Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – May 21, 2021

File photo: Iranians protest downing of Flight 752, “death to lier” reads the sign.



Iran intentionally shot down Flight PS752 in ‘an act of terrorism,’ Ontario court rules


Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice has ruled that the shooting down of Flight PS752 by Iran was an intentional act of terrorism.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shot down the Ukraine International Airlines flight with two surface-to-air missiles shortly after takeoff in Tehran on Jan. 8, 2020, killing all 176 passengers onboard. There were 138 passengers onboard with ties to Canada, including 55 Canadian citizens and 30 permanent residents.

“The plaintiffs have established that the shooting down of Flight 752 by the defendants was an act of terrorism and constitutes ‘terrorist activity’…”Justice Edward Belobaba wrote in his decision issued Thursday.

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Maryam Rajavi: I welcome the ruling by the Superior Court of Ontario, Canada, that the IRGC’s downing of the Ukrainian Airlines flight #PS752 was a deliberate terrorist act.
Mindful of the never-ending grief of the victims’ families, as the first step towards justice, the ruling is cause for congratulations.
Like the Iranian people, the world is becoming a bit more familiar with the anti-human nature and conduct of the clerical regime and the IRGC. I urge Canada and the European Union to designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity immediately.

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 542 Cities Exceeds 294,000

Infographic-PMOI-MEK reports over 294,000 coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Iran-min
The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced this afternoon, May 20, 2021, that the Coronavirus fatalities in 542 cities had passed 294,000. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 68,516, Isfahan 19,520, Khuzestan 18,249, Khorasan Razavi 17,955, East Azerbaijan 12,033, West Azerbaijan 10,993, Gilan 9,976, Fars 9,647, Alborz 8,153, Sistan and Baluchistan 6,731, Central Province 6,123, Ardabil 3,710, Qazvin 3,404, Ilam 3,111, Bushehr 3,059, and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad 2,304.

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Continue Election Boycott Campaign in Several Cities


As the Iranian regime prepares for its sham presidential election, the network of the Iranian opposition continued its campaign across the country calling for the boycott of this masquerade that only serves to justify the tyrannical rule of the mullahs. The network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), known as the Resistance Units spread anti-regime slogans in Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad, Tabriz, Ahvaz, Karaj, Kermanshah, Saveh, Nishabur, Gachsaran, Esfarayen, Qom, Nikshahr, Astane Ashrafiyeh, Sabzevar, Anzali, Chalus, Zahedan, and Khorramabad. “Our vote is regime change and boycott of the mullahs’ sham elections,” read their slogans.

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Iran presidential election boycott MEK network activities against the regime in broad daylight

Iran’s Regime Is Playing With Fire


While the Iranian regime has pushed the people into poverty and misery by stealing public wealth and squandering national assets on nefarious projects, it continues to plunge its hands deeper into the people’s pockets every day under various pretexts to steal what little they have left.

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Iran: Workers Continue to Protest Over Unpaid Wages, Job Insecurity

Protests by Abfar workers in Khuzestan

As Iranian officials and media continue to warn about the possibility of another round of nationwide uprisings, labor protests continue across Iran. The Iranian people’s patience regarding the economic situation is running thin. Iranian people continue to demonstrate in many different cities despite the threat of coronavirus and the regime’s repressive forces.

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Leaked Judiciary Letters Reveal Planned Internet Censorship To Curb Election Protests


An internet freedom activist tweeted yesterday that confidential letters were leaked from Iran, revealing orders by the deputy head of Tehran’s Justice Department to filter Instagram, Google Play, and VPNs. The tweet was posted by Nariman Gharib, an internet freedom activist who works with an internet anti-filtering group.

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Iran News in Brief, May 12, 2021

Iran news in brief, May 12, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 20, 2021 
