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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIRAN: Shoemakers Strike, Workers, Academics, Students and Lawyers Protest

IRAN: Shoemakers Strike, Workers, Academics, Students and Lawyers Protest

Shoemakers Strike, Workers, Academics, Students and Lawyers Protest

Iran Uprising – No. 174

On Monday, June 18, hundreds of shoe manufacturers and their workers in Tehran closed their shops in protest of the regime’s devastating policies and rallied on Bagh-e Sepahsalar Ave. They objected to the cost of the needed materials and the employment of non-Iranian workers in this industry, which has caused unemployment and a dire livelihood for thousands of them.

The protesters chanted: “Death to unemployment; death to high costs; our enemy is right here, but they falsely claim it is the United States; Incompetent government, inefficient authorities, unsupported production.”

They carried placards which read: Solidarity, Support, We are all together; Hail to workers, greetings to farmers. The demonstration began at 11 am and continued until around 4 pm. Protesters displayed their poverty by spreading empty tablecloths on the street.
Hundreds of retired academics came to Tehran from different provinces, including North Khorasan, and gathered in front of the Ministry of Education in Tehran to protest the failure to pay their previous years’ rewards. They chanted: “Let’s cry for all this injustice; with a single embezzlement less all our problems would be solved. At the end of the gathering, they staged a symbolic funeral for the education of the country.
Darreh Zar copper workers in the city of Rafsanjan staged a gathering to protest the low wages, lack of job security, and failure to pay even their low salaries for several months. They asked for resolving their problems.

Students from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tehran staged a gathering in protest at the sentences against imprisoned students. The professors of this university also joined the protestors. The students carried placards which read: Condolences to the university and students; all sentences against students should be canceled.

A group of independent lawyers gathered in front of the parliament in protest against the note added to the Article 48 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The regime has denied the right for defendants of certain crimes to choose a lawyer by a note added to Article 48 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Instead, Sadegh Larijani, head of the regime’s judiciary, has been given the authority to appoint a lawyer for these crimes.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 19, 2018