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Iran News in Brief – March 27, 2021




Nowruz of solidarity with the Iranian people and Resistance


Online conference featuring France’s elected representatives as well as social and political dignitaries – Auvers-Sur-Oise

Maryam Rajavi: “I am delighted to be amongst you, loyal friends of the Iranian Resistance, at the beginning of the Persian New Year 1400. I wish we did not have to deal with a pandemic and, as always, I could be with you in person, here, in Auvers.”

“I would like to initially pay homage to the dear friends we lost last year. Our beloved Senator Jean-Pierre Michel, also dear friends and neighbors like our dear Marie-Lorette Guilloux, Manuel Rizquez, and Claude and Jean-Claude Dupuis.”

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Townhall: For the West, the Choice Is not Between Iranian Nukes and Sanctions Relief


By Ali Safavi – Last week, a former CIA director came forward with the idea of a lesser-discussed option. James Woolsey wrote in the National Review that the Iranian regime might already possess the nuclear bomb. Whether or not that assessment is accurate, the piece triggered various conflicting arguments inside the Beltway, but no one disputed that the threat should be addressed sooner rather than later.

In February, the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Minister, Mahmoud Alavi, appeared on live state-run television to issue a dire warning to the West. He boasted that the regime would build nuclear weapons if the U.S. and its allies did not lift the sanctions.

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Iran: long lines of people waiting for poultry


Weeks have passed since relative officials made promises, yet long lines of people waiting for poultry stil exist in different parts of Eastern Azarbaijan and Tabriz.

Poultry farmers in Khuzestan, southern Iran, hold protest


On Saturday, a group of poultry farmers in Khuzestan held a protest rally in front of the door of the regime’s Agro-Cultural Jihad in Khuzestan province.


A brief update on the conditions of Maryam Akbari Monfared


A brief update on the conditions of Maryam Akbari Monfared after being exiled from Evin Prison to the Prison of Semnan on March 9, 2021.

Political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared is presently detained in the general ward of the Prison of Semnan.

After a day of interrogations, she was sent among ordinary prisoners in the general ward of the Prison of Semnan, where she does not have access to her personal belongings. Her detention in the general ward is in violation of the principle of separation of crimes.

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Unclear Fate of Iran’s Temporary Workers


March 20 marked the end of the year 1399 in the Persian calendar. It was a breath-taking moment for many employees and laborers in Iran, especially whose working in the private sector.

The pivotal point of the news about the employees was the collective dismissal of reporters affiliated with the government who in the last two years were working in the online sections of these news agencies.

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Nowruz of solidarity with the Iranian people and Resistance Online Conference featuring the French elected representatives and political dignitaries – Auvers-sur-Oise

Iran: Coronavirus Disaster Takes the Lives of 238,000 in 526 Cities

iran-coronavirus-death toll-26032021-1

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on March 26, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 526 cities across Iran had exceeded 238,000. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 55,241, Isfahan 15,460, Khuzestan 13,739, West Azerbaijan 8,948, Gilan 8,351, Fars 6,997, Golestan 6,150, Kerman 5,259, Central Province 4,908, Kermanshah 4,769, Yazd 4,302, Kurdistan 4,112, North Khorasan 3,603, Ardabil 2,957, Zanjan 2,580, and South Khorasan 2,316.

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Facebook disables permanently Iranian regime’s Press TV page


Facebook has permanently shut down the page for Press TV. Press TV is the Iranian state broadcaster’s English-language outlet which spreads daily propaganda for the mullahs’ regime around the world.

Tour group managers detained for “improper appearance and dancing”

Lake Shahyun Dezful
Lake Shahyun Dezful

The Head of Dezful’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Department in southwestern Iran said the managers of a tour group were arrested for “mixing genders, improper appearance and dancing”.

“The tour group had come to Lake Shahyun from another province without permission or coordination with tourism officials and law enforcement. They were arrested upon orders of the Provincial Security Council,” Mehdi Chenari, the Head of the Dezful Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts said yesterday according to the state-run IRNA News Agency.

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Iran’s Crises According to the Former Minister of Roads and Urban Development


Abbas Akhoundi, Iran’s former Minister of Roads and Urban Development, in an interview with the state-run news site Khabar Online on March 25 said about the regime’s upcoming presidential election: “Believe me, problems like inflation will not be solved with guns and arrests.”

He introduced the regime’s radical faction as militias and about the people’s participation in the election said, “When 48 percent is the turnout for the parliamentary elections and less than 16 percent for the Tehran elections, doesn’t that show that the society has collapsed?”

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UN extends mission of Iran human rights rapporteur, Tehran furious

Javaid Rehman, the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran, released a report on the human rights situation in Iran
Javaid Rehman, the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran, released a report on the human rights situation in Iran

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on March 23 extending the mission of Javaid Rehman, the special rapporteur for human rights in Iran, for another year. Rehman was appointed in July of 2018, following the death of former UN special rapporteur Asma Jahangir. In the same session, a resolution was adopted on human rights in Iran with 21 votes in favor, 14 abstentions, and 12 votes against. The resolution urges the regime to cooperate with the UN Special Rapporteur and allow him to visit the country and have access to information to fulfill his mandate.

On Wednesday, March 24, Iranian regime Foreign Ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said the adopted resolution lacks “legitimacy and international consensus.”

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Iran’s regime gets ready for clampdown on social media


Gholamreza Jalali, the commander of the Iranian regime’s Civil Defense Organization, warned on Thursday, “Cyberspace, like other technologies, has both opportunities and threats. Failure to control the cyberspace is a great injustice and will hand it over it to the enemy to carry out various information operations in the conditions of economic war.” (Source: ISNA news agency)

Jalali’s comments tie in with those made by other regime officials who are increasingly worried about the role of social media in organizing protests and anti-regime activities.

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Can Iran’s presidential elections save Khamenei and his regime?


On the first day of Persian New Year of 1400 (March 21st), the Supreme Leader of the Iranian regime, Ali Khamenei, devoted the most important part of his Nowruz speech to Iran’s presidential elections scheduled to be held in June. During the last 32 years that Khamenei has ruled Iran as the supreme leader, eight presidential elections have been held.

In 2009, President Ahmadinejad was re-elected due to widespread fraud on Khamenei’s orders which led to major protests across Iran. The regime responded with lethal force, killing protesters.

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Iran news in brief, March 27, 2021

Iran news in brief, March 27, 2021


Read moreIran News in Brief – March 26, 2021