rogue regimes to modify their behaviors, businesses are at a greater risk than ever before of running afoul of sanctions or suffering from tremendous reputational harm for engaging with bad actors. Documents recently released by Iranian activist hackers affiliated with Cyber Shafarat suggest that Turkish aviation services firm Fast Aviation is working with Iran’s terrorist airline, Mahan Air, to evade U.S. sanctions. This should be of great concern to Fast Aviation’s vendors, including small businesses such as Germany’s Arriba UG (“Arriba”).

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Maryam Rajavi: Islam Advocates Freedom and the Overthrow of Absolute Religious Tyranny


Speech to the “Solidarity Iftar” Conference in London, “No to warmongering and fundamentalism”:

Dear Friends,
Sisters and Brothers,
I offer my greetings in the month of Ramadan, which is a month for worship leading to the liberation of mankind. On this occasion, I pray for brotherhood, solidarity, and peace among the Muslim community in Britain and the world. Our hopes and thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and their Resistance who are struggling for their freedom and independence.

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Teargas and Arrests, Response to the Peaceful Protests in Northern Iran


Iranian security forces fired tear gas today to disperse demonstrators who had gathered in a village near the northern city of Rasht, to prevent the garbage from being dumped in the area. The Saravan Rural District is used as a landfill site and has led to many problems for locals.

In the last two weeks, residents of Saravan village have been holding daily protest rallies to prevent unsanitary landfilling and dumping waste in the forested areas of the village. They prevented garbage trucks from entering the area.

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Iran Increase Cracked Down on Activists Ahead of Labor Day


The Iranian authorities have intensified their crackdown against labor rights activists, summoning, detaining, and imprisoning peaceful activists in recent weeks throughout the country.

Iran’s Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (UWTSBC) said in a statement on Tuesday that several of its members and activists had been summoned and threatened by the Ministry of Intelligence.

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Iran: Khamenei’s Fear of Universities Has a Long History


In a meeting with a handpicked group of loyalist students on April 26, regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei implicitly acknowledged his fear of Iran’s explosive society, especially among the youth.

In a lengthy speech in which he spoke of the years after the 1979 Revolution, Khamenei tried to portray the mullahs’ regime as a state that seeks scientific growth and progress. But he also admitted that his regime has always been challenged by the centers of education and science.

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Political Prisoner Leila Chegini Tortured and Beaten in Nowshahr Prison in Iran


Political prisoner Leila Chegini, 43 and a mother of two children, is being tortured and beaten at Nowshahr Prison in northern Iran.

Intelligence agents arrested Leila Chegini at her home in Karaj on March 16, 2022. Intelligence and security services allege that her charge is propaganda against the state.

Political prisoner Leila Chegini was transferred to the Department of Intelligence of Sari, the capital of Mazandaran Province, northern Iran. She was tortured and interrogated there for 20 days and subsequently transferred to Nowshahr Prison, detained in limbo.

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U.S. Congress Responds to Tehran’s Drone Attacks


On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “H.R.6089 – Stop Iranian Drones Act” with 442 votes. Rep. Michael McCaul introduced the bill in Congress on November 30, 2021. The U.S. Senate is expected to discuss the bill in the coming weeks.

“It shall be the policy of the United States to prevent Iran and Iranian-aligned terrorist and militia groups from acquiring unmanned aerial vehicles, including commercially available component parts, that can be used in attacks against United States persons and partner nations,” the bill read.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 28, 2022