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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranWednesday's Iran Mini Report - April. 11, 2018

Wednesday’s Iran Mini Report – April. 11, 2018


 • U.S.: Risks remain for those considering doing business with Iran regime

The U.S. on Tuesday welcomed reports that the European Union was considering new sanctions on Iran’s regime and said risks remained for those who were pondering doing business with Tehran.

“There continue to be ongoing risks with doing business there because the Iranians have not reformed their system,” Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Sigal Mandelker said.

Speaking in London, he added that Iran’s regime was using money to support Hezbollah, Hamas and Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. She said there was no transparency in the Iranian banking system.

• Dozens of MEPs condemn Iran regime’s misinformation campaign against the PMOI (MEK)

Dozens of Members of the European Parliament from various political groups from all over Europe in a joint statement on Monday strongly condemned the stepped up campaign by the Iranian regime against the democratic opposition, namely the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), specifically the members of the organization who are now resident in Albania. In a letter to Antonio Tajani, the President of the Parliament, the signatories, including a Vice President of the parliament, underscored that the statement pertains to a meeting organized by Ana Gomes, a pro-Iran Portuguese MEP, against the Iranian opposition at the European Parliament on April 10, EU Reporter wrote.

• Iran regime MPs call on Central Bank governor to resign as rial plummets

Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani and Central Bank Gov. Valiollah Seif have come under heavy fire over the sudden devaluation of the rial.

As the Iranian rial hit a record low, trading above 60,000 against the US dollar on April 9, criticism against President Hassan Rouhani and Central Bank Gov. Valiollah Seif has intensified.

The rial has dropped in value over the last few months and reached a nadir in the past two weeks, jumping from 50,000 against the dollar on March 26 to 60,000 on April 9.

• Saudi FM doubts that U.S. and Europe can agree on Iran deal

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Tuesday it was unclear whether talks between Europeans and the United States would be enough to fix the Iran nuclear deal’s shortcomings, and that Tehran’s “vision of darkness” had to be stopped, Reuters reported. “There are two visions in the Middle East, a vision of light where you want to reform your country … and then there is a vision of darkness to use sectarianism, export your revolution, support terrorism … and that’s the Iranian model,” he said.