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Iran – Resistance Units, Mojahedin Supporters Mark the Second Anniversary of the November Uprising


NCRI logoMaryam Rajavi: The November uprising displayed the will to liberate the Iranian people and was a rehearsal for the uprising and the battle to overthrow

Last week, on the second anniversary of the November 2019 uprising, supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) and Resistance Units posted placards, banners and wrote graffiti throughout Iran, honoring the memory of 1,500 martyrs of the uprising, and renewed their resolve to continue the protests until freedom and democracy is established in Iran.

In November 2019, rebellious youths took to the streets in more than 200 cities across Iran, displaying the Iranian people’s resolve to overthrow the religious dictatorship and establish freedom and democracy in Iran. These activities took place despite a very intense security atmosphere in various cities across Iran and had a significant impact on defeating the regime’s efforts to instill an atmosphere of terror in the society. The people welcomed the activities, especially since many were carried out in broad daylight accompanied by the Resistance Units chanting slogans, condemning the ruling dictatorship, and inviting the people to rise up to continue the November 2019 protests.

In addition to Tehran, these activities took place in Isfahan, Tabriz, Karaj, Rasht, Mashhad, Ardabil, Kerman, Arak, Abadan, Kashan, Qom, Bushehr, Lahijan, Robat Karim, Borujerd, Jiroft, Neyshabur, Saravan, Najafabad, and Behbahan.

Among the slogans were:

“We will neither forget nor forgive murdering 1500 martyrs of the November 2019 uprising. We will start another ‘November 2019 uprising’,” ‌”Remembering those martyred during the November 2019 uprising, the flame of that uprising will not be extinguished,” “The November 2019 uprising continues,” “Maryam Rajavi: No to compulsory hijab, no to compulsory religion, no to compulsory government,” “Maryam Rajavi: The clerical regime will not last against the Iranian people’s uprising,” “Maryam Rajavi: We can and we must overthrow the clerical regime and establish freedom and democracy,”  “Massoud Rajavi: Let’s remember the memory of our martyred comrades during the November 2019 uprising,” “Massoud Rajavi: Iran’s fate is determined through the uprising of its children, requiring sacrifice and struggle,” “November 2019 protests continue with (the activities of the) Resistance Units,” “Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” “Death to Khamenei and Raisi, long live freedom,” ‌ “November 2019 Uprising Continues with the MEK,” “Maryam Rajavi: Iran can and should be liberated,” “Iran will be free and prosperous with Maryam Rajavi.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 19, 2021

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