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Europe Must Demonstrate Solidarity With 80 Million Iranian Citizens Demanding Change: Struan Stevenson


NCRI Staff

NCRI – “It is time the EU stopped its wretched, handwringing policy of appeasement to one of the most repressive regimes in the world. Instead, Europe must now demonstrate solidarity with the 80 million Iranian citizens who are struggling to overthrow the fascist clerical regime and replace it with a modern, democratic government, able to restore freedom, justice, women’s rights and human rights, while abolishing the death penalty, torture and the export of terror and conflict” Struan Stevenson, the president of the Brussels Based European Iraqi Freedom Association, said in a statement.

“The corrupt Ayatollahs are right to identify the PMOI and Mrs Rajavi as the main threat to their continued tyrannical rule.”

Text of press release by Struan Stevenson:


For Immediate Release 30th December 2017


It is interesting to note that the popular uprisings, which are spreading across Iran, are being blamed on The People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) and their charismatic leader Mrs Maryam Rajavi.

Ayatollah Ahmad Alam-Al Hoda, the Friday Prayer Leader in the city of Mashhad, where the mass protests began on Thursday 28th December, said: “Is it proper that the Monafeqin (the regime’s pejorative description of the Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK or PMOI), who are the mercenaries of America and Europe and whose leader is a … woman, to come and say that she thanks you? …. Now, the Imam of Age (the twelfth Shi’ite Imam), his representative {Khamenei] and all Hezbollahis are angry that a woman, who is the leader of the Monafeqin, would say I thank you!” The Ayatollah was, of course, referring to Mrs Rajavi and the fact that she had thanked and congratulated the people of Mashhad and cities throughout Iran for rising up against the corruption and oppression of the clerical regime.

The fascist mullahs are deeply concerned at the mass street protests. They have plundered the Iranian people’s resources to finance brutal conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon, while they live in supreme luxury themselves. Meanwhile the people are faced with spiraling costs and dire living conditions. Tens of thousands of ordinary Iranian civilians, including huge numbers of women and young people, have bravely taken to the streets, shouting ‘Death to Rouhani’, ‘Death to Khamenei’, ‘Down with the Dictator’, ‘Free Political Prisoners in Iran’ and other anti-government and political slogans.

The mullahs, fearful that their repressive rule is about to crumble, have mobilized huge numbers of police and security forces to put down the rebellion, but the people have courageously marched on, often calling to the police to arrest the ‘thieves’ who control Iran. It is clear that these protests, the most significant for ten years, are an indication that the beleaguered Iranian people are fed up with the turbaned tyrants who have allowed their country to become an international pariah, exporting terror worldwide and fomenting sectarian conflict throughout the Middle East.

It is time the EU stopped its wretched, handwringing policy of appeasement to one of the most repressive regimes in the world. Instead, Europe must now demonstrate solidarity with the 80 million Iranian citizens who are struggling to overthrow the fascist clerical regime and replace it with a modern, democratic government, able to restore freedom, justice, women’s rights and human rights, while abolishing the death penalty, torture and the export of terror and conflict.

The corrupt Ayatollahs are right to identify the PMOI and Mrs Rajavi as the main threat to their continued tyrannical rule. As the most formidable and best-equipped democratic opposition movement, the PMOI is poised to restore order and call democratic elections whenever the mullahs are driven from office. The massive street protests now spreading like wildfire across Iran show that the downfall of this evil regime is imminent.


Struan Stevenson is president of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA). He was a member of the European Parliament representing Scotland (1999-2014), president of the Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq (2009-14) and chairman of Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup (2004-14). He is an international lecturer on the Middle East.