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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – December 12, 2021

Iran News in Brief – December 12, 2021

Ashraf 3-Members of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI) commemorate the fallen heroes of the 1988 massacre and the martyrs of the 2019 uprising.



The Iranian Regime Executed another Prisoner in Isfahan


The Iranian regime’s judiciary executed a prisoner in Isfahan prison at dawn on Sunday, December 12. The prisoner was identified as Abdolsalam Brahui, resident of Zahedan, son of Ali Beyk, 33 years old. This prisoner was transferred to solitary confinement on Friday, December 10.


Russia Rejects Iranian Goods Amid Discovery of Toxic Substances


The Iranian regime’s state TV reported on Saturday that 100 containers carrying bell peppers that were aimed for export to Russia have been sent back.

Kaykhosrow Changlouai, head of the regime’s Plant Protection Organization, said: “The Russian Federal Service for Monitoring Consumer Rights and Human Welfare announced that toxicants have been found in four shipments of our bell pepper, which led to the Russian’s refusal to register the goods and prohibited all imports from entering their soil since November 29.”

The state TV correspondent added: “Although it is been said that the problem of exporting this product to Russia will be solved through consultations, in recent days there have been various reports about the return of agricultural products from exported potatoes to Uzbekistan and exported kiwi to India.”


Iran Shouldn’t Have Had Signed the NPT, Khamenei’s Representative Says


Rasul Falahati, the Iranian regime supreme leader’s representative in Rasht said: “I wish, like some of these insignificant countries, that we would resist and wouldn’t have signed the NPT.”

While conducting his Friday sermon, he added: “Many countries now have nuclear energy, some even have nuclear weapons capability, but they did not sign it and the International Atomic Energy Agency is never attacking them. The world powers have nothing against them. We’re the only ones who are suffering. We are on one side of the spectrum and the IAEA, the United States, and Europe are on the other side. They plot day and night against us.”


Sunday Protests in Iran

Social security retirees of Gilan and Kermanshah province, as well as retired personnel of the steel factories in Khuzestan and Isfahan, held protest rallies today to demand their unpaid and low wages.

بازنشستگان رشت



Former Government Spokesman Calls for Covering Up Iran’s Economic State of Misery


Mohammad-Bagher Nobakht, the government’s spokesperson under Hassan Rouhani and the former head of Plan and Budget Organization, criticized state officials who are admitting to the current economic crises and warned that this disarms the negotiation team from any leverage in the current nuclear talks in Vienna.

Nobakht tweeted: “While negotiating with countries that are at economic war with us, why are some officials exaggerating the country’s economic problems and talk about bankruptcy? If we were waging a military war, would you be reporting the casualties in the same way? Would this help the people getting rid of the sanctions?”


Teachers Protest Throughout Iran on Sunday

The nationwide protest of teachers and educators continued today and those responsible for nurturing the new generation decided to refuse to show up in their classes to set the stage for a different way of learning.

Yesterday, teachers and educators in 110 cities of Iran in at least 30 provinces organized sit-ins in protest of the poor living conditions and low salaries. The teachers have already called and scheduled to continue the protest on Monday.

During their sit-in, the teachers held leaflets with the following slogans: “Teachers shall rise to end discrimination”, “Humiliation of teacher is the humiliation of society”, “Strike, rally and assembling are our inalienable rights”, “Release the imprisoned teachers,” “Teachers are awake and are fed up with discrimination.”

اعتراض سراسری معلمان در دومین روز با شعار «زندانی سیاسی آزاد باید گردد»قم



Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 487,400


The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Saturday, December 11, 2021, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities across Iran has exceeded 487,400. In Tehran, the number of victims has reached 114,155, Khorasan Razavi 39,510, Isfahan 33,500, Khuzestan 29,545, Mazandaran 17,760, East Azerbaijan 16,798, Lorestan 16,190, Kurdistan 8,017, Qazvin 5,644, and Ilam 4,658.

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Antwerp Court Reveals Details on Bomb Plot Against Free Iran Gathering


The fourth session of an appeals court for three Iran-linked terrorists, held in Antwerp, Belgium, on Friday, revealed more information about a failed bombing attack that could have resulted in hundreds of casualties. The foiled plot, which was orchestrated by the highest levels of power in Tehran, was targeted at a large gathering of the Iranian opposition in Paris in 2018.

Assadollah Assadi, a Vienna-based diplomat and the main figure behind the attack, had financed, controlled, and planned the actions of the three other operatives and personally carried the bomb in a diplomatic pouch on a flight from Tehran to Vienna. All four were arrested by European authorities before they could carry out their attack.

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Iran: Summary of Protests in November 2021


In November 2021, some 466 protests took place in Iran in 140 cities of 30 provinces. That is, on average, between 15 and 16 protest movements took place daily in different cities of Iran. In Isfahan, after the farmers gathered and protested on the bed of the Zayandeh River, the city of Isfahan witnessed two days of an uprising by the people who stood up to support the farmers. The uprising of the people of Isfahan, which was triggered by the gathering and sit-in of farmers in the Zayandeh Rud River, took place in a situation where the government sought to prevent any serious protests and uprisings. On 19 November, the population that joined the farmers in the bed of Zayandeh Rud and started their uprising against the regime was estimated at 100,000 people.

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Iran: Interior Minister Warns About the Threat Women Pose to the Mullahs’ Regime


“If the Revolution suffers a setback, it will be from women,” Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said. Speaking at a women’s affairs meeting with provincial officials, Vahidi called for a “soft and hard” approach to deal with the threat of women. “It is important to know… the enemy’s effect on the thoughts, mentality, behavior, and function of women,” Vahidi said.

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A Look at the Deteriorating Situation of Iranian Soil in the Mullahs’ Regime


Along with other natural resources of Iran, the soil of Iran has also suffered a lot of destruction due to mismanagement and destructive policies of the mullah regime. Soil is one of the essential components of nature. The situation on Iranian soil is currently terrible. The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) has designated December 5 as World Soil Day to emphasize the importance of soil and prevent its destruction.

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Political Prisoners in Ward 4 of Sheiban Prison of Ahvaz Under Double Pressure

Iranian political prisoner Gholam Hossein Kalbi Iranian political prisoner Gholam Hossein Kalbi

Pressure has doubled on political prisoners in ward 4 of Sheiban Prison of Ahvaz on the orders of the Intelligence Ministry. Gholam Hossein Kalbi, Ayyub Porkar, Massoud Massoudi, Shahyad Ghanavati, and several other Arab political prisoners detained in ward 4 of Sheiban Prison are under double pressure on the Intelligence Ministry’s order. The political prisoners in ward 4 are forbidden from going to other wards and public places in the prison. They have been told that they are not allowed to speak to other prisoners.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – December 11, 2021
