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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Continued Protests and Clashes With Repressive Forces in Kazerun and Burning...

Iran: Continued Protests and Clashes With Repressive Forces in Kazerun and Burning Regime’s Centers


Iran Uprising – No. 159

The protests and demonstrations of the people and the brave youth of Kazerun continued on Thursday night, May 17, and Friday morning. This was in spite of the fact that earlier, scores of the Revolutionary Guards, Basijis and special anti-riot units from different cities, including dozens of vehicles and buses from Isfahan anti-riot forces were transferred to Kazerun.

The repressive forces were trying to confront the demonstrators by firing plastic bullets and tear gas. In the clashes between the people and the repressive forces, a number of people were injured and some of the regime’s murderers were beaten by protesters and escaped from the scene. In these clashes, a number of suppressive forces’ vehicles were broken and several government centers were burnt down. By burning tires and wood, people blocked the path of the Revolutionary Guards and anti-riot guards.

Intelligence agents of the regime in their contact with the people of Kazerun have threatened them that any information sharing and disclosure about the events of Kazerun, would have serious consequences for them. They even prevent the relatives of injured people to visit hospitals and stop responding about their situation. A number of seriously injured people have been transferred to Shiraz hospitals.

According to the government IRNA news agency, Mullah Khorsand, whose speech was constantly interrupted by the protesters, said in today’s Friday prayer in Kazerun about the “attempt of some people to set the Friday prayer’s place on fire” that, “Some people on Friday morning broke one of the doors of the Friday prayer’s place in Kazerun and threw fire bombs inside, which resulted in a serious damage to an air conditioner.” The same news agency quoted Hadi Pajouhesh Jahromi, the deputy governor of Fars province, as saying: “The protesters burned a bank building on Friday morning and damaged the public property “.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the brave martyrs and the mourning people of Kazerun on Thursday, calling for the immediate release of the arrested and called on all fellow citizens to help the wounded. In this regard, Mrs Rajavi urged the sending of a United Nations research mission and a representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 18, 2018 







