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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – January 9, 2022

Iran News in Brief – January 9, 2022




Sunday Protests in Iran

Today, retired steelworkers in Isfahan and Khuzestan provinces held protest rallies to call on the officials to address their demands.

تجمع اعتراضی بازنشستگان فولاد اصفهان-یکشنبه ۱۸دی

تجمع اعتراضی بازنشستگان فولاد اصفهان-یکشنبه ۱۸دی

Also today, wounded veterans of the 8-year-old war between Iran-Iraq held a protest rally in front of the Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Foundation in Tehran on the second day of their protest. The anti-riot police unit was dispatched to confront these protestors on Taleghani Street and tried to prevent the gathering from spreading and getting out of control.

تجمع اعتراضی مجروحان جنگ ضدمیهنی در تهران و رویارویی یگان ویژه

Workers and employees of the justice department in several cities joined the protest movement to call out the regime for its discrimination and unfair wages.


Iran’s Hand-made Carpet Production Industry Is Severely Hit


A member of the board of directors of the state-affiliated Carpet Union said: “In 1994, about 40% of the country’s non-oil exports were the sale of carpets. But its downward trend has become worrying, especially in recent years.”

Admitting the migration of the country’s carpet designers to Turkey, the official added: “Since last year, Iran’s hand-made carpet exports dropped from $2 billion to $60 million.”

Land Subsidence in Tehran has Become a Time Bomb, Officials Warn

Archive picture of land subsidence in Iran

“District 19, parts of District 16 and District 20, District 17, as well as Districts 9, 10 and 18 are areas that are affected by subsidence. Also, the city of Rey and Baharestan Square are gradually becoming prone to land subsidence,” Mehdi Zare, a state-affiliated expert told Fars news agency.

Mohammad Aghamiri, a member of the Tehran City Council also warned: “If we don’t think of something fundamentally, we’ll witness collapses of 10 to 15 meters in the city of Tehran. So far the subsidence is intermittent and insubstantial, but this will soon intensify as we consume groundwater resources relentlessly. The groundwater level has reached a depth of 140 meters, and as this trend continues, we will see gaps of a thousand meters in the streets or in the middle of a neighborhood or an urban house.”

Aghamiri added: “The spread of land subsidence in an urban environment will severely damage the city’s infrastructure (gas and water pipes) and a collapse will be very dangerous. This is exactly what happens if an earthquake strikes Tehran. If we don’t do anything about this, many areas of Tehran will not be habitable for another 10 years.”


Iranian Regime Shot Down PS752 Deliberately, Former Official Reveals

اعتراف معاون سابق وزارت بهداشت و پدر دو تن از جان‌باختگان هواپیمای مسافربری اوکراینی

Asadi Lari, the Iranian regime’s former deputy minister of health said that the Ukrainian airliner PS752 was shut down deliberately by the Revolutionary Guards on January 8, 2020, to prevent an American retaliation campaign after the IRGC missile attacks against the U.S forces at al-Asad Airbase in Iraq.

In a video that was posted on social media, Lari who lost his son and daughter in this tragedy is shown saying: “They hit this passenger plane because they wanted to blame the United States to avoid the war. They have done this before. They tell that if this plane wasn’t shut down, America would strike.”


Funeral Turns into Political Demonstration Against the Regime

آیین خاکسپاری زندانی سیاسی بکتاش آبتین با شعار «مرگ بر خامنه‌ای» و «مرگ بر دیکتاتور»

شهرری بکتاش مااومدیم بجنگیم بجنگ تا بجنگیم ۱۴۰۰۱۰۱۹

Today, the funeral of political prisoner Baktash Abtin at Imamzadeh Abdullah in the city of Rey, Southern Tehran, turned into a political demonstration. Under strict security measures and despite the regime’s surveilance, the participants condemned the state’s deliberate negligence that led to the death of this political prisoner who was deprived of medical treatment after he contracted Covid-19 for the second time. During the funeral, people started chanting:

“Death to Khamenei!”

“From Sultanpour to Abtin, Death to the oppressors!”

“Peace be upon Abtin, death to the oppressors!”

“We came here to fight, so let’s fight!”

Baktash Abtin was an Iranian poet, writer, and filmmaker who was imprisoned by the regime’s judiciary under charges of ‘propaganda against the state’ and ‘actions against national security’. Saeed Soltanpour was a political poet and playwright who was executed by the clerical regime on 26 July 1981.


Iran: Justice Department Employees Hold Protest

On Saturday, the Justice Department employees in Tehran rallied outside the regime’s Majlis (parliament) demanding better pay and answers to their long-raised demands.

They chanted “Liar! Shame on you!” to Majlis speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.

Iranian Officials Admit That People Hate the Ruling Mullahs


The people of Iran are fed up with four decades of tyrannical rule by the mullahs. And Iranian officials are openly expressing their fear of public outrage toward the mullahs.

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Iran: Regime Is Directly Responsible for Baktash Abtin’s Death

baktash-abtinThe Iranian Resistance extends its sincere condolences to the family, relatives, and colleagues of the political prisoner Baktash Abtin over his passing and holds the clerical regime and Khamenei directly responsible for his death.

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Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 496,100 Omicron Spreads in 21 Provinces

Infographic-PMOI-MEK-reports-over-496100-coronavirus-COVID-19-deaths-in-IranThe People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Saturday, January 8, 2022, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities is more than 496,100. In Tehran, the death toll has exceeded 115,930, Isfahan 34,380, Khuzestan 29,955, Fars 18,750, East Azerbaijan 17,148, Lorestan 16,415, Kermanshah 9,284, Central Province 9,033, Yazd 8,208, North Khorasan 6,348, Bushehr 5,524, and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad 3,759.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – January 8, 2022
