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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranThursday's Iran Mini Report - July 26, 2018

Thursday’s Iran Mini Report – July 26, 2018

Thursday's Iran Mini Report - July 26, 2018

• Sen. Graham: “We’re going to bring this regime down by helping the Iranian people”

The United States will be supporting the Iranian people to bring the mullahs’ regime down, said Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a former presidential candidate on July 25.

The biggest threat of all to me is this regime in Iran. They are religious Nazis who are trying to develop a nuclear capability… Mike Pompeo’s speech was awesome. President Trump’s tweet says there is a new sheriff in town. We are going to bring this regime down by helping the Iranian people. Regime change is the only way to save Mideast from just perpetual conflict. This regime needs to go,” Sen. Graham continued.

• Iran Replaces Central Bank Chief As Economy Faces Crisis

Iran replaced its central bank chief on Wednesday, local media reported, amid fallout over banking scandals and the crisis facing the country’s economy.

Valiollah Seif, who had served as the bank’s governor since President Hassan Rouhani took power in August 2013, was replaced by Abdolnasser Hemati following a cabinet meeting, according to the official IRNA news agency.

• Political Prisoners’ Grave Wiped Out in Ahvaz

Mass graves of political prisoners including inmates who were executed in the late 1980s have been razed to the ground in the city of Ahvaz, southwestern Iran.

The caption of a picture published by the Justice for Iran website on July 25 says, “This is a mass grave site in Ahvaz, Iran. At least 44 political prisoners executed in 1988 were secretly buried here. In the following years, the authorities turned the site into a rubbish dump.

• Third Day of Trucker’s Strike in Different Cities of Iran

The third day of the truck drivers’ strike in various cities of Iran continued as the nationwide strike resumed on July 23rd, and began expanding rapidly to many cities across the country.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, the third day of the nationwide strike of truck drivers continued in various cities across Iran.

Drivers who have participated in the third day of truckers strike in various cities of the country are: Ahvaz, Zanjan, Saveh, Shiraz, Kerman, Zahedan, Tabriz, Bandar Abbas, Chazabe, Khormousi, Khaf, Najaf Abad, and Khorramabad.

• Members of Housing Cooperative Launch Protest Rally in Tehran

On Tuesday, July 25, 2018, a large number of members of the Varamin city Housing Cooperative held a protest rally in front of the Qarchak Governor building, against 12 years of uncertainty and looting their deposits.

In the gathering of dozens of members of the Varamin Housing Cooperative, a significant part of the protesters were women, some of whom also brought their children along.