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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceThe Influence of PMOI/MEK on Young Iranian Scholars Is Serious!

The Influence of PMOI/MEK on Young Iranian Scholars Is Serious!

The Influence of PMOI/MEK on Young Iranian Scholars Is Serious!

By Staff Writer

In an article published by the state-run website named Baharestaneh (September 2nd, 2018), the regime’s socio-political analyst Alireza Davoudi, admits to the great influence that PMOI/MEK have on the Iranian nation: “the impact of our enemies has been revealed to everyone. But things get especially complicated our young scholars also get affected”.

The thoughts of Masoud Rajavi are being readily mentioned by regime officials

Davoudi recalls one of his past memories in this regard: “Back in March, I met a very young scholar on my way from Isfahan to Tehran. We discussed political issues and relevant challenges that our country currently faces. I was taken aback when I realised just how deeply our young scholars have been impacted by the enemy…”.

He continues: “it was my first time to feel such kind of a wake-up call…”.

Adding: “whilst staring at his face, I was observing just how emotionally charged he was sounding, despite the nice green turban and cloak that he was wearing, he brought up topics that I’ve only heard from the enemy (MEK). He mentioned some of Masoud Rajavi’s ideologies, as well as the global evolution and movement. He sounded as though he was truly possessed, as he was expressing his thoughts”.

The extent of MEK’s influence on Iranian youth has no limit

Davoudi states: “I told myself, my god! Where have our people got such ideas from! Where has this young scholar studied, and what kind of people has he interacted with, to have such way of thinking?! It was after then, that I felt threatened to my bones, and realised that the enemy (MEK)’s impact on our society knows no boundaries, and just how detrimental they can be for our universities, colleges, and so forth. Matter of fact is that our young people have a sense of curiosity and are constantly in search for new ideas; a desire that can take them any direction”.

He adds: “but this story dates back to last December, before all the unrest was witnessed, and before we used terms like “rebel centre” to our vocabulary in our political discussions. It must be noted that some of the groups from our seminaries are directly or indirectly linked (to MEK) which cannot remain hidden from professors for too long. IN other words, it’s unlikely that the Ministry of Information and other relevant organisations alike, like that of the Revolutionary Guards, aren’t aware of their existence. Surely, these organisations have detected and taken care of such issues for some time now, but it’s still worth remaining cautious of the potential influence our enemies can have on the minds and hearts of our young people”.