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HomeIran News NowLatest News in Brief-Live UpdatesIran News in Brief - April 25, 2021

Iran News in Brief – April 25, 2021

International Community Must End Iran Regime’s Impunity Over 1988 Massacre
Khavaran cemetery in southern Tehran, mass graves of many political prisoners, executed in 1988 massacre



More Nationwide Unrest On Sunday

As the Iranian regime fails to live up to social demand or even show the slightest intent to make life easier for the people, Iranians took to the streets on Sunday to cry for their rights. Based on reports from the PMOI network inside the country, nurses and pensioners in Tehran, pensioners in Arak, Ardabil, Brujerd, Ghazvin, Karaj and Kermanshah, as well as shop owners and municipal workers in Bushehr, shop owners in Parsian and workers in Sirjan were reported to be rallying and chanting against the system.



Iran: International Call to Prevent Destruction Of Graves Of Martyrs Of 1988-massacre In Khavaran

And Elimination Of Evidence Of Crime Against Humanity

In an inhuman crime, the religious fascism ruling Iran, intends to destroy the mass graves of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, in Khavaran cemetery in a bid to cover up evidence of this huge crime against humanity. To this end, the clerical regime has resorted to a double crime against the Baha’i compatriots in order to force them to bury their dead in Khavaran, an issue that the Baha’i community has protested to as well.

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Iran: Staggering Coronavirus Fatalities in 541 Cities Exceed 264,000

Infographic-PMOI-MEK reports over 264,000 coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Iran

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Back Nationwide Movement to Boycott Sham Presidential Elections

Activities of the Iranian Opposition network inside Iran calling for the boycott of the sham presidential elections in June – April 2021
Activities of the Iranian Opposition network inside Iran calling for the boycott of the sham presidential elections in June – April 2021

The Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, advanced its campaign to boycott the upcoming sham presidential elections in June. The Resistance Units spread anti-regime slogans across the country calling for the boycott of the regime’s upcoming presidential election. Their slogans read “Our vote is regime change and boycott of the sham elections,” “Boycotting the election sham is a patriotic duty,” “No to the mullahs’ rule, no to religious tyranny, yes to a democratic republic.”

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Iranians Continue Protests; At Least 19 Rallies and Strikes From April 19 to 22


From April 19 and 22, citizens in Iran staged at least 19 rallies and protests in various cities, venting their anger over the government’s plundering and profiteering policies. On April 21, defrauded investors of Tehran’s Stock Market took to the streets in four cities, chanting anti-establishment slogans.

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Fifty Million People in Iran Have Lost Their Capital

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During the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) public session on Tuesday, April 20, MP Alireza Beigi addressed the Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Farhad Dejpasand, saying, “The people do no longer trust you… there is no clearer reason for this distrust than the fact that 50 million Iranians have lost their capital on the Bourse, for which you are responsible.”

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Iran’s Government Blames People’s Misery on Everyone but Itself

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The Iranian government has burned the country’s soil, and while it is nearing its end its officials are becoming more hideous. One of these persons is president Hassan Rouhani, who like the regime’s supreme leader cannot stop lying and has a special interest and specialty in it. Government officials blame all the country’s problems on the ‘global arrogance’, i.e. the US government, with the UK following it. But they fail to confess their own responsibility for all these disasters.

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Baluch Fuel Carriers Held in Buffer Zone Without Food and Water in SE Iran


It has been nearly two weeks that numerous Baluch fuel carriers, held without food and water in the southeastern buffer zone in Saravan, have been barred from returning to their country. According to a report by the state-run Hamshahri website, the Saravan Head of Friday Prayers, Abdolsamad Sadaati, has stated that the condition of Baluch fuel carriers was turning into a humanitarian crisis.

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IRGC Kill Kurd Man in His Home in Northwestern Iran

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The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) killed an Iranian Kurd man on April 14 in his home in a village in Maku, northwestern Iran, a Kurdish human rights group said today. Hengaw Organization identified the man as 40-year-old Ahmad Arsan, who was a taxi driver.

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Two Iranians Sentenced to Death for “Insulting Prophet“


Two Iranians have been sentenced to death by a Criminal Court in central Iran for “insulting the Prophet Muhammad”. The two men were arrested and transferred to the prison in Arak, the capital of Markazi Province, in May 2020. Both were informed about their death sentences on April 22.

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New Graves Dug Over the Mass Burial Place of Those Massacred in Iran


Images recently posted on social media show several new graves being dug over the mass graves in Khavaran Cemetery where the authorities had buried political prisoners executed in the 1988 massacre. At least two people have been buried in these graves in recent days in this area.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 24, 2021 
