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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsIran: The 20th Day of Strike by Workers of National Alloy Steel...

Iran: The 20th Day of Strike by Workers of National Alloy Steel Group


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Sunday Mar. 11, 2018. A Protest gathering was staged in front of the Khuzestan provincial governance building by the workers of the Ahvaz National Alloy Steel group for the twentieth consecutive day.

Furiously mocking the regime’s slogans and its looter officials who never respond to workers’ demands, workers were chanting:

They don’t pay our salaries, Death to USA

Our enemy is right here, they say it is in USA

Death to workers, Hail to oppressors

No nation has witnessed this amount of injustice

AHVAZ, Iran. Mar. 11, 2018. The 20th day of strike by workers of National Alloy Steel group

Iran: The 20th Day of Strike by Workers of National Alloy Steel Group

Protesting to non-payment of their salaries (in some cases up to one year,) the non-payment of wages and New Year fees, Uncertainty around the retirement status of almost 600 workers, non-transfer of insurance funds to the social security organization account. The workers of Ahvaz National Alloy Steel group declared that they will not stop their protest gatherings till their “just” demands are met.