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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranSaturday's Iran Mini Report - May 26, 2018

Saturday’s Iran Mini Report – May 26, 2018

Saturday's Iran Mini Report - May 26, 2018

• Amnesty International: Prison doctors abuse and deny treatment to persecuted women in Iran

Women prisoners of conscience from Iran’s Gonabadi Dervish religious community are being subjected to verbal abuse, including sexual slurs, and denied proper medical treatment by doctors and other health professionals at Shahr-e Rey prison on the outskirts of Tehran, Amnesty International revealed today.

The organization has received testimonies indicating that doctors at the prison, a former industrial chicken farm in Varamin, are routinely dismissing the women’s complaints of pain and discomfort as “fake” while refusing to prescribe them medication on a timely basis or carry out thorough diagnostic tests. They are also failing to ensure that medical equipment in the prison clinic is functioning properly and poses no threat to patients’ health.

• Baha’is in Iran ‘Face New Wave of Arrests

The BIC International Community says members of this minority in Iran are facing a new wave of arrests and raids on their homes across different cities in the country.

The community said in a May 25 statement that the “systematic nature” of the arrests in a number of provinces including Isfahan, Alborz and Razavi Khorasan, suggests “a coordinated strategy on the part of government authorities.”

“In many cases, detentions have been accompanied by raids on personal homes and the seizure of religious books and writings,” the statement said.

• Protest Rally Of Varna Dairy Factory Workers In Varamin, Iran

On Thursday, May 24, the workers of the Varna Dairy factory gathered for once again in front of the Governorate of Varamin in Tehran, Iran to protest against the nonpayment of their four months of delayed salaries.

According to the protesting workers, they have not received even one rial for four months, and the factory officials do not respond to them.

• New US sanctions target aircraft used by Iran’s Rouhani

The United States has imposed new sanctions against an airline company, which routinely transports Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

In a statement on Thursday, the US Department of the Treasury said Dena Airways is being designated for sanctions based on a 2001 presidential order designed “to impede terrorist funding”.

Dena Airways handles flights for the government of Iran. In November 2017, a previously US-sanctioned airline, Meraj Air, transferred its “VIP flight operations” to Dena Airways, the US statement said.