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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranMonday's Iran Mini Report - May 21, 2018

Monday’s Iran Mini Report – May 21, 2018

Monday's Iran Mini Report - May 21

• Pompeo set to unveil US “Plan B” to confront Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will unveil the administration’s “Plan B” for countering Iran on Monday, an idea that some critics call a “pipe dream,” while others question whether the administration is coming clean on its goals for the country.

The plan, administration officials say, is to assemble a global coalition to pressure Iran into negotiations on “a new security architecture” that goes beyond its nuclear program.

• Swiss Re to leave Iran after US JCPOA pullout

Following the US withdrawal from the Iran deal, Swiss Reinsurance Co. has announced will leave Iran.

Swiss Re has announced it is “assessing the impact” of the US decision on its business with the Islamic Republic of Iran, following the US withdrawal from the Iran deal on May 8.

The Swiss Re Group provides reinsurance, insurance and other forms of insurance-based risk transfer.

• Names of two civilians killed in Kazerun protests

The names and specifications of two civilians killed by the Iranian regime’s security forces during the heroic protests in Kazerun have been obtained from sources inside the country.

Incoming reports indicate Omid Yousefian was shot by anti-riot units during the past few days and suffered a major wound. Unfortunately, it was reported today that Yousefian lost his life in a hospital due to the severity of his wounds.

Yousefian was a building painter and said to be between 30 to 34 years of age.

• Iran: Women’s addiction has risen to 12 per cent

Unofficial figures indicate that the number of addicted women in Iran has risen from 3 to 12 per cent.

Ahmad Kaheh, general director of public education at the Social Directorate of the State Security Force, announced that the percentage of women used to be three per cent in the past, but unofficial figures indicate that it has risen to 12 per cent of the population of addicts.

• 70% of carpet weavers are women, majority are heads of household

70% of carpet weavers in Iran are women and a large percentage of them are heads of household.

In an interview on May 16, 2018, Abdollah Bahrami, the CEO of National Union of Hand-woven Carpet Producers, said: “Women constitute the majority of carpet weavers in Iran and if we want to put it in percentages, they form 70% of the weavers.”

• Caspian Credit Institute Depositors Protest In Mashhad, Iran, For Return Of Invested Money

On Sunday, May 20, 2018, the plundered people of the Caspian Credit Institute in Mashhad, Iran, gathered in response to a previous call to protest against the looting of their deposits by the Institute and the non-returning of their invested money.