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Iran News in Brief – April 29, 2021




Skirmish in Aleshtar, Lorestan Province

On Thursday, villagers in Aleshtar, Lorestan province clashed with security forces. Conflicts erupted as locals were bloody cracked down when they were protesting the cutting down of their walnut trees by government forces as part of a plan to seize their lands. Lorestan’s attorney general admitted that several security forces have been wounded during the clashes, and added that a dozen people have been arrested.

Protests on Thursday

Defrauded stock and car owners in Isfahan gathered in front of the office of the Ministry of Industry, Mining, and Trade to protest against the ministry’s mishandling of fraud and corruption.

In Qom, central Iran, bakers rallied and protested the policies and punishments of the Ministry of Industry, Mining, and Trade.


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 541 Cities Exceeds 269,300

infographic-pmoi-mek-reports-over-269300-coronavirus-covid-19-deaths-in-iran (1)

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Resistance Units Condemn Destruction of Graves of MEK Martyrs

Activities of the MEK’s network inside of Iran against regime’s preparation for destroying Tehran’s Khavaran Cemetery, the burial place of thousands of executed political prisoners in 1988.
Activities of the MEK’s network inside of Iran against regime’s preparation for destroying Tehran’s Khavaran Cemetery, the burial place of thousands of executed political prisoners in 1988.

The clerical regime’s preparation for the destruction of Tehran’s Khavaran Cemetery has caused public outrage in Iran. In recent days in various cities across Iran, slogans and posters were installed saying, “Khavaran is evidence of mullahs’ crime” and “The mullahs’ regime wants to destroy the evidence of the crime.”

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Bipartisan Group of U.S. Lawmakers Call for Focus on Tehran’s Human Rights Violations and Terrorism

A bipartisan group of members of the U.S. Congress co-sponsored a resolution calling for a firm policy toward the Iranian regime
A bipartisan group of members of the U.S. Congress co-sponsored a resolution calling for a firm policy toward the Iranian regime

A resolution co-sponsored by 225 members of the U.S. House of Representatives calls on the Biden Administration to support the Iranian people in their struggle to achieve a free and democratic state that lives in peace with the rest of the world.

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Iran State Media on Dire Conditions for Public


The Iranian state-run media acknowledged on Monday that Iranian workers are suffering from dire living conditions because of the regime’s policies, while also showing how scared the regime is (or at least should be) of people’s reactions. The Kar-o Kargar daily wrote: “Based on the statistical trends of declining incomes and the growth of poverty, some estimates suggest that more than one-third of the country’s population today is below the poverty line [and] almost the entire large population of workers lives below the absolute poverty line.”

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Why Iran Nuclear Deal Needs To Be Tougher

US-Iran talks in Vienna, April 2021
US-Iran talks in Vienna, April 2021

The European signatories of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal recently gave Iran a “roadmap” of the sanctions that the US will lift if the Iranian regime complies with the agreements they made under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). But why? Former vice-president of the European Parliament Alejo Vidal-Quadras noted in an op-ed on the subject that Iran’s recent decision to increase uranium enrichment to 60%, shortly after an explosion at the Natanz facility, indicates that Iran is committed to obtaining nuclear weapons because there is “no [other] practical reason for Iran to expend the money and effort”.

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Who Is Mohammad Reza Fallahzadeh?


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) issued a statement earlier this month to announce the death of its Quds Force deputy head, Brigadier General Mohammad Hosseinzadeh Hejazi from “heart disease” but there has been speculation online, including from the son of another dead IRGC commander, that this is not accurate.

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30 Women Wounded in the Crackdown on Sarab-E Kahman Village


The crackdown by the State Security Force on the people of Sarab-e Kahman village, in western Lorestan Province, left 30 women wounded. The SSF troops attempted to cut down the walnut trees in this village on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. ‌But they met staunch resistance from the residents of the village because the trees are their source of income and they have spent years growing them.

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Nine Baha’i Women Arrested During Violent Raids on Their Homes


The clerical regime’s security forces ransacked the residences of at least 19 families residing in Baharestan county in Isfahan, central Iran, on Sunday, April 25, and Tuesday, April 27, 2021. They arrested nine Baha’i women during violent raids on the Baha’i community in Baharestan which started at 6 a.m. and lasted until 1 p.m.

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Iranian Christian Convert Sentenced to 10 Months of Prison in Karaj, Iran


An Iranian Christian convert was sentenced to 10 months of prison by the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. According to the Mohabat News website, the Christian convert was identified as Hamed Ashouri. Hamed was previously detained and interrogated in Kara’s Ghezel Hesar prison in 2018. According to the report, while Hamed was in prison, his house was searched. He was temporarily released after 10 days.

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Iran news in brief, April 29, 2021

Iran news in brief, April 29, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 28, 2021 
