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Maryam Rajavi Called on the Nation to Show Their Solidarity by Rushing to the Aid of the Afflicted Victims

• The damages caused by the catastrophic earthquake were augmented by the mullahs’ ominous religious dictatorship

• The only way out of this calamity is rising up to bring down the clerical regime

A ceremony was held on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, to commemorate the victims of the earthquake in Kermanshah Province and in solidarity with the afflicted people in the affected areas. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, extended her deepest condolences to the bereaved families, those wounded and injured, and all the victims of the disaster. She called on the nation to show their solidarity by rushing to the aid of the earthquake victims.

Maryam Rajavi said the damages and casualties in the earthquake in Kermanshah could have been significantly limited. The mullahs’ regime, however, has been programmed for plundering and suppressing the people, not for aiding them especially during the crises. In contrast to other countries at the time of emergencies and natural disasters, where they mobilize all their forces to rescue the victims, the first measure taken by the mullahs’ supreme leader was to send the commanders of the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Bassij and dispatch anti-riot units to the stricken areas.
Because they are convinced that if they did not fully mobilize their forces to keep the situation in check, the areas hit by the quake would turn into a hotbed of protests.

In the ceremony held in Tirana, Albania, Mrs. Rajavi said, “The human and material losses in Kermanshah are just a small part of the calamity created in Iran by an ominous earthquake called the mullahs’ religious dictatorship.” Stressing that the post-earthquake situation is ten times more disastrous than the earthquake itself, Mrs. Rajavi pointed out, “Even those rescued from under the rubbles, either die due to the absence of care, or are abandoned without receiving any relief. According to the regime’s officials, the Iranian Red Crescent runs 26 relief centers in 19 Asian, African and Latin American countries. The mullahs spend tens of billions of dollars every year for the mercenary Hezbollah of Lebanon, for the war in Syria, and for buttressing the Assad dictatorship. Khamenei pays for all the expenses of the ferocious Hashd-as Sha’abi militias in Iraq. At the same time, the whole country and the entire society are unsafe vis-à-vis environmental disasters and vulnerable to the plunder of fraudulent credit institutes.”

Mrs. Rajavi appreciated the efforts of her fellow compatriots and particularly the young men and women who braved the threats and intimidations of the regime’s security forces and rushed to the aid of the earthquake victims despite their own needs. She added, “The earthquake in Kermanshah exposed two very significant but contrasting realities; the extent of corruption and fraud within the crisis-riddled regime on the one hand and on the other, the Iranian people’s spirit of unity and solidarity in countering the regime.” She said the Iranian people’s extensive support for the victims clearly indicates their readiness and the growing spirit of resistance and struggle against the regime within Iranian society.

She further noted, “Our country must break the chains of poverty, repression and death. It must be free from destruction, instability and insecurity. And the only way to do this is the overthrow of the entire Velayat-e Faqih regime.” She called on the people of Iran to unite in solidarity to realize this nationalist and patriotic goal.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 22, 2017