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Khamenei’s Belated Confession to Injustice and Inability to Reform, a Desperate Attempt to Escape Overthrow


 Iran Uprising- No. 82

On Sunday, February 18, in fear of the nationwide uprising and public anger and hatred, Khamenei, the faltering regime’s Supreme Leader, made a belated confession to injustice in the mullahs’ regime, and said: “We are completely aware of the people’s criticisms, and their complaints. We have been told; others have been told too and these words are conveyed to us…. When we say they could criticize, it doesn’t mean that they only criticize the government or the judiciary or the parliament; no, somebody may also criticize me too.” He added, “We are retarded in justice, there is no doubt about it; we acknowledge, and we admit this… Regarding justice, we should try hard, we should work, and we should apologize to the Almighty God and the dear people. We have problems in justice.”

Khamenei’s apology is merely reminiscent of the Shah’s message in November 1978, two months before he fled Iran, when he said: “I heard the message of your revolution.” Khamenei’s words are also out of delirium over the regime’s collapse. He is making this apology at a time when his crimes have not diminished whatsoever, and every day there is news about deaths under torture by the regime’s henchmen of those who were arrested in the uprising. Khamenei is the greatest thief in Iran’s history and the great killer of Iranian people. He and other leaders of the regime are responsible for plundering, mass executions, massacres and torture over the past four decades.

At the same time, Khamenei once again admitted that any reform and modification within this regime or its constitution is absolutely a mirage and would lead to the overthrow of the regime. “The administration of the country is respected, the constitution is respected, the constitution must be respected; this structure must be respected; (so must be) all the principles of the constitution … the revolution, that is, the revolutionary system, this Islamic system,” he said.

In the course of the January heroic uprising, the Iranian people gave their response to this delated remorse with the slogans of “death to the principle of Velayat-e-Faqih” and “Down with the mullahs’ rule”. With this foolish tactic, he will not be able to rescue his broken and totally corrupt system from overthrow. Iran’s youth are determined to root out the brutal and corrupt regime from Iran forever.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 19, 2018