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Iran Regime’s Fear of Nationwide Protests on the Verge of National Fire Festival


Iran Uprising – No. 107

The clerical regime, fearful of the explosion of anger of the people in the National Fire Festicval (Last Wednesday of each year in Persian calendar) and following the call of the social headquarter of the People’s Mojahedin inside Iran, under the title of “The National Fire Festival celebration; another uprising against the dictatorship of the mullahs,” tries in vain to reduce the scope and dimensions of popular uprisings on this day with all kinds of threats and arrests.

IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Rahimi, commander of Greater Tehran’s Police, warned on March 9 that those who would cause insecurity on Chahrshanbeh Souri (fire festival) would be arrested. He came back to the scene on March 7 and said: “Behaviors that are disruptive to the order … is the red line of the police and we deal with them severely. The frorces will be on alert from 2:00 pm of Tuesday, and those who throw firecrackers from the vehicles and cause disturbance will be arrested themselves and their cars will be seized. We have discovered 100 million pieces of firecracker materials.”

IRGC Brigadier General BakhshAlii Kamrani, Hamedan Provincial Police Chief, on March 8, threatened that “the police are decisive in dealing with the perpetrators and disrupters of the security and tranquility of the people,” saying that this year, the seizure of firecracker materials in the province rose 135 percent compared to last year.

On March 2, Colonel Taghi Afrand, a security police deputy of Tehran declared the sale and possession of explosive materials illegal and said that the warehouses that are engaged in the production and handling of the firecracker materials would be “sealed and their licenses will be permanently revoked.” Revolutionary Guard Mohsen Hamedani, Security Deputy of Tehran’s Governorate on February 27, said: “The law enforcement force is tasked to deal forcefully with fire festival, which is why a certain mechanism has been foreseen and these forces are being deployed all over the city.”

Officials of the mullahs regime on March 9 expressed their fear from fire festival in Friday prayers in various cities. “It’s not a joy to upset God, we must be aware that one can not be happy with dancing and sins,” said Tabatabai Nejad at the Friday show in Isfahan. Ghiaseddin Taha Mohammadi, called on the youth in Friday prayer of Hamedan to “refrain from throwing firecrackers and create explosion sound due to that” and Abdul Rahman Khodaei, the representative of Khamenei in Sanandaj, said: “The use of firecracker materials and the creation of noise is not in the Iranian people’s culture, especially in Kurdistan, and creating such an unpleasant move is far from the dignity of Iranian families.”

Despite these repressive measures and the ridiculous statements of the officials of the regime, there is no doubt that the brave young people and the free women will give an unforgettable lesson to this corrupt regime this year. The unwavering will of the people of Iran will permanently annihilate the regime of Velayat-e faqih from Iran’s history, which has no harmony with the people, the civilization and culture of Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 9, 2018