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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranWednesday's Iran Mini Report - May. 09, 2018

Wednesday’s Iran Mini Report – May. 09, 2018

 Iran Report

• U.S. Treasury Department declares new sanctions policy against Iran

Following U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the nuclear deal with the Iranian regime, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed the sanctions in a statement:

“President Trump has been consistent and clear that this Administration is resolved to addressing the totality of Iran’s destabilizing activities. We will continue to work with our allies to build an agreement that is truly in the best interest of our long-term national security. The United States will cut off the IRGC’s access to capital to fund Iranian malign activity, including its status as the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, its use of ballistic missiles against our allies, its support for the brutal Assad regime in Syria, its human rights violations against its own people, and its abuses of the international financial system.”

• Arab countries welcome the U.S.’s decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal

Several Arab countries welcomed the United State government’s decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal and to re-impose sanctions on the Iranian regime.

Saudi Arabia: The Iranian regime used the economic benefits resulting from the lifting of sanctions to further destabilize the region.

United Arabic Emirates also welcomed the U.S. decision to step away from the deal. According to Al-Akhbariah news agency: The UAE approved the U.S. president’s decision to exit the nuclear deal with the Iranian regime.

The government of Bahrain, in a statement, declared its full support for the decision made by the U.S. government to exit the nuclear deal and to put an end to the Iranian regime’s policies pertaining to the export of terrorism in the region.

The government of Bahrain expressed its full support for the Trump administration and declared that it will stand with the U.S. in its efforts to wipe terrorism in the region and across the world.

• Trump Has Announced That The US Is Leaving The Iran Nuclear Deal

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would withdraw the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, allowing sanctions against the country to resume.

“It is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement,” Trump said, standing in the White House. “The Iran deal is defective at its core.”

• Iran’s Brokers From Agricultural Insurance Fund Come To Tehran To Protest In Front Of Islamic Consultative Assembly Of Iran

On Tuesday morning, May 8, 2018, about 100 brokers from the Iranian Agricultural Insurance Fund across the country came to Tehran from different provinces and gathered in front of the Iranian parliament (Islamic Consultative Assembly).

One of the protesting participants in the gathering, saying that he has been waiting for the “attention plan” for months to enter appear in the Iran parliament, stated: “Before the start of the (Iranian) new year, due to the priorities to review the budget bill, they put our case in secondary priorities.

• Twenty-Fourth Day Of General Strike In Bazaar Of Baneh, Iran

On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, merchants of the bazaar in Baneh, Iran continued their twenty-fourth day of the united and national strike in protest of closing the borders and raising customs tariffs by the Iranian government.

The strike continued at a time when there were various kinds of pressures and nightly arrests of young people, businessmen and merchants by security forces, as well as the interruption of the Internet. Police patrol circled around the city and people stayed in their homes.

• pranksters dressed as members of Islamic State entered a shopping centre in Tehran to promote his feature film

A group of actors, some of whom had appeared in Ebrahim Hatamikia’s recently released Damascus Time, brandished fake guns, wielded swords and rode a horse past onlookers in the Kourosh shopping centre and cinema complex.

The production company behind the film has received funding from the Revolutionary Guards. This ridiculous action which had caused fear among some women and children bystanders was met with harsh reactions of people in the scene who protested strongly against regime’s pranksters.
• 18-year-old mother, three high school girls commit suicide

In the evening of Sunday, May 6, 2018, an 18-year-old woman from Ardebil, northwestern Iran, poisoned her 2-year-old daughter and subsequently jumped off the fifth floor of a hotel in Mashhad, capital of Khorassan Province in northeastern Iran. (The state-run, May 7, 2018)

In another incident on Saturday night, May 6, 2018, three highschool girls in Naghadeh (northwestern Iran) took rice pills to end their own lives.
• Girl, 15, suffers GI bleeding after 75 days of interrogation

Ma’edeh Shabani Nejad, 15, is suffering from pain and bleeding of stomach after 75 days of interrogation in Sepidar Prison of Ahvaz, capital of Khuzistan Province, in southwestern Iran.

Born in 2002, Ma’edeh Shabani Nejad (Amouri) is a freshman and an exemplary student at Reyhaneh High School of Abadan.