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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranians in Belgium Call On G7 Leaders for Firm Policy Vis-à-vis Tehran

Iranians in Belgium Call On G7 Leaders for Firm Policy Vis-à-vis Tehran


Amid European Union leaders meeting with United States President Joseph Biden in Brussels on Thursday, March 24, 2022, dozens of Iranians and supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), held a rally in the Belgian capital to demand that the Iranian regime be held accountable for its crimes against the Iranian people. 

Iranians called on world leaders to the regime’s increasingly threatening conducts, including its continued pursuit of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles ambitions, regional hostility, support for terrorist groups, and the gross human rights violations at home, particularly the rising number of executions since Ebrahim Raisi was appointed president in Q2 2021. 

Holding large banners and flags, supporters of the NCRI called for a decisive policy and concrete measures against the regime and refraining from offering concessions under the pretext of preventing war or a nuclear-armed Tehran. 

The protesters also reminded how the 2015 nuclear deal failed to curb the clerical regime’s regional and ballistic missile ambitions while the released funds were used to incite war and instability in the region rather than improving the lives of Iranians. 

The participants underscored that in view of ongoing protests across the country by virtually every sector of Iranian society, in which they have been demanding regime change, it is time for the international community, especially Western powers, to abandon the policy of appeasement and recognize the right of the Iranian people to overthrow the Iranian regime and establish freedom and democracy in Iran.  

Brussels, March 24–Iranian Resistance Supporters: No to a Nuclear Iran, No to the Appeasement Policy