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Clear Fabrication by the Clerical Regime’s Mercenaries in Albania and the UK’s Channel 4

Iran Regime-s Mercenaries in Albania-Channel-4-England

In its statements of August 16, September 2 and September 19, 2018, the Security and Anti-Terrorism Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran detailed that the dirty campaigns of the clerical regime’s agents around the residence of the People’s Mojahedin in Albania under the cover of reporters for Britain’s Channel 4 and Al-Jazeera English were carried out entirely “on the orders” of the mullahs’ regime.

The regime’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, on September 16, an hour after the smear campaign by Al-Jazeera English, called on Twitter’s CEO to close the accounts of the Mojahedin in Tirana who call for “regime change,” instead of closing the regime’s accounts.

One month after Zarif’s request, on October 17, Twitter released more than 1.1 million tweets by the religious fascism ruling Iran, whose accounts had previously been suspended due to “coordinated abuse.” According to the Washington Post, “Twitter accounts originating in Iran masqueraded as foreign journalists and concerned U.S. citizens in their attempt to push political messages on the social media.”

The September 19 statement of the NCRI Security and Anti-Terrorism Committee pointed out: “The Mojahedin in letters dated August 10 and August 13 to Channel 4 and in a letter dated August 22, 2018 to Al-Jazeera English exposed the dirty scenarios that had been dictated to the mullah-friendly reporters’ network with details and documents and the names of mercenaries used in these programs. Furthermore, former Intelligence Minister Ali Fallahian admitted in a television interview on July 9, 2017: ‘To gather information, the Ministry of Intelligence needs a cover, whether inside or outside the country. We do not send an intelligence officer to Germany or the United States to say that I am from the Ministry of Intelligence. A business or journalism cover is needed.’”

Notably, in its September 6 program against the PMOI, Channel 4 Television cited a fabricated report from Albanian police about the group. According to the report, “In Iraq some former members of this organization were murdered (by themselves) … there are reasonable suspicions that the situation here is similar to the one in Iraq.” Also, according to Channel 4’s correspondent, “Albanian security officials worry that the MEK is building a state within a state.” “This is an organization with very strict rules and anyone who breaks their criminal laws might be executed by other group members,” Ylli Zyla, former head of Albanian military intelligence (2008-2012), said in the broadcast.

Ylli Zyla, was dismissed as a Colonel for smuggling. He is an associate of Vincent Triest, a citizen of Albania. Vincent Triest, who originally introduced himself as a British citizen, was among the Channel 4 crew secretly filming the PMOI residence in Albania on August 10; the next day, the crew’s photos appeared on the Facebook page of Iranian intelligence ministry agent Massoud Khodabandeh (Iran-Interlink, London). The Iranian regime’s embassy in Tirana has taken Triest to Iran on several occasions posing as a journalist.

The purpose of the vicious demonization campaign by Channel 4 and others is primarily to whitewash and play down the regime’s terrorist plot against the PMOI during this year’s Norooz celebrations in Albania, which was revealed by Albania’s Prime Minister. Two of the regime’s agents in Albania were arrested and deported once the attack was foiled. “They were taking pictures at the moment of arrest and told the counterterrorism police and officers that they were journalists…” (Report-TV, March 22, 2018).

The report attributed to Albanian police is part of the effort to whitewash that terrorist operation and similar future attempts; thought this is nothing new, as Iranian state media in Iran and Iraq routinely attribute torture and murder of members of the PMOI to themselves. Ali Gheidan, the criminal Ground Forces commander in Nouri Maliki’s “New Iraq” puppet government, also claimed that 33 of the 36 martyrs during the attack on Camp Ashraf on April 11, 2011 were shot from behind by the Mojahedin themselves! The fabricated report attributed to the Albanian police is of the same kind.

The report was first shown on the Albanian Fax Web TV Channel on March 25, 2018 in three pages without a letterhead. At that time, in response to queries by the PMOI, Albanian authorities denied the involvement of the government and police in presenting such a report and said that it was necessary to investigate who was behind this because its contents were not believed by the police, the army or the Albanian government. In addition, if it was a police report, it should have been first received by the relevant authorities. Hence, the release of such a report was accompanied by a question mark for themselves.

Report attributed to the police on the Fax Web – March 25, 2018:


Channel 4 aired the same report; however, a police letterhead was added to it.

Channel 4 report – September 6, 2018:


In a careful study, it was determined that the report’s header was a forgery:


Regarding the content of the report, a police official said that police reports never use terms such as Islamic Marxist, and thus it is a trick to deceive public opinion against the PMOI, as the lies contained in it are not the position of the government or the police of Albania.


Moreover, the letterhead is not consistent with the text of the document. The header is related to another document, and it has been added to the pages which indicates that it was forged. In the past, criminal gangs and mafia have made similar forgeries in Albania.

Albanian lawyers specializing in current police procedures also confirmed that, based on all the available evidence, the report is completely out of line with standard Albanian police reports and is fake.

The Iranian Resistance had previously exposed the mercenaries that were the only sources mentioned in this document (statement by the NCRI secretariat – February 13, 2018):

– Ehsan Bidi (referred to in the report as Hasan Bidi)


On April 19, 2012, he surrendered himself to Iraqi forces at Camp Liberty and went to Baghdad’s Mohajer Hotel, which was controlled by agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and the terrorist Quds Force. He was then transferred to Turkey and from there to Romania and Albania. The Iranian passport of this agent (No. 16359072) was issued on January 27, 2013. This clearly shows that asylum is not relevant to this person, and the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly pointed this out to the UNHCR. (Source: https://ncr-iran.org/en/ncri-statements/terrorism-fundamentalism/15404-mullahs-intelligence-dispatches-agent-to-albania-as-refugee-to-disrupt-transfer-of-camp-liberty-residents)

Manouchehr Abdi


In August 2004, he went from Iran to Camp Ashraf in Iraq, and the Mojahedin granted him refuge solely on the basis of humanitarian considerations. His written application to this effect, dated August 19, 2004, along with his expulsion order dated May 24, 2017, for communicating with the regime’s Intelligence, attached to his letter admitting that disgraceful relationship have been previously published. (Source: https://www.iran-efshagari.com/%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B4%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%86%D9%88%DA%86%D9%87%D8%B1-%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%DB%8C/)

– Saadollah Seyfi, the third mercenary cited in the fabricated report, is now serving the clerical regime’s Intelligence inside Iran in Kermanshah.


This mercenary was in touch with intelligence agents inside and outside Iran from Albania. His expulsion order of November 10, 2017 has already been published. (Source: https://www.iran-efshagari.com/%D8%AF%D9%88-%D8%AE%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%81%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AE%D8%AA%D9%87-%D8%A8%D9%87%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%B8%D9%85%DB%8C-%D8%B3%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D9%87-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%81%DB%8C-%D8%A8/)

– Bahman Azami is the fourth regime agent and source of lies in the report.


Adel Azami and Anne Singleton, two notorious Intelligence Ministry agents came to Albania in November 2017 to brief him. Bahman Azami was then illegally smuggled out of Albania by the Intelligence Ministry as a reward for demonizing the PMOI.


Agents: Manouchehr Abdi, Adel Azami, Saadollah Seyfi, Anne Singleton (Khodabandeh), Bahman Azami (from right to left)

Agents: Anne Singleton (Khodabandeh) and Ehsan Bidi

The Security and Anti-Terrorism Committee revealed in a February 5, 2017 statement that the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) had dispatched diplomat-terrorist Mostafa Roodaki to Albania as the first secretary of the regime’s embassy to use these agents by paying them money and to implement espionage and terrorist plots against the PMOI.

During the transfer of the PMOI to Albania, Gholam Hossein Mohammadnia, another veteran intelligence officer, was appointed to the regime’s embassy in Albania. The plot to bomb the large gathering of Iranians in Villepinte (France) on June 30, 2018 clearly showed that the diplomats of the clerical regime are heavily involved in terrorist acts against the Iranian Resistance. While a regime diplomat was extradited from Germany to Belgium, to be prosecuted for providing explosives for the attempted bombing, the French government announced that the Iranian Intelligence Ministry had ordered that attack.

The Iranian regime’s intelligence agents in Albania should be tried, punished, or at the very least expelled.

National Council of Resistance of Iran
Security and Anti-Terrorism Committee
October 20, 2018