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Iran News in Brief – January 4, 2022




Iran’s Misery Index Reached an Unprecedented 55.4 This Summer


Iran’s state-run Eco-Iran website reported on Monday that Iran’s misery index has reached 55.4 in summer, which has been unprecedented in the last decade.

“Changes in the price index of consumer goods and services in the four seasons leading up to the summer of this year compared to the same period last year show inflation is %45.8. In addition, the unemployment rate this summer reached about 9.6,” wrote Eco-Iran.

“In general, the misery index is the sum of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate. Higher figures for this indicator mean that the lower deciles of the society are becoming poorer and people have more problems in earning a living,” Eco Iran added.


Iran’s State Media Warns about “a crisis worse than November 2019” Uprising


On Tuesday, the state-run Mostaghle daily warned about the consequences of raising the fuel prices by Ebrahim Raisi’s government.

 “Increasing the fuel price, with any excuse, and after people endured severe economic pressures for three years, is an unwise action. This wrong action will disappoint those who hoped Raisi could do anything, and end people’s patience, putting the [regime] in a crisis, much worse than the November 2019 [uprising].”



Canada court: Iran’s Regime should pay families of PS752 Victims

A court in Canada ruled that Iran’s regime should pay $107 million in punitive damages to families of six people. These six individuals were killed in the IRGC’s downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane in 2020.

The IRGC downed flight PS752 with two surface-to-air missiles, killing all 176 people on board in January 2020. Regime officials denied this incident but later acknowledged their role in downing the plane. Protests erupted across Iran soon after officials acknowledged their crime. Tehran has not responded to victim families’ inquiries since the incident.


Iran’s MP Acknowledges Removing Official Exchange Rate Increases Inflation

In recent days, Iran’s state-run media and economists have rejected this claim that sanctions are the only problem of Iran’s economy. 

On Tuesday, Ruhollah Izadkhah, one of the Iranian regime’s MPs warned about the consequences of removing the official exchange rate of 42000 rials for one dollar.

“The parliament recently rejected the removal of the official exchange rate of 42000 rials [for one dollar]. But the government has cunningly included [this plan] in its budget bill. This is concerning. Removing the official exchange rate will increase inflation. In other words, it means people’s food becomes more expensive,” he said.

He warned that “digging hands deeper in people’s pockets is not the proper method for compensating the budget deficit. This will increase social gaps.”


Raisi Promises Retaliation Against U.S. For Killing Top Terrorist Soleimani

Raisi, the current judiciary chief, has a dark record of human rights violations. As one of the regime’s highest officials, Raisi has also played an important role in spreading terrorism. 

Iranian regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi threatened the United States to retaliate the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the former commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force.

On the second anniversary of Soleimani’s killing, the Iranian regime and its allied groups in Iraq held a memorial service for the slain IRGC commander and Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, a former leader of Tehran’s terrorist proxy Iraqi militias. The two were killed in a January 3, 2020, drone strike by the U.S. in Iraq.

According to the IRGC-run Fars news agency, in a speech in Tehran’s Mosalla on Monday, Ebrahim Raisi called for a “fair trial” to try former US administration officials – including then-President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – and said they “should be retaliated against” and “God’s judgment should be carried out against them”.

Without further elaboration, Raisi threatened the U.S. government that if such a trial was not held, “revenge will be rendered by people [regime’s terrorists].”

Following Raisi’s takeover of the regime’s presidency, many human rights have called for the international community to pay attention to his role in the 1988 massacre in Iran.

“Have no doubt that Ibrahim Raisi is personally responsible for the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in 1988,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a speech in September. “The names of about 5,000 of these victims have been published, and the bodies of these brave men and women, have been buried in unmarked graves.”

Days after the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the United States told the United Nations that the assassination was in self-defense and pledged to take further action “if necessary” in the Middle East to protect U.S. personnel and interests.


Protests Continued in Iran on Monday

Reports tallied by the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), indicate protests by different walks of life continued in several Iranian cities on Monday.

On Monday, Social Security Organization’s pensioners rallied outside the regime’s Social Security Organization’s building demanding answers to their long-raised issues, especially considering rising inflation and skyrocketing prices.

Locals in Saveh, southwest of Tehran, protested the rising prices of homes in nearby Mehr housing projects linked to the regime.

Ismail Haniyeh Confirms Hamas Receiving $70 Million From Tehran

In an interview with Al-Jazeera, a senior Hamas official confirmed receiving financial support from Iran’s regime.  Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s politburo, said Iran paid Hamas $70 million for military purposes.

This is not the first report of Tehran providing financial support to Hamas. In 2021, Hamas co-founder Mahmoud Al-Zahar confirmed receiving $22 million in cash during a trip to Tehran. The cash was provided on orders from Tehran’s terror mastermind Qassem Soleimani.

Tehran spends billions of dollars on terrorist groups in the Middle East region while poverty is rampant in Iran. Iran’s regime refrains from allocating funds to teachers, pensioners, workers, and other needy segments of the society

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While Raisi Boasts of His Achievements, Iran’s Economy Continues To Worsen


In his recent trip to Qom province, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi said that his government’s decisions have led to a decrease in inflation. This claim is so absurd that even the regime’s own state media and officials have refuted and mocked it.

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Iran: COVID-19 Fatalities Surpass 494,700

Iran-Coronavirus-3047The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Monday, January 3, 2022, that the COVID-19 fatalities in 547 cities have reached 494,700. In Tehran, the death toll has reached 115,660, Khorasan Razavi 39,915, Isfahan 34,245, West Azerbaijan 18,653, Mazandaran 17,975, Sistan and Baluchestan 13,655, Qom 13,310, Kurdistan 8,157, and Ardabil 6,290.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – January 3, 2022
