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Iran News in Brief – May 31, 2021




Protests of Different Sectors on Monday

Many Iranians took to the streets as early as the Monday sunrise. In Tehran, defrauded creditors of the IRGC-controlled Caspian financial institution rallied in front of the Judiciary protesting the officials’ negligence of fraud and corruption. There have been separate reports of teachers in the capital who rallied in protest.

Isfahani farmers also rallied to protest for water. In Mahshahr, workers and their families gathered to call upon the officials and demanded a response on how to deal with the deteriorating economic situation. In the same province, Khuzestan, oil workers of the Persian Gulf holding rallied to protest against the allocating the Petrochemical Company to a private company that will lead to numerous lay-offs. Also, workers of the National Excavation company in the same province rallied demanding the removal of temporary contracts and called for job safety.

Also, the medical staff of the Karaj Khomeini hospital in Alborz province joined their countrymen and women to demand their salaries and wages.

Indications Are Projecting A Drouth In Iran

While many Iranians are struggling to weather their livelihoods through poverty, skyrocketing prices, and constant power shortages, now multiple official and unofficial sources are forecasting an unprecedented drought in Iran. Still in spring, villagers and farmers are struggling with the consequences of heatwaves and only time will tell how much the rest of the population will be affected and how it will reflect in the socio-political sphere of an already deranged society.


COVID-19 Takes the Lives of 302,000 in Iran

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Sunday, May 30, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 543 cities had exceeded 302,000. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 70,676, Khuzestan 18,849, Khorasan Razavi 18,365, East Azerbaijan 12,393, Lorestan 12,120, West Azerbaijan 11,343, Fars 10,037, Alborz 8,478, Golestan 7,325, Sistan and Baluchestan 6,936, Kerman 6,753, Hamedan 6,673, Central Province 6,278, Kurdistan 5,172, Isfahan 4,040, Hormozgan 3,705, and Bushehr 3,154.

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MEK Network Inside Iran Calls For Election Boycott

Resistance units inside Iran have increased their activities to call for boycotting the sham elections in June. As the regime uses numerous and multilayered tactics to force people to the ballots, these units brave to counter the regime’s intimidation campaign and encourage people to resist and withstand the oppression.

Iran: Protests by Teachers, Pensioners, Farmers, Hospital Workers

Protests by contract teachers in front of the Majlis (Parliament) in Tehran
Protests by contract teachers in front of the Majlis (Parliament) in Tehran

While Iranian state media repeatedly warn that declining economic conditions can have serious repercussions for the regime, protests over intolerable work and living conditions continue in different cities across the country. On May 30, the state-run Aftab-e Yazd daily quoted several regime analysts who expressed concern that the candidates in the regime’s upcoming sham presidential elections are “out of touch with the people” and wrote, “It’s as if giving promises that can’t be fulfilled has become a ceremonious art of the elections. Sometimes, it appears that the officials who live in this society have no understanding of the conditions surrounding them.”

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Official Death Toll Stats Might Disclose How Many Killed During 2019 Iran Protests

Behbahan - Iran protests in November 2019
Behbahan – Iran protests in November 2019


Iran’s National Organization for Civil Registration has recently released data showing the death toll for the fall of 2019. According to an Iranian researcher at Oxford University, the newly published statistics might disclose how many civilians the regime killed during the November 2019 nationwide protests. Iranian officials never announced the number of people who were shot by security forces, although an opposition group put the figure at more than 1,500.

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Iran Continues 60-Percent Uranium Enrichment

Iran regime says it has capacity to raise uranium enrichment beyond 20%

On Monday, May 24, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) head Ali Akbar Salehi acknowledged Tehran still breaches the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). “The accumulation of our uranium reserves with 20-percent fossil purity is more than 90kg,” he said. Three months ago, Tehran signed an accord with UN nuclear watchdog chief Rafael Grossi allowing inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to continue their activities. According to the accord, Iranian officials were supposed to prevent IAEA from further inspections and collect and wipe all cameras.

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Iran News in Brief, May 31, 2021

Iran news in brief, May 31, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 30, 2021 
