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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – April 22, 2022

Iran News in Brief – April 22, 2022





Unable To Extort as Hoped Before, State-run Newspaper Tries Belligerence


In an article that was run on April 20, the state-run newspaper Resalat tried to resort to bullying and belligerence to scare off the P4+1 into giving more concessions to the Iranian regime’s negotiation team in Vienna.

After expressing a great deal of frustration, the author dictates several terms on how the negotiations should be run:

“First, the (Iranian) government should focus on neutralizing sanctions.

“Second, the government and the people of Iran should start a dialogue by arming the Palestinian people in the occupied territories and Gaza as much as possible to liberate Quds (Jerusalem) and seriously fight against the occupant, child-killing Zionists regime in Quds.

“Third, the government and people of Iran should return to our main status in the region’s economy by strengthening fraternal relations with our neighbors and consider it as the main way to neutralize sanctions. Therefore, the talks should stop being held in Vienna, rather by the friends of Iran in the capitals of neighboring countries.

“Fourth, dialogue with the enemy should be pursued on a more violent level, under the hammer of Hezbollah’s missiles in an area as wide as Lebanon’s borders with the Zionist regime.

“Fifth, pursue dialogue with considering Iran’s capabilities in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and beyond to prevent the blackmail and abuses of the shadowy governments in Europe and the United States.”

“Negotiations in Vienna will not yield anything. A group in Iran who are suffering from diplomatic stupidity says that you do not know how to lead a dialogue. But you should leave it to those who know how to talk to Americans,” the Resalat newspaper concluded.

Large Crowds Gather to Mourn Executed Political Prisoners

On Thursday, April 21, a large crowd in Isfahan held a farewell ceremony on the grave of two political prisoners who were executed by the Iranian regime. The bodies of Mehdi Salehi and Abbas Gholi Salehi were both laid to rest next to each other in the cemetery and the location has become a place of a local tradition for defiance and dissent.

دمام زدن سر مزار مهدی صالحی وعباسقلی صالحی یزدانشهر امروز پنجشبه 1 اردیبهشت


Calls for Regime Change in Karaj, West of Tehran

Footage sent from inside Iran shows that slogans of regime change were heard on Thursday evening in the Beheshte Sakineh Cemetry in Karaj, Central Iran. As every Thursday, hitting the weekend in Iran, people who were visiting the cemetery to pay tribute to their loved ones were surprised to hear slogans against the corrupt and oppressive state that were played through loudspeakers.

In recent weeks, despite increased security and police measures, calls for regime change have been aired through loudspeakers in high populated places and public gatherings across the country. As this inspires defiance against the state and creates hope for change, it certainly causes panic among the regime’s loyal forces, and fear shifts fronts.


Iranian Teachers Hold Protest Rallies in Dozens of Cities

Teachers hold protests in several Iranian cities

Teachers across Iran held demonstrations on Thursday, protesting government policies and poor living conditions. The rallies were held in front of the offices of the education ministry in at least a dozen cities. The teachers are protesting the regime’s delays and obstructions in implementing the “ranking bill” and the systemic repression of teacher activists in Iran. In a statement, the teachers stressed that despite several rounds of protests, the regime refuses to adjust their employment and salaries.

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International Earth Day – A Look at the Mullahs’ Destructive Policies


April 22 is called International Earth Day. This is a day to raise awareness and appreciation of the planet’s environment. The environment in Iran is dying and totally destroyed because of the mullahs’ destructive policies. The mullahs’ inhumane policies that lead to plundering its own people of their natural resources and causing climate change and droughts have been engulfing Iran’s women and children in thirst, poverty, unemployment, deprivation, disease, and a variety of painful problems for many generations.

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Iran: The MEK and the Untold Story of ‘Bringing Back Dignity to Diplomacy’


Over the past 120 years, the experience of many opposition movements that have struggled against dictatorship has shown that the major challenge of any movement is not the continuation of the struggle, but achievement, which bears the fruit of the struggle and bloodshed.

Throughout Iran’s history, opportunists, fake opposition individuals, groups, and overnight alternatives have often tried to undermine the achievements of the people and their pioneers. From their point of view, organizations like the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and their predecessors like Satarkhan (who led the Constitutional Movement) and Mirza Kuchik Khan (the leader of the Jungle Movement) at the turn of the 20th Century, are good people, provided that they lay down their weapons after the victory, leave the political scene altogether, or act as mercenaries of a new regime led by these opportunists.

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Sweden, April 20, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Rally in Front of Stockholm Court

April 20, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK supporters, demonstrated in front of Stockholm court.

SwedenStockholm, April 20, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), rallied outside the court session of Iran’s regime executioner Hamid Noury for justice.

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Install Posters of Massoud Rajavi and the NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi in Various Cities

MEK Resistance Units in Iran install posters of Massoud Rajavi and NCRI President Maryam Rajavi

April 18, 2022: MEK Resistance Units in Iran install posters of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and the NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi in public places.

They also took to graffiti against the mullahs’ regime leaders, supreme leader Ali Khamenei, and the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi.

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Biden Urged by Gold Star Families To Keep Iran’s Revolutionary Guard on Terror List


A group of 900 Gold Star family members and wounded veterans who have suffered as a result of terror attacks supported or committed by Iran‘s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sent a letter to President Biden asking him not to remove the group from the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs).

The letter expressed “grave concerns” over reports that the administration was considering taking the IRGC off the list as part of their negotiations for a new Iran nuclear deal.

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Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Must Be Dismantled, Not Delisted


The Biden administration’s feverish pursuit to resurrect the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement is grounded in the false hope that the Iranian regime’s behavior can be modified by making more and more concessions. Tehran’s rulers have a perfect record of non-compliance with every agreement during their four decades in power.

One major concession reportedly being considered by the Biden administration is lifting the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ status (IRGC) as a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Such a concession would foolishly accept assurances that the IRGC will change its behavior and stop using terrorism as an instrument of national power.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 21, 2022