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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 28, 2021

Iran News in Brief – November 28, 2021




Latest Data Analysis Suggests More Water Crises Ahead for Iran


State-run ISNA news agency reported on Sunday: “According to Firooz Ghasemzadeh, director-general of the country’s Water Information and Data Center, a study shows that in a time span of mid-September until November 26, the total output from the country’s dams has been equal to 4 billion cubic meters. Compared to the same period last year, this shows a drop of 37%.”

“Considering that the water reserves of the country’s important dams contain about 5.50 billion cubic meters, there is only 35% of stored water,” Ghasemzadeh added.

ISNA quoted Ghasemzadeh as saying: “The filling rate of important dams such as Zayandeh Rud, Shamil and Nian as well as Sefidrud is about 14 to 17 percent. In Khuzestan and Tehran provinces, the average filling rate of water reserves during the current rain year is about 38% and 20%, respectively.”

Given the fact that the Iranian regime has always prioritized state-affiliated facilities and organizations over the public’s interest, more water shortages are expected to enflame social unrest throughout the country.


Supporting Iran Protests Around the World

Today, Iranians and supporters of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI) gathered in different countries of the world in solidarity with the people, farmers, and youth of Isfahan.

همبستگی ایرانیان آزاده با مردم و کشاورزان بپا خاسته اصفهان در برلین

Germany, across the Iranian regime’s embassy in Berlin

تجمع ایرانیان آزاده در اسلو - نروژ در همبستگی با مردم و کشاورزان و جوانان بپاخاسته اصفهان


تجمع ایرانیان آزاده و هواداران مجاهدین در اتاوا

Toronto (Canada)

همبستگی ایرانیان آزاده با مردم و کشاورزان بپا خاسته اصفهان د ونکوورر

Vancouver (Canada)

Exclusive: Police Uncover Terror Plans by an Iranian National in Kenya


A recent report by Kenya’s security agencies has linked an Iranian citizen, Mohammed Saeid Golabi, to terror activities in Kenya and in the neighboring countries. Golabi, who is believed to visit Kenya and the region frequently, is reportedly at the core of terror plans targeting both local and Israeli interests in Kenya.

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Sixty Million People Live Under The Poverty Line, Economist Says


During an interview with the state television, Ebrahim Razaghi, an economist said: “According to the parliament, 60 million people are living below the poverty line, while two and a half million house units have been left empty in order to make housing even more expensive. Well, this shows that people cannot even live with 11 million tomans and are below the poverty line.”


“Death to Khamenei”, Victims’ Families of PS752 Flight Shouted

تجمع خانواده‌های جان‌باختگان هواپیمای اوکراینی در تهران با شعار مرگ بر عاملان جنایت

تجمع خانواده‌های جان‌باختگان هواپیمای اوکراینی در تهران با شعار مرگ بر عاملان جنایت

Today, surrounded by security forces, the victims’ families of the Ukrainian airliner PS752 rallied in Tehran and called for the murderers of their loved ones to face justice. The protesters chanted slogans such as “Death to criminals”, “Death to the IRGC”, “Death to Hajizadeh”, “Death to Salami”, “Death to Bagheri”, “Death to Shamkhani”, “Death to Khamenei”.


State Media Analyze The Aftermath of November 26 Uprising in Isfahan


State-run Fars news agency reported on November 28: “​​During the events of Zayandeh Rud, the regime changers pursued their desperate dream of inciting quandary between the people and the state. This has been their constant approach and they seek to exploit the slightest crisis in the country to alleviate major crises.”

The state-run Jahan-e-Sanat newspaper also wrote today: “The momentum of the protests has increased since 2009. We were witnessing protests in 2017, 2018, 2019 as well as in 2021. The period of protests has extended and they have become more pervasive. And now, even the state’s patrons are starting to protest.”

Jahan-e-Sanat warned: “Over the years, distrust is being created against the state and it is not a problem you can solve overnight. The danger also arises from the fact that today the lower classes, are as informed as they are distrusting the system and they have joined the middle class.”

“In Isfahan, we saw how people were called “troublemakers”, “infiltrators” and “mercenaries”, instead of addressing their demands. Social dissatisfaction is spreading across different cities and provinces for various reasons, which is not good news for the state at all.”

The Javan newspaper, who is run by the Revolutionary Guards wrote today: “The end of the farmers’ sit-in was supposed to be announced and this level of support from the enemies [of the state] was still unnoticed. But then, some fake farmers emerged and showed once again that the enemies and the Monafeqin [the Iranian regime’s term for Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization] only want to set fire and create destruction.”

Quoting some “locals”, the daily added: “The presence of members of the MEK here is undeniable because they officially admit on the record that they are reporters for the MEK’s INTV channel. This is why the police had to dispatch the special unit.”



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Iran: Isfahan’s Protests Are a Prelude to What Is To Come

Iran protests: Security forces attack peaceful gathering of Isfahan farmers

The uprising in Isfahan is a reflection of the current state of Iran: A population that has long lost its patience with its tyrannical rulers, and a ruling class whose main implement of sovereignty—violence and intimidation—is fast losing it efficiency.

The farmers of Isfahan returned to the dried basin of Zayandeh Rud river on Friday, a day after the regime’s security forces attacked their weeks-long peaceful assembly, burning their tents and forcing them to disperse. The regime even went to great length to raze the area to leave no trace of the protesters who had been holding sit-ins and demonstrations for more than two weeks.

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Video: Security Forces Brutally Crackdown on Peaceful Protest for River Revival in Central Iran

Security forces brutally crackdown on peaceful protest for river revival in central Iran

Protests over the revival of a local river in Isfahan central Iran turned violent after security forces responded with brutal force. The protests had been ongoing for more than two weeks on the bed of the dried-out Zayandehrud River. Security forces in full riot gear shot tear gas and pellets and attacked peaceful protesters with batons on Friday.

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Iranians Continue Protests; Rallies and Strikes on November 26


Mostafa Tajzadeh one of the Iran government’s experts admitting about a society on the verge of an explosion with completely different demand and the people’s increasing hatred against the regime pointed to a situation changing against the regime and said:

“We are entering a new phase of popular protests and the (regime) must prepare itself for. The fact is that the condition in our country is witnessing the accumulation (of problems), from the environment, the climate to the spread of corruption and economic problems.”

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At Least 100 Persons Wounded During Iran Protests in Isfahan


At least 100 persons were wounded during the attack by the Iranian regime troops on the peaceful demonstration of the farmers and people of Isfahan. An upwards of 300 have reportedly been arrested and detained during the protests. The Iranian regime’s security forces opened fire on the protesters in the vicinity of Khajou Bridge of Isfahan. Many were shot in the face and eyes.

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Iran: People Who Have Risen for Water and Freedom Will Support Isfahan Protests


PMOI/MEK Resistance Units support protesters in Isfahan who are demonstrating against the Iranian regime due to water shortages and the regime policies. The Iranian regime’s mismanagement in the watershed fields has dried out one of the largest rivers in Isfahan, central Iran.

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Iran’s Regime Is Raising the Stakes Before Nuclear Talks in Vienna

Iran’s regime is raising the stakes before nuclear talks in Vienna

Iranian regime officials are demanding sanctions relief and other incentives before resuming nuclear talks on November 29 in Vienna. Iranian officials are demanding sanctions relief and other incentives before resuming nuclear talks. Chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani stressed that any progress in negotiations must be preceded by scrapping all US sanctions.

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British MPs Support Iranians Protesting for Water Rights and Condemn Regime’s Crackdown


The British Committee for Iran Freedom (BCFIF), issued a statement in support of the Iranian protesters’ demands in Isfahan, condemning their repression by the Iranian regime. The British Committee for Iran Freedom (BCFIF) strongly condemns the regime in Iran for its brutal crackdown and attack on the nationwide protests over water shortages and stands in solidarity with the people and farmers in Isfahan and other cities and provinces across Iran who are demanding their right to water.

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Maryam Khakpour Executed in Dastgerd Prison of Isfahan, Another in Yasuj


A woman was hanged in Isfahan at dawn on Thursday, November 25, 2021. Maryam Khakpour was the 124th woman executed in Iran since August 2013. Originally from Kashan, the 41-year-old Maryam Khakpour had been sentenced to death on drug-related charges five years ago. She had repeatedly claimed innocence, saying the drugs belonged to her husband. Nevertheless, she was sentenced to death, and her sentence was carried out in Dastgerd Prison of Isfahan, central Iran.

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Political Prisoner Hamzeh Darvish Expresses Happiness About the Aban Tribunal


Iranian political prisoner Hazeh Darvish in an audio message to the Iranian people and the world from the Lakan prison of Rasht said: “November 2019 is still continuing under the skin of the cities. The blood of the martyrs of Iran exposed the crimes of the Iranian regime to the world, and now the world community is informed what the theocratic fascisms have done with the Iranian people. Hamzeh Darvish emphasized that they (Freedom-loving Iranians) will continue their fight with full power against Khamenei’s regime.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – November 27, 2021
