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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 26, 2021

Iran News in Brief – November 26, 2021




Today, the Mojahedin Entered The Scene in Isfahan, Khamenei’s Representative Warned


In his Friday prayer sermon, Yousef Tabatabai-Nejad, the supreme leader’s representative in Isfahan, said: “Dear farmer, you should have expressed yourself and then leave! Don’t expect to be applauded. If a demonstration carries on, the domestic enemy will make use of it. You had your word and everyone understood. You asked for water and we agreed that such services must be provided. But why do you keep carrying on with this (protesting)? Of course, these weren’t farmers today. Today, these people are definitely from the hypocrisy group (the Iranian regime’s term for the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization, MEK).”

Tabatabai-Nejad added in his speech: “It was obvious that this would end up providing an opportunity for the hypocrites and the counter-revolutionary forces, and this should have stopped. It is clear that what is happening today is not the work of the farmers… We had predicted that dragging this would pave the way for the hypocrites (Mojahedin). Their pawns will enter the scene. Well, they came today.”


Clashes Between Anti-riot Police and Protesters in Isfahan

Following the rapid dispatch of security forces who stormed and attacked peaceful protesters that wanted to gather near the Pole Khaju Bridge at the dried river bed of Zayandeh Rud today, large crowds of people rushed to support the protesters and clashed with the anti-riot special unit.

A protest that had started with farmers demanding their right to irrigation, turned political and the angry people started chanting today: “Death to Khamenei!”

ما همه با هستیم مردم اصفهان به کشاورزان و سایر معترضان میپیوندند-۵آذر۱۴۰۰

Other slogans that are used by the protestors are as follows:

“Death to the dictator!”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, we are all together!”

“Why aren’t you rising up, Iran has become Palestine!”

“Isfahan, Shahrekord, Unity, Unity!”

“Isfahani shout out your right!”

“Death to the enemy of Zayandeh Rud!”

“We won’t return home until there is water in the river!”

“We’re here to fight, so let’s fight!”

موج جمعیت و جوانان اصفهانی در بستر خشک زاینده رود شعار میدهند :مااومدیم بجنگیم بجنگ تا

فراری دادن وحوش نیروی انتظامی توسط جوانان شجاع اصفهانی۵آذر۱۴۰۰

The people also clashed with police on the streets of Isfahan.

درگیری جوانان اصفهان با نیروهای ویژه سرکوبگر - حمله به موتورسواران یگان ویژه و گوشمالی آنها۵آذر۱۴۰۰

آتش زدن موتور نیروی انتظامی توسط مردم اصفهان -۵آذر۱۴۰۰

توپ تانک فشفشه زاینده رو تشنه شه و مقاومت مردم امروز جمعه  ۵ آذر ۱۴۰۰

تجمع مردم اصفهان در بستر زاینده رود با شعار مرگ بر دیکتاتور و حملات وحشیانه گاردهای ضدشورش


Protesters Clash with Riot Police in Isfahan

تجمع مردم اصفهان در بستر زاینده رود و حملات وحشیانه گاردهای ضدشورش

Following a widespread popular call and despite warnings and repressive measures taken by the state, a number of brave young people in Isfahan gathered and protested along the Zayandeh River today, Friday, November 26. Immediately, the police dispatched special police units who attacked the youth with tear gas.

According to reports, one of the demonstrators who was captured by the security forces was later released by the people. The growing population has clashed with the police and the resistance continues.

تجمع مردم اصفهان در بستر زاینده رود و حملات وحشیانه گاردهای ضدشورش

Last night, responding to the suppression of farmers’ protests by security forces and setting their tents ablaze, angry farmers of Isfahan took action and blocked the flow of water towards state-owned factories and facilities.

تخریب لوله‌های انتقال آب زاینده رود توسط کشاورزان خشمگین اصفهان در جواب به سرکوب اعتراضات آنها

تخریب لوله‌های انتقال آب زاینده‌رود توسط کشاورزان خشمگین اصفهان در جواب به سرکوب اعتراضات آنها

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Three Executions in Iran Over The Last Two Days


At dawn on Thursday, the Iranian regime’s judiciary executed two prisoners who had previously been held in Kerman prison on drug-related charges. The prisoners were identified as Abdul Sattar Shahbakhsh and Khan Mohammad Rahmatozehi. Earlier, a prisoner was executed in Gohardasht prison in Karaj on Wednesday, November 24. According to HRANA, the prisoner was identified as Mohammad Safari.

Iran: Security Forces Attack Peaceful Gathering of Isfahan Farmers


State security forces stormed the gathering of a large group of Isfahan’s farmers who had gathered at the basin of Zayanedeh Rud river before dawn on Thursday, ransacking their tents and burning their belongings. The farmers, who had been holding rallies for more than two weeks, were demanding fair access to water to irrigate their lands.

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Iranians Continue Their Protests, Demanding Their Basic Rights


In the past days, Iran witnessed major protests mainly in the cities of Isfahan and Shahr-e Kurd. The people of these two cities are demanding their water rights, something that has been taken from them by the regime and its corrupt IRGC, which has redirected many rivers to support its interests. For years there has been no will to resolve the problems of one of the most important rivers of Iran the Zayaneh Rud River. This has led to extreme drought and catastrophic subsidence in most cities of the country and Isfahan is the most hurt city of the country, making many parts of the city uninhabitable.

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Trial of the Executioner Hamid Noury in Stockholm, Rally by Iranians, MEK Supporters in Sweden and Gathering in Ashraf 3 – November 25, 2021


The trial of the executioner Hamid Noury began at 9 am local time in Stockholm, Sweden. This session was dedicated to the interrogation of Noury by the prosecutor in the Stockholm court for his crimes during the 1988 massacre. At the beginning of today’s hearing of Hamid Noury, the plaintiffs’ lawyer and witnesses in the trial, pointed out Hamid Noury’s insults to the Mojahedin Organization and said that the defendant used the word “Monafeghin —means hypocrites” instead of mentioning the Mojahedin organization.

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International Community Worried About Iran’s Nuclear Program

UN nuclear watchdog still barred from key nuclear site in Iran

After another failed attempt by IAEA chief Rafael Grossi to resolve outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program, Tehran’s continued belligerence has caused concern among western officials.

Chief U.S. negotiator Robert Malley: If Iran “doesn’t want to get back into the deal… we’ll have to respond accordingly.”

U.S. CENTCOM chief Kenneth McKenzie: “They’re very close this time. I think they like the idea of being able to breakout.”

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – November 25, 2021
