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HomeIran News NowLatest News in Brief-Live UpdatesIran News in Brief - April 28, 2021

Iran News in Brief – April 28, 2021




On Wednesday, Iran Witnessed Several Protests

and Local Clashing With Security Forces

On Wednesday, villagers of Serab Kehman in Lorestan province tried to prevent the police from cutting their walnut trees, damaging their living habitat. The police opened fire on the people and wounded more than a hundred, including 30 women. The footage contains graphic scenes and cannot be shown.

In Izeh County, Khuzestan province, workers of the water and wastewater facility demonstrated and called upon the authorities to pay their salaries.


On Wednesday, Rigan Khodro clients in Mashhad who purchased but didn’t receive their cars protested in front of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade’s office. The fraudulent dealership was working under the very ministry’s license for three years but there has been no supervision of the government whatsoever.


As the state’s attorney general was entering the main communications company in Shiraz, retired workers gathered in front of its office to demand 15 years of their pension.


Villagers of Kuhnab in East Azarbaijan blocked the main road to this region in order to prevent the mining company from destroying the environment. According to reports, the state has sent security forces to crack down on the locals.


Engineering staff and supervisors of the farming industry in Kerman gathered in front of the governor’s office and went on strike. They were protesting about the lack of job security and their rights.

Swindled stock owners who lost their fortunes due to systemic stock manipulation rallied in front of the Tehran Stock Exchange. Earlier they tried to protest in front of the Parliament but were dispersed by the security forces.


Iran: Staggering Coronavirus Death Toll in 541 Cities Surpasses 267,900

Infographic-PMOI-MEK reports over 267,900 coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Iran

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Iran’s People Are Determined To Claim Their Rights

Iran - demonstrators in Tehran resist security forces' attempts to disperse their protest rally
Iran – demonstrators in Tehran resist security forces’ attempts to disperse their protest rally

Iran is in turmoil. Fifteen months after Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei used the Covid-19 pandemic as a shield against social protests, calling it an “opportunity” and a “blessing,” this “opportunity” is gradually coming to an end and every passing day, the hatred of Iran’s 80-million population toward the regime becomes more evident.

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Iran’s Regime Is Covering Up Its Old Crimes by Committing More Crimes

n the summer of 1988, more than 30,000 political prisoners, members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) were executed based on a fatwa of Ruhollah Khomeini.
n the summer of 1988, more than 30,000 political prisoners, members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) were executed based on a fatwa of Ruhollah Khomeini.

In yet another crime, the Iranian regime is preparing to destroy the Khavaran burial site in Tehran. In 1988, the regime carried out a mass purge of prisons across the country, executing more than 30,000 political prisoners in the span of a few months and secretly burying them in mass graves. Khavaran was one of the several sites where the executed prisoners were buried.

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Iran Crisis Will Spur Protests


Iran is experiencing a number of economic, social, and environmental crises, which only increases the people’s hatred of the regime as the crises get worse and destroy the lives of the people. One of the biggest crises right now is unemployment and even the state-run media is reporting on it, which shows just how bad the problem is.

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Khamenei’s Iran elections impasse


Less than two months to Iran’s presidential elections and the regime has yet to officially announce its candidates for the mock vote that will bring Iran’s next president to power. But this isn’t the only thing that sets this year’s Iran elections apart. An unprecedented number of Iranians, on social media, and during street protests, have called for a boycott of the elections. Iran’s state-run media are even calling the upcoming June 18 Iran elections, “the strangest presidential elections”.

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Iran: 60% Uranium Enrichment

The Iranian regime has installed dozens of advanced centrifuges to accelerate uranium enrichment, the United Nations' atomic watchdog disclosed Monday, a revelation representing just the latest in a series of provocative breaches of the 2015 nuclear deal by the mullahs' regime.

Iran announced that it is now enriching uranium to 60% purity, a dramatic rise from the 20% they announced last year and the 3.67% permitted under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which they began openly violating following the US departure in 2018. As Iran is now just one small technical step away from weapons-grade nuclear material, it seems obvious that the JCPOA was flawed from the start and failed to stop the mullahs from continuing their nuclear program; something that should have been obvious from their very first violations.

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4th Iranian Teenage Girl Commits Suicide in April

Jineh Bourdian
Jineh Bourdian

A 17-year-old girl from Kuper village near Piranshahr, northwestern Iran committed suicide by hanging herself yesterday. According to the Human Rights News Agency, the 17-year-old was identified as Jineh Bourdian. An informed source said Jineh killed herself because of her family’s disagreement with her choice in marriage.

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Iran news in brief, April 28, 2021

Iran news in brief, April 28, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 27, 2021 
