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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran’s COVID-19 Crisis and Rouhani’s Deception

Iran’s COVID-19 Crisis and Rouhani’s Deception

Iran covid 19 crisis

Iran’s Covid-19 crisis continues taking more lives in Iran due to the regime’s inhumane policies. While other countries are taking significant steps in vaccinating their population, the mullahs’ president Hassan Rouhani and other officials continue their lying therapy and inaction.  

Rouhani is aware of the growing national demand for vaccination in Iran. Since the Covid-19 outbreak in Iran, the regime has refused to act and control the disease. The regime has refused to procure certified vaccines, and the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei explicitly banned Pfizer and Moderna vaccines on January 8.    

Regime officials are aware that the national demand for vaccination adds to society’s restiveness and could result in a major uprising. Therefore, Rouhani resorted to his deception and on Sunday said: “There is a famous saying that the first vaccine is the best. Whichever one gets first should be used.”    

The question is that if Rouhani believes in his words, why as Iran’s neighboring countries have started the vaccination process 3-4 months ago, the regime has not imported certified vaccines, and Rouhani has questioned vaccines’ effectiveness?   

Rouhani talks about vaccines as if Iranians are having different options of vaccines available in Iran.  

The reality is that people are losing their lives during the Covid-19 fourth wave, and there are no vaccines. The private sector, rather the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) front companies and state-linked mafias, are about to import Covid-19 vaccines, sell them in the free market. In other words, trade vaccine with Iranian people’s blood.  

“Why do you allow known private companies and mafias to import vaccines from abroad, when you know they will only [use this opportunity] for embezzlement?” wrote the state-run Arman daily on April 26.  


The situation has reached a point that even regime health officials speak of “vaccine gate.” Kianoush Jahanpour, the spokesperson of the regime’s Food and Drug Organization, admitted on May 2, “Four-dollar vaccines are sold at $50, and $10 vaccines are imported at $25-70.” Jahanpour described this as “Vaccine Gate” and said, “Many companies that import vaccines do not work in the field of vaccines at all.”  

“The Covid-19 vaccines are monopolized, and we now face a phenomenon called ‘vaccine smuggling'” wrote the state-run Aftab-e Yazd daily on May 5.  

Khamenei and Rouhani have tried using the Covid-19 outbreak to prevent people from uprising and plunder them more. Meanwhile, most Iranian families are affected by the Covid-19, and this disaster has forced state-run media to warn officials.  

The state-run Arman daily on May 5 warned, “The social trust gap has reached its highest level in 40 years,” and while referring to the major Iran protests in November 2019 underlines, “Secrecy in announcing the Covid-19’s arrival in Iran and the issue of vaccination officials’ corruption has deepened the social gap.”