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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIranians Call for Justice and Freedom Continued to Echo in Three Continents

Iranians Call for Justice and Freedom Continued to Echo in Three Continents


On Saturday, February 19, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian resistance held two separate demonstrations in Bucharest, Romania as well as Gothenburg, Sweden, demanding the trial of Ebrahim Raisi, the current Iranian regime president who committed crimes against humanity during the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.

تظاهرات یاران شورشگر - فراخوان به محاکمه جلاد ۶۷ ابراهیم رئیسی- بخارست

یوتوبوری تظاهرات یاران شورشگر - فراخوان به محاکمه جلاد ۶۷ ابراهیم رئیسی

On February 18, at the same time as Hossein Amir-Abdullahian, the Iranian regime’s foreign minister arrived in Munich to attend the international security conference, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held a rally to protest his attendance. Calling Amir-Abdollahian a ‘diplomat-terrorist’, they asked Germany to expel the Iranian regime’s foreign minister.

اعتراض ایرانیان آزاده به حضور وزیر خارجه آخوندها در مونیخ

On Friday, February 18, while world powers were trying to negotiate with the Iranian regime in Vienna, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance staged a demonstration, condemning any eventual deal that would embolden the Iranian regime with its misconduct towards the people of Iran and the Middle East.

وین - تظاهرات ایرانیان علیه سیاست بمب‌سازی رژیم آخوندی

On Friday, February 18, while Hamid Noury, a former prison guard and a perpetrator during the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, was tried in the court of Stockholm, supporters of the Iranian Resistance and relatives of the martyrs marched in front of the court, demanding the trial of the Iranian regime’s officials for genocide and crimes against humanity.

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده و هواداران مجاهدین در استهکلم سوئد، - جمعه ۲۹ بهمن

On Tuesday, February 15, while the nuclear talks in Vienna took place in the Hotel Palais Coburg, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian resistance held a demonstration to condemn any compromise with the religious fascism in Iran.

وین -تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده همزمان با مذاکرات اتمی ۲۶بهمن

Iranians and relatives of the martyrs of the 1988 massacre in Iran, staged a demonstration in front of a Stockholm courthouse on February 15, demanding the trial of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, president Ebrahim Raeisi, and Chief Justice Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei for genocide and crimes against humanity.

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده و هواداران مجاهدین در استکهلم، - ۲۶ بهمن

On Monday, February 14, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held several rallies in different countries of the world to celebrate the anniversary of the 1979 revolution in Iran that toppled the monarchial dictatorship. While pledging to fight tyranny until freedom is achieved, they echoed the aspiration of the Iranian people to overthrow the inhuman regime of Khamenei.

Hamburg, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
