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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismOverthrowing Tehran's Regime Is Imperative to Resolve Middle East Crisis

Overthrowing Tehran’s Regime Is Imperative to Resolve Middle East Crisis


While displaying the remnants of some of the ballistic missiles and weapons that the mullahs regime provided to their mercenaries in Yemen, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said on Thursday, December 14, 2017 that the Iranian regime is illegally providing the Houthi militants in Yemen with dangerous weapons, and evidence shows this regime “sows conflict and extremism in direct violation of UN Security Council resolutions.” She added, “Aid from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to dangerous militias and terror groups is increasing. Its ballistic missiles and advanced weapons are turning up in warzones across the region. It’s hard to find a conflict or a terrorist group in the Middle East that does not have Iran’s fingerprints all over it.”

On the other hand, the UN secret investigative report says that a piece of missile launched from Yemen to Riyadh on November 4, 2017 is “stamped with the logo of Shahid Bagheri Industries, an Iranian manufacturer.”

Referring to the UN Secretary-General who has reported on the transfer of weapons and ballistic missiles to the region, and has indicated that Tehran’s regime has fanned the flames of conflict in the region, the U.S. Mission to the U.N., said that the regime is: “a threat to the peace and security of the entire world.”

Since early 1990s, the Iranian Resistance has consistently revealed the details of the missile program and the transfer of missiles to militants in the region, and has emphasized that the primary objective of the regime from the missile and nuclear program is to dominate Arab and Islamic countries. However, the appeasement policy and neglect of these facts encouraged the mullahs to engage in terrorism and aggression and violation of international laws.

On March 8th the Iranian Resistance revealed how the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has launched numerous front companies to transfer ammunitions to Yemen’s Houthis. On June 20th the NCRI US Representative Office exposed the location and details of 42 IRGC production centers and missile launch sites, the hierarchy of the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) consisting of eight groups, including the Hemmat Industry, Bagheri and Ya Mehdi groups, amongst others. Information on sub-groups, such as Bagheri Industries, were also revealed.

Iran’s actions in Yemen are in violation of at least UN Security Council Resolution 2216 covering Yemen and UNSC Resolution 2231 regarding the nuclear deal.

Iran’s aggressive and expansionist policies across the region also flagrantly violate further UNSC resolutions.

The final solution to this crisis that has enflamed the entire region lies in overthrowing the religious fascism ruling Iran, being the epicenter of extremism. This has been the permanent demand of the Iranian people to which the appeasement policy has constantly acted as the main obstacle.

Supporting the Iranian people’s demand for overthrowing this regime and recognizing the NCRI as the democratic alternative to the Iranian regime is necessary to end and compensate for this destructive dogma. Such a firm policy specifically hinges on the following practical measures:

– Evicting the IRGC and its proxy militias from Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan, and preventing the transfer of Iran’s weaponry and troops to these countries;

– Imposing comprehensive sanctions on Iran and the IRGC, especially preventing their access to the global banking system;

– Referring Iran’s human rights violations dossier, particularly the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, to The International Criminal Court, and placing the regime’s senior officials responsible for these crimes before justice;

– Imposing previous UNSC resolutions covering Iran’s nuclear weapons program, banning uranium enrichment, and launching unconditional inspections into the regime’s military and non-military sites.

National Council of Resistance of Iran – Foreign Affairs Commission
December 15, 2017