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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsWhy Iran’s Regime Considers All Protests a Political and Security Concern?

Why Iran’s Regime Considers All Protests a Political and Security Concern?


By Staff Writer

The violent events that took place in the city of Kazerun on 16th May 2018 (in southern west Iran), indicates the regime’s lack of tolerance for and oppression of all kinds of uprisings even those of non-political nature.

It has now been a while since the people of Kazerun have expressed their dissatisfaction with the plans that aim to separate the districts of their city within the Fars Province.
The official that manages this divisive plan, is also the representative of Kazerun at the parliament; who after the rejection of other candidates, found his way to the parliament by making false promises to his people.

The protestors have contacted all relevant authorities, from governors and senators to Friday Prayer Imams. They have tried sending out letters and other peaceful approaches to express their concern; but in return, their complaints have only been ignored.

When some protests took place earlier in January, certain government entities such as the Revolutionary Guard Corps warned of the predicted increase in uprising, and the potential collapse of the regime. But the local and central authorities are continuing with their careless plans.

People are being ignored and are therefore becoming increasingly dissatisfied with economic and political pressures; such as the filtering of Telegram messenger, or the violent handling of protestors at every single rally; with such negative circumstances surrounding people, their uprising is of course more likely to be viewed in a political light, and consequently considered a security threat.

In January’s protests, the regime’s Reformists were united with the Hardliners in condemning the protestors and calling them “vultures” or “external factors”, at times even louder than the Hardliners did.

None of these government forces (Reformists or Conservatives) ever address the main reason why the protests turn violent, and both ignore the fact that the regime never gives its opposers an opportunity to protest peacefully.

With all that is going on, from the continuous attack on people even in peaceful protests, to the failure of authorities in fulfilling the their promises, as well as the violence of the Law Enforcement Forces, Revolutionary Guard Corps (such as Basij) and other armed forces in disguise, people are now seeing the true identity of the so called ‘Reformists’ and have lost hope in both forces (Reformists and Conservatives); which is evident from January’s protests in which people chanted “reformists, conservatives, you are finished”.


What happened in Kazerun was not unexpected. The loss of lives from this protest are demonstrative of just how intolerant the regime is of hearing any opposing or criticising voice.

Whilst the Media of Iran’s regime were taking advantage of the crisis between Israel and Palestine, and were busy covering Gaza’s Palestinian victims on TV, they ignored the death of at least three Iranian citizens (as well as the injury of several others) who were shot on the first night of Ramadan by the Law Enforcement Forces of Kazerun.

However, this ignorance was only from the Media of Iran, as other social networks did release the news: “this protest is illustrative of the ongoing transformations in Iran, which Iranian people refer to as ‘the end of the road’ for the regime”.