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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – April 3, 2022

Iran News in Brief – April 3, 2022

Khoy Bazaar in Iran’s West Azerbaijan



Iranian Regime Fired Up Following the Statue of its Former Supreme Leader Was Torched in Religious City of Qom


The torching of a statue of Ruhollah Khomeini, the former Supreme Leader of the Iranian regime in Qom’s Marjiat Square has caused hysteria among state officials and media. The statue was set on fire by unknown individuals on Wednesday, March 30, and its images were distributed on social media.

“A tragic incident happened in Qom,” an Iranian state TV network reported. “Imam Khomeini’s statue was set on fire by a small number of people in Marjiat Square. This hypocrisy was widely condemned by Friday prayers.

The state-run Mehr news agency reported: “Demonstrators who held pictures of Khomeini, Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani condemned the nightly actions of some hypocrites in the city of Qom.”

The IRNA official news agency wrote: “Holding pictures of Khomeini, Qassem Soleimani, and placards with the slogan “Death to the hypocrites”, Friday prayers who marched after the sermon, chanted against the global arrogance, its mercenaries, and its filthy rioters. The protestors expressed their disgust against this shameful act.”

“The incident stirred up the emotions of the dear people of Qom and certainly the security and political officials will take this issue into their hands and eradicate the roots of the issue,” Alireza E’rafi, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Qom said. “We are hurt today. We are facing a heavy perceptual war. The ideological and moral foundations of our generation are under attack.”

زوزه‌های وحشت حکومت آخوندی از به آتش‌کشیده شدن تصویر بزرگ خمینی ملعون درقم

Locals in Southeast Iran Protested Against State’s Project Aiming to Steal Their Water


As soon as the people of south Kerman province got word that the state has started excavating work on a new water transfer tunnel from the branches of the Halil River to Kerman during the Nowruz holidays, a number of people rallied in front of the project plant and demanded the digging be stopped.

شمارش معکوس برای نابودی هلیل رود

A statement that was issued by the locals reads: “This tunnel is dug under the pretext of supplying potable water to Kerman, but in fact, the state’s aim is to supply water to the steel, petrochemical, copper, and tourism industries in Kerman. The project has no environmental benefits and has been shut down many times because of public protests. The contractor has promised not to work until the final settlement, but they have not fulfilled their obligations and are digging at night and during vacation.”

People Are Fed Up with Raisi’s Government, Former Official Says


According to the state-run website Sha’ar Sal, Gholam Ali Jafarzadeh Imenabadi, a former member of the Iranian regime’s parliament said: “The president’s supporters and even those who worked at his campaign headquarters are now sick and tired of him. Right now, the cabinet has no popularity in society.”

“A cabinet reshape is inevitable because some members of the cabinet give false and fabricated information to the president, and their information is very far from reality,” Jafarzadeh-Aymanabadi added. “At first, the head of the Program and Budget Organization should be changed, because the new year’s budget bill was completely against people’s interests and the consequences are already imminent. Afterward, the ministers of economy and welfare should be given priority for change.”


Slogans of Regime Change in Mashhad, Northeast Iran

On Saturday, April 2, at 3:30 PM local time, people in Mashhad who had gathered in Jalukhan Park to celebrate the traditional ‘Sizdah Be Dar’ festival, came to hear messages of regime change.

Loudspeakers played slogans like “Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi”, “We don’t want a king nor a mullah, damn with both of them”, “Down with Raisi and Khamenei, damned be Khomeini”.

Also, excerpts of speeches from leaders of the Iranian Resistance were broadcasted accordingly.

توس، مشهد - پخش شعارهای سرنگونی؛ مرگ بر خامنه‌ای، درود بر رجوی، نه شاه می‌خواهیم نه آخوند

Iran: You Can’t Negotiate With Terrorists


The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) have made it clear that they will not allow any compromise on their terrorist activities and the development of ballistic missiles. In a statement published on March 31, the IRGC declared that “Iran’s missile capability and its regional influence is linked to the name of the Revolutionary Guards” and is a “red line” for the regime. “We explicitly declare that powerful Iran never defined its path to deterrence power and guaranteed security based on the whims of the rulers of the White House and their evil allies, and it will not change its path through their evil pressure, threats, or media and evil propaganda.”

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Iranian Exiles in Stockholm Pursue Justice on Regime’s Crimes, Rights Violations


Freedom-loving Iranians and family members of the victims of Iran’s summer 1988 massacre continued their rallies in Stockholm on Friday, April 1, enduring the cold and snowy weather in their ongoing campaign of seeking justice in Iran. The demonstrators called on the international community to hold the mullahs’ regime in Tehran accountable for their ongoing human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

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Iran HRM: Continuation of Death Sentences in Iran, March 2022


Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) has published its report on executions in March 2022. This report focused specifically on executions for various charges across Iran.

Below is an excerpt of the report:

With 39 executions carried out in March 2022, the Iranian regime demonstrated its flagrant assault on human rights and the right to life.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 2, 2022