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Iran News in Brief – March 11, 2022




Tehran’s Humiliation of the US has Encouraged Moscow to Invade Ukraine, Official Says


On Thursday afternoon, at a ceremony at the Central Hall of Rasht, north Iran, Hossein Shariatmadari, the Kayhan newspaper editor-in-chief said: “All European territory is under the missiles of the Islamic Republic and no pigeon can fly over occupied Palestine unless it is caught by our radars.”

While bragging about the regime’s strength and trying to dismiss domestic critics that the Raisi government is submitting to Moscow, he added: “If we had not humiliated the United States, Russia would not have dared to attack Ukraine.”

State-affiliated Expert Warns Against Submitting to Moscow


According to the state-run Aftabnews, Ahmad Zeidabadi, a state-affiliated political activist, wrote today: “Russia’s request might end up being reasonable to the United States and it might seek to exclude its economic relations with Iran from sanctions. Such an exception, however, could be very risky for Iran, because in that case, Iran would become the most important safe and secure channel of Russian trade with the world. Becoming such a channel may not seem so dangerous at first glance, and some people inside Iran may even consider it delicate, but behind the scene, there’s a huge trap.”

Zeidabadi further explained: “If the Russians rely on the Iranian channel to trade with the world, they will no doubt seek to exploit the most out of it. In other words, to meet all their needs, they will recommend a series of economic initiatives to Iran, a large part of which will not be compatible with Iran’s economic needs and interests and may be in conflict with Russia. If the Islamic Republic fully accepts these initiatives, it will effectively turn the country to serve Russia’s interests, and if it does not accept it, it will face pressure and threats from Moscow.”

Zeidabadi warns: “The real danger, however, is that some influential forces in the government, out of hostility to the West or for other reasons, do not seem quite unhappy about turning the country into a tool at Kremlin’s disposal. These forces may seize the opportunity to strengthen economic, political, technical, and security ties with Moscow to such an extent that the country becomes virtually one of Russia’s colonies. So when Iran decides to disobey Kremlin’s orders, it will face a similar fate like Ukraine.”

Official Reveals The Regime’s True Colors over War in Ukraine


According to the state-run ILNA news agency, Kazem Sediqi, the interim Friday prayer leader in Tehran said during his speech: “Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, the West is spreading propaganda using their foreign affiliates. Iran is on the side of the right against the wrong, Iran is on the side of the oppressed. If Iran is strongly present in Palestine and Syria, it’s because of the war between right and wrong. But in Ukraine’s case, they had promised not to expand NATO. But they did not hold their word and came to the Russian border.”

“Islamic Iran is against war. If the war was between right and wrong, everything was clear. But this war is about interests and Ukraine betrayed us in the airliner case,” Sediqi added.


Hardline Cleric Calls on Regime’s Followers to Crack Down on Women and Youth

Ahmad Alamolhoda

During a ceremony on Thursday evening, March 10, Ahmad Alamalhoda, the Friday prayer leader and Khamenei’s representative in Mashhad called on those who are still loyal to the Iranian regime for more crackdown on youth and women.

“From now on, we will be witnessing corruption and immorality on the beaches more than we’re seeing on the streets of Tehran,” Alam al-Huda said, adding: “To prevent this, they cannot be approached by the police and weapons, but the people must engage to prevent this depravity.”

Alamalhoda who happens to be the Iranian regime president’s father in law also said: “The leader has given the “fire at will” order. So if a woman in the street removes her headscarf, she should face the protest of the people and see that she has no place among the people. When you do this, you will see that they will start wearing two headscarves instead of one.”

US Seized Iran Oil Cargo as Biden Considers Easing Sanctions


MIAMI (AP) — The U.S. has quietly seized the cargo of two tankers suspected of transporting Iranian oil as part of an elaborate sanctions-busting scheme involving forged documents and the repainting of a ship’s deck to cloak illegal shipments.

Details of the seizure, which has not been previously reported, were contained in a federal civil case unsealed last month after the Greek-managed vessels discharged their valuable cargo, worth upward of $38 million, in Houston and the Bahamas at the direction of U.S. law enforcement.

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Republicans and Democrats Join Forces to Demand Biden Answer Questions About ‘Concerning’ New Iran Nuclear Deal That Could Lift the Ayatollah’s Sanctions and Revolutionary Guard’s Terrorist Tag


House Republicans and Democrats joined forces on Thursday to demand that President Joe Biden give them more information on nuclear deal talks with Iran, claiming that aspects of the ongoing negotiations are already ‘highly concerning.’

A bipartisan group of 11 Democrats and 10 Republicans sent Biden a letter urging him to reach a ‘longer and stronger’ agreement with Tehran than the US government did under former President Barack Obama.

It comes as reports indicate the months-long indirect talks in Vienna have hit a road bump after Western diplomats indicated they were nearing the end of discussions.

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Iran Nuclear Talks Close to Collapse Over Russian Demands


VIENNA — The Iran nuclear talks are on the precipice of collapse over last-minute Russian demands for sanctions protection, according to two diplomats.

Negotiations have reached an impasse over the Russian requests, diplomats said, imperiling the revival of a 2015 landmark deal under which Iran limited its nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief.

Russia is requesting that any return to the agreement include guarantees that any future Russian business with Iran be exempt from EU and U.S. sanctions — a late curveball from Moscow in response to the crippling penalties the country is facing over its invasion of Ukraine.

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Friday Prayer Sermon in Tehran Was Interrupted By Protest


Today, according to state news agencies, during the Friday prayer sermon in Tehran, a man from the crowd stood up and while interrupting Kazem Sediqi’s speech, he shouted: “My child has been sick for so long and they are asking me for 25 million tomans for his treatment! Where do I get this money from?”

Shocked by the shouting, Kazem Sediqi, the Supreme Leader’s interim representative in Tehran vowed to take care of the matter after Friday’s prayer sermon.

Trying to whitewash the incident, Mohammad Bagher Pishnamazi, head of Tehran’s Friday prayer headquarters told the state-run Daneshjoo news agency: “The issue wasn’t poverty-related. According to the protesting citizen himself, he was an employee of the Atomic Energy Organization who had recently retired and claimed to be part of the elites. But he said his elite privileges were not included in the pension.”

The IRGC-funded news agency Javan reported: “During this week’s Friday prayers, while Hojjatoleslam Sediqi, the interim Friday Imam of Tehran, was chanting “Death to America”, a protester stood up and protested loudly. This person was consequently escorted outside the Friday prayer hall.”

Rubio Leads Colleagues in Introducing Bill to Ban Oil and Natural Gas Imports From Iran and Venezuela

marco-rubio-website-logoWashington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Steve Daines (R-MT), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Thom Tillis (R-NC), John Hoeven (R-ND), Rick Scott (R-FL), and James Lankford (R-OK) introduced the Preempting Misguided Appeasement and Financing of Destabilizing Regimes Act. The bill would prohibit the importation of Iranian and Venezuelan crude oil, petroleum, petroleum products, and liquefied natural gas into the United States.

“The United States is blessed to have a plentiful supply of oil and natural gas — we should be using it,” Rubio said. “American-produced energy is cleaner and provides good jobs for American workers, yet the Biden Administration would rather appease dictatorships in Iran and Venezuela in return for bad deals and false promises. Under no circumstance should we be funneling money into the hands of dictators and narco-terrorists who are also allies of Vladimir Putin. Enough is enough — it’s time to bring energy production back home. ”

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“Down with Khamenei, Viva Rajavi”, Heard in Chalus, Mazandaran Province, North of Iran

On Thursday evening, March 10, slogans of “Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi”, “Down with Khamenei and Raisi, damned be Khomeini”, and “The only way to get rid of this regime is toppling it” were echoed in Chalous City’s main Boulevard. Footage sent from inside Iran shows surprised passersby stopping and directing each other to the source of the sound.

US Seized Iran Oil Cargo as Biden Considers Easing Sanctions


MIAMI (AP) — The U.S. has quietly seized the cargo of two tankers suspected of transporting Iranian oil as part of an elaborate sanctions-busting scheme involving forged documents and the repainting of a ship’s deck to cloak illegal shipments.

Details of the seizure, which has not been previously reported, were contained in a federal civil case unsealed last month after the Greek-managed vessels discharged their valuable cargo, worth upward of $38 million, in Houston and the Bahamas at the direction of U.S. law enforcement.

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Iran: Massive Anti-regime Slogan Portrayed in the Capital, Tehran

Members of Resistance Units, a vast network associated with the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), projected a massive slogan reading “Death to Khamenei! Hail to Rajavi!” on the side of a Highrise located on Tehran’s Jalal Al Ahmad Highway, one of the city’s main pathways. This initiative took place on the evening of Wednesday, March 9, with many locals welcoming this anti-regime action.

The slogan “Death to Khamenei” referred to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and “Hail to Rajavi” referred to Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

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IAEA Chief, Rafael Grossi: Nuclear Deal Not Possible Until Iran Resolves Its Issues With the Agency


One more time, the malice nuclear intentions of the Iranian regime captured the headlines by yet another unprecedented trip of the IAEA chief, Mr. Rafael Grossi, to Tehran on March 5, 2022, to resolve several unresolved nuclear deal concerns of the IAEA. Narratives about Mr. Rafael Grossi’s short trip to Iran, in the midst of sea-saw negotiations in Vienna regarding the possible revival of the 2015 JCPOA, are both pessimistic and optimistic. Tehran and Washington have held more than 11 months of indirect talks in Vienna on reviving the pact, which was abandoned in 2018 by former U.S. President Donald Trump, who also re-imposed far-reaching sanctions on Iran. It is believed that a quarterly IAEA report revealing Iran has sharply increased its stockpile of enriched uranium of purity allowing its quick processing to create weapons, has added urgency to the negotiations and Grossis’s trip to Iran. Before his trip to Iran, Grossi had mentioned that it is “a critical time, but a positive outcome for everyone is possible.”

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Ukraine, Historical Development and Its Lessons


The united resistance of the Ukrainian people against the war of occupation by Russia is the start of a historical turnover. Their resistance and courage have inspired the entire world, with many people across the globe standing up to show their support.

Even in Russia, people are participating in daily protests over this unjustifiable war while risking arrest or being beaten by the security forces. The first lesson of this war, and what the Ukrainian peoples’ resistance has taught us is that the world in the 21st century will and cannot accept any war.

What is being witnessed now is an example of the political, social, and military presence of the people on all fronts of the resistance, which has not been seen since the Algerian revolution in the second half of the twentieth century.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – March 10, 2022