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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – December 18, 2021

Iran News in Brief – December 18, 2021




Round-up of Iran Protests on December 18

Reports tallied by the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), indicate there have been several protests across Iran by people from all walks of life.

Temporary contract teachers held a protest rally in Isfahan central Iran, demanding higher wages and their unpaid paychecks. These teachers earn less than minimum wage and can barely make ends meet.

On Saturday, locals in Shams Abad, in Rafsanjan, southeast Iran, protested the rerouting of their water sources to other areas, saying this will dry out their pistachio groves. Kerman Province is the largest producer of pistachios in Iran and the world.

On Saturday in Bandar Khomeini, southwest Iran, Farabi Petrochemical Company employees held a rally, protesting economic woes and demanding higher wages. Company managers have lowered their pay. Many retired employees have yet to receive months of their wages.


MEK Members Pay Tribute to Martyrs of Iran’s 1988 Massacre


On Saturday, December 18, members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in Ashraf 3, Albania, held a program paying tribute to the fallen for freedom in Iran. They commemorated over 30,000 victims of the 1988 massacre. The MEK members vowed to continue their struggle for freedom in Iran. They also called for the prosecution of all perpetrators of the 1988 massacre, including the regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi.


State-affiliated Expert Warns Officials of Another Uprising


In an interview with the state-run ILNA News Agency, Farshad Momeni, one of the regime’s economists, acknowledged the dangerous consequence of Ebrahim Raisi’s economic decisions such as removing the official exchange rate.

“Policymakers do not understand that with currency shock and removing the official exchange rate what happens to the government’s relationship with people? The government has crushed families by inflationary policies, and if the medicine becomes more expensive the situation will be worse,” he said.

Momeni warned that “internal security is at stake, more than it was in 2018 and 2019 [uprisings].”

Iran: Isfahan Friday Prayer Leaders Expresses Fear of Protests


Two weeks after protests in Isfahan, central Iran, regime officials are still haunted by the nightmare of another uprising. Isfahan’s Friday Prayer Leader expressed his fear yesterday about further protests and asked people to avoid holding demonstrations.

“You shouldn’t follow up your righteous demands by holding protests. You should engage in dialogue so the enemy wouldn’t exploit the situation,” said Abolhassan Mahdavi.

It is worth noting that people in Isfahan poured on streets following days of a sit-in by farmers who only asked for their right to water irrigation, which the regime officials denied.

Un General Assembly Resolution Condemns Human Rights Abuses in Iran

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning human rights abuses by Iran’s regime.

The UNGA raises concerns over “alarmingly high frequency of the imposition and carrying-out of the death penalty” “widespread and systematic use of arbitrary arrests and detentions” “deliberately denying prisoners access to adequate medical treatment and supplies” “appalling acts committed by prison guards at Evin prison” “harassment, intimidation, and persecution, including abductions, arrests, and executions, of political opponents, human rights defenders” “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment against peaceful protesters” “the use of torture to extract confessions, and cases of suspicious deaths in custody.”

This is the 68th UN resolution on human rights abuses in Iran since mullahs rose to power in 1979.

Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK Supporters in Support of the Isfahan and the Teachers’ Uprising


Despite the very tight security atmosphere in the cities, between December 10 and 14, 2021, the Resistance Units and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) expressed their support for, and solidarity with the Isfahan farmers’ uprising and the teachers’ nationwide protests and called on the youth to rise in support of these protests throughout Iran.

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Iran: Coronavirus Deaths Has Reached 489,400


The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Friday, December 17, 2021, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities had exceeded 489,400. In Tehran death toll has reached 114,610, Isfahan 33,680, West Azerbaijan 18,428, Fars 18,385, Mazandaran 17,820, Alborz 14,338, Kerman 13,152, Golestan 10,675, North Khorasan 6,222, Qazvin 5,684, and Zanjan 4,665.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – December 17, 2021
